Most Monster Hunter fans would likely agree that the series’ iconic hunt companion feature is an important aspect of the action-adventure franchise. With the release date of Monster Hunter Rise drawing nearer than ever, Capcom has recently shared a short clip to demonstrate how the highly-anticipated Buddy Scout system will work within the game’s setting of Kamura Village.
In Monster Hunter Rise, players will be able to hire both Palicos and Palamutes within a singular recruitment system. Given that both types of hunting buddies have different functions and advantages in battle, hunters are likely very curious about how the hiring process will work, what options are available, and which abilities their companions will come with at the get-go.
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In a short clip posted by the official Monster Hunter Twitter account, Capcom demonstrated how hunters can hire Palamutes or Palicoes through buddy handler Iori, one of the recently introduced NPCs. In the game’s Buddy Plaza, hunters can talk to Iori to go into the Buddy Scout menu in order to recruit whichever type of companion they prefer.
At around the 11-second mark, the clip showcases the different options players will have when they want to recruit the game’s Palamutes. These options mostly center around the Palamute’s aesthetic design such as fur coat color and pattern, eye color and shape, and even tone of voice. The options also allow players to choose the buddy’s basic clothing set. However, given hunters can craft better Palamute armor later on in the game, this option seems insignificant compared to the others.
Though not shown in the video, it can be speculated that recruiting Palicoes will also give players the same amount of aesthetic options. According to the clip, it seems Palicoes that can be hired will already have a range of offensive and defensive abilities, while Palamutes will already come equipped with up to two types of offensive accessories. Whether or not players can level up these abilities or accessories will have to be confirmed when Monster Hunter Rise fully launches this year.
As the release date closes in, Capcom has continued to create fan anticipation by teasing players with snippets of information about the game’s new features. This includes showing off the new Training Area, which was inspired from Monster Hunter World, and even sharing quality-of-life improvements such as removing the need for Hot Drinks. Nevertheless, hunters do not have to wait too long until they can fully explore everything new that Monster Hunter Rise has to offer.
Monster Hunter Rise is slated for release on March 26, 2021 for the Nintendo Switch.