Thursday, 04 February 2021 07:48

10 Best Dark Souls 3 Cosplay Builds | Game Rant

Written by Aden Carter
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Dark Souls 3's character creation allows players to customize how they look, leading to some impeccable cosplay builds from other franchises.

Dark Souls 3 has an amazing character creator that players have been using for ages to customize how their character looks. Sometimes these custom characters lead to players having runs where they mimic the look of their favorite characters from other games, movies, or comic books.

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This is a great way to show off your love for other characters and your character creation skills. Today, we will show some of our favorite cosplays that Dark Souls fans have created that go the extra mile.

Updated on February 4th, 2021, by Reyadh Rahaman: The sheer amount of customization available in Dark Souls 3's character creator is insane for a game where players spend most of their time in armor. This lets gamers go wild and allows their imagination to fuel great physical aesthetics that they can pair with particular armor sets and weapons for fascinating results, so there was no shortage to choose from when it came to adding a few bits to this particular lineup.

10 Link

YouTuber Valyria has created an amazing video detailing how to make Link from The Legend of Zelda. What better character is there than Link to take on the fight in Dark Souls 3? As detailed in the video, Valyria uses Leonhard's Boots, the Assassin's Armour, and the Herald's Gloves to get the outfit just right for playing as the famed Nintendo hero. He also uses the typical tools that Link would rely on in this universe, such as bombs, the shortbow, and Anri's Straight Sword. They round it off by using the Eagle Kite Shield in place of the Hyrulian Shield that players have become accustomed to. Overall, this cosplay character is amazingly well made.

Players looking to show off their Link build should try slaying a few kinds of enemies that would not be out of place in a Legend of Zelda title. One such foe is the poisonhorn bug. Many of these pesky, poison-spitting adversaries can be found in groups upon the Road of Sacrifices and make excellent stand-ins for LoZ's octoroks.

9 Ciri

YouTuber Akechi Mitsuhide created Ciri from Witcher 3: Wild Hunt in a short video that shows all the sliders necessary to get the same look. A lot of detail goes into creating her face, but she is great to play as and makes sense in the Dark Souls world considering what a tough person she is. Unfortunately, there were no videos showing a full look of the character with clothing and weapons, but one can assume they will be using a sword as Ciri does in the game.

Ciri's sword in The Witcher 3, Zirieael, is a rather large straight sword, therefore this would be the most suitable kind of weapon to use for cosplay aesthetics. A couple of blades that appear similar to Zirieael are the Lothric Knight Sword and the Irithyll Straight Sword. As for armor sets, Ciri doesn't wear any, so there is a lot of flexibility here. However, light armor sets would make the most sense. Some decent choices for this would be the Black Leather Armor or the Shadow Garb chest piece.

8 Guts

Dragon Warrior has created one of the best Guts builds so far with the Greatsword and most of the Undead Legion armor set. Guts builds have been a staple of the Dark Souls series since the first installment due to Berserk being an inspiration for the games. Dragon Warrior certainly shows off the build well with various clips of his taking down enemies left and right with his outrageously large sword in hand. It is almost like watching the anime itself.

As Guts is renowned for decimating entire hordes of enemies by himself, it would understandably feel very good to do so with a build inspired by the black swordsman. A prime place to go wild while cosplaying as Guts would be in the Deacons of the Deep boss fight. Cleaving the minor deacons, and obliterating Archdeacon Royce when he shows his ugly, hollowed face, will make one feel like they are indeed the vengeful, enraged Guts of legend.

7 Leonardo (TMNT)

Fighter.PL has been creating Dark Souls content for a while on YouTube and has created some interesting builds as well. One of the best that he has done is Leonardo from the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. While he doesn't show off the creation process, he has a great video showcasing some of his PVP matches with the character. He used the tattoo feature to create the facemask and uses a shield on his back to mimic the turtle's shell. He also uses the katanas Onikiri and Ubadachi to go along with the ninja aspect of the character and the weapons he uses.

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This concept lends itself to quite a funny way to troll others online. Imagine putting together this build and having three friends do the same to form the TMNT quartet with Leonardo, Raphael, Donatello, and Michaelangelo all present as a ninjutsu gank squad. Raphael's build could use the Brigand Twindaggers in place of his twin sai and Donatello's build could use any spear to represent his bo-staff. However, since there are no proper nunchucks in Dark Souls 3, players will have to stretch things a bit and give a Michaelangelo build some claws.

6 Tifa Lockhart

Tifa Lockhart is a staple character in Final Fantasy 7 who uses her fists to beat the pulp out of anyone who is foolish enough to cross her. YouTuber Komreed has mimicked her character well by using the Caestus to punch her way through her enemies. Tifa has a limit break as well which Komreed mimicks also by using the pyromancy Sacred Flame to shove their fist into the heart of players in PVP and causing a massive explosion. To top it off, Komreed gets the outfit down perfectly as well by using armor on the legs and arms while leaving the chest armor off and going with the basic undergarments.

Players looking to take their in-game Tifa cosplay to the next level should consider some of her other obtainable weapons in FF7. This can lead to a more effective build that can give one an easier time in PVE or PVP if they wish to use this build more than to showcase their character creation skills. In Final Fantasy 7, and its remake, Tifa can get more powerful knuckles in the form of heavier gauntlets and claws. The Demon's Fist as well as any claw weapon in Dark Souls 3 can be great choices.

5 Krillin

Adam Barker has created a build for the well-known Dragon Ball Z character Krillin. More importantly, someone has finally found a use for the Way of White Corona miracle. This is another build that uses the Caestus since Krillin is a martial arts fighter. He also uses the Force miracle to help with launching enemies away from him during PVP. He has also used the Master's Attire to get more of that Dragon Ball Z look. This character is definitely one of the better ones.

Sadly, there is no armor option that looks like the Turtle School Gi that Krillin usually wears in the anime or even a height slider so that players can match this character's true stature. The Way of White Corona is an ideal representation of Krillin's signature move, the Destructo Disc, though there are other spells that can add to this cosplay. For example, the Soul Stream sorcery is an excellent way to imitate a Kamehameha energy wave.

4 Jango And Boba Fett

Skidonic has a video that showcases two characters from the Star Wars series, Jango and Boba Fett. They use the Faraam Helmet in place of the Mandalorian helmets that the characters typically wear and use Avelyn crossbow instead of the iconic blasters. The showcase is not very long and shows a few glimpses of PVP gameplay, but it does bring a laugh with the kazoo version of the Star Wars theme song.

To get some blaster-like vibes going, one could equip a small, hard-to-see sorcery catalyst in the offhand while still holding the crossbow in the main hand and attune the Farron Dart spell. The sound effect of the magical darts being loosed is not too dissimilar to the sounds of a blaster going off, which adds an acoustic layer to this cosplay in addition to a visual element.

3 Darth Vader

Here's another Star Wars-themed cosplay, but this time it is the infamous Darth Vader. YouTuber Fibb The Hunter made their character's face look like the Sith Lord's helmet and used the Steel Soldier Helm to complete the look. They use the Ringed Knight Straight Sword to give the effect of the red lightsaber by using its weapon art to catch it on fire. This is probably one of the best cosplays that someone has done in the game. They also showcase it with some PVP action that shows how viable the build is.

RELATED: Dark Souls 3: The 10 Best PVP Builds

In terms of armor, the best set for this stellar dark lord cosplay would be the Black Hand Armor, which can be bought from the Shrine Handmaid after one defeats Black Hand Kamui at the Grand Archives. It would also be a massive missed opportunity not to utilize the Force and Emit Force miracles while in the guise of Darth Vader.

2 Ezio Auditore

Valyria did more than just make a Link cosplay, they went the extra mile and created an elaborate Ezio cosplay as well. They used Leonhart's Garb and boots along with the Lothric Knight Sword and Handmaid's Dagger to create the perfect Ezio look. They also top it all off with the Hood of Payer, Knight's Crossbow, and Assassin's Gloves. They show off the cosplay extremely well with a stylized video that shows off everything from how the build functions as well as how to create the look.

Since playable characters in the Assassin's Creed games usually have a wealth of secondary weapons to choose from, utilizing bombs, throwing knives, and other consumables would be a great way to enhance the Ezio aesthetic. Furthermore, there is no better build to use to deliver plunging attacks on enemies. Lurking upon ledges to deal death from above onto unsuspecting adversaries would simply feel all too right when dressed up as the famous assassin.

1 Pokémon Trainer

Calliio created a build that they use with their friends to portray a Pokémon trainer summoning their friends into battle. Each one of their friends has changed their characters' skin colors to represent the different Pokémon and Calliio uses firebombs in place of Pokéballs to summon them into the fight. This type of collaboration is great when it happens in Dark Souls and is certainly a treat for viewers. They use the Scholar's Set probably because it looks the most like clothing from the games and anime.

Each ally Pokémon could enhance their cosplay for a gank squad embodying the elements. Lighting damage-based miracles to imitate Electric-type moves on a Pikachu build and sorceries like Soul Stream to emulate Hydro Pump in a cosplay Squirtle build are but a couple of options that can bring this Pokémon trainer build to the next level.

NEXT: Dark Souls Remastered: 5 Reasons It's The Best In The Trilogy (& 5 Why It's Dark Souls 3)

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