Sunday, 31 January 2021 15:28

Fans Believe Rockstar Added Grand Theft Auto 6 Release Clue In Latest Online Update

Written by Richard Warren
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Grand Theft Auto fans continue to theorize about the release date of GTA 6, with many pointing to a new GTA Online update as a potential teaser.

While Grand Theft Auto 6 has not even been officially announced, the game being known to be in development has set fans into a frenzy over the past few months. Now, Grand Theft Auto 6 fans believe the game’s potential release date is being teased within GTA Online.

When a GTA 6 reveal does happen, Rockstar will likely want the game to be seen on the biggest stage possible. After all, with the previous game in the series still selling extremely well and GTA Online continuing to thrive, the success of a sequel is inevitable. With so many interested, it makes sense to debut footage of the game to as many people possible through a major event of some kind.

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This logic has combined with past theories to get people thinking about a reveal of GTA 6 at the Super Bowl this Sunday, and even if the reveal trailer shows up during the big game between the Kansas City Chiefs and Tampa Bay Buccaneers, there is nothing stopping Rockstar from teasing fans beforehand. A group of players believe this is exactly what is happening in GTA Online as well, as a new vehicle added in the January 28 update has sparked some in-depth discussions.

The vehicle itself is the VETIR truck, and while its unique caravan-like design should be fun for players with large friend groups, it is the teaser image posted by Rockstar that has fans talking. Posted on the Rockstar Games Newswire thread that is seen on the developer’s official website, an advertisement meant to appeal to rich GTA Online players shows off the VETIR. While it would normally be standard fare, hopeful Grand Theft Auto 6 fans have took interest in the text used for the promo image.

While many players will be making the VETIR fly using GTA Online’s new bridge glitch, some are too busy theorizing to be intrigued in the new vehicle addition. According to fans online, the “VE” in VETIR’s text shows the Roman Numeral for 6 — and if players want to use the second half of the letter E as a divider, this is the case. If the same logic is used with the the “TIR,” and the second half of the letters T and R are ignored, players get 7/11, with players theorizing that this could be a date for Grand Theft Auto 6’s reveal or release.

However, this could simply be a case of pareidolia where people see what they want to see, or even Rockstar having fun trolling some of its most dedicated fans. As such, this teaser should be taken with a massive grain of salt, even if a supposed date for potential Grand Theft Auto 6 news is exciting to think about.

Grand Theft Auto 6 is currently in development.

MORE: GTA 6: 10 Characters We Want To See Return (Who Could Actually Show up)

Source: Rockstar Newswire

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