While the amount of Zelda fan art on the internet is truly incalculable, Reddit user CactusComics has the unique distinction of recreating Hyrule's most famous warrior completely out of cardboard. They shared images of their creation in a post on a few different places on Reddit on January 28, including two different Zelda SubReddits.
The new corrugated cardboard version of Link looks to be largely based on the young adventurer's look in the charming Switch upgrade of Link's Awakening, the fan-favorite Zelda installment that came out in 2019, despite the fact that he's carrying the Master Sword, which is not present in that game. CactusComics has previously created many beautifully detailed versions of different video game characters, but this seems to be the first time they've directed their talents towards building a model of any Hylian heroes, and they've truly outdone themselves.
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The statue of Link appears to be made from pieces of cardboard sourced from at least three separate boxes, or other origins, in order to give each part of the character intentionally colorful shades, and shows off some stunningly complex construction. The famous Hylian shield, for instance, contains dozens of tiny, expertly cut pieces placed perfectly on both the shield's base layer and outer edge.

While fans of the franchise have created everything from replicas of the main mask from 2000's Majora's Mask to a Legend of Zelda Christmas album, never before has a fan combined such a unique medium with an equally unique, not to mention incredible, level of skill. Looking at CactusComics' post history on Reddit, it's easy to see several more creative cardboard renditions of famous characters and objects that they've brought into the world over the years.
The Redditor's previous models include amazing recreations of the Millennium Falcon and Luke's lightsaber from Star Wars, as well as the titular character from the 2012 game Fez and a mock Gameboy, complete with speaker grill and power switch. Unfortunately, unlike the cardboard style Switch Nintendo once gave away, CactusComics' Gameboy is purely a visual recreation and doesn't actually function as a console.
Still, the craftsmanship put into these cardboard creations shows incredible dedication as well as impressive attention to detail. The Link model in particular, with a belt made from several different pieces, detailed wavy hair, and a full tunic and cap, is nothing short of stunning. This is one version of Link, however, that should stay far away from any water temples.
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Source: CactusComics/reddit