Thursday, 04 February 2021 15:00

Star Wars Battlefront 2: 10 Best Heroes and Villains, Ranked

Written by Kayleigh Partleton
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Star Wars Battlefront 2 has a great roster of heroes and villains to choose from. Here's how the best of them rank.

The galaxy is at stake, and in Star Wars Battlefront 2, both the dark and light sides of the force will fight for it. The former wants complete control, while the latter seeks freedom. Over the years, many have risen to fight for the cause they believe in.

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Both sides have a number of heroes, or villains, just waiting to take to battle. Some may fight from a distance with guns, others, be they Jedi or Sith, wield lightsabers and utilize the force. However, of all those that join the fight, who exactly is the best? Who has the power to lead the dark side to victory, and who has the resilience to fight them off?

10 Kylo Ren

Just cracking into the top 10 best heroes and villains is Disney's biggest princess, Kylo Ren. There is no denying that the grandson of Darth Vader is a powerful individual. Especially when taking into account his ability to freeze his enemy in place, a great way to dish out crowd control.

Furthermore, Kylo Ren possesses two other powerful abilities: pull, which will bring his enemy towards him. Secondly, the Sith can enter a state of frenzy, during which he will jump from opponent to opponent, cutting them down. He also takes reduced damage whilst in his frenzied state. Finally, for each enemy slain, Kylo regains a bit of health. This is not a villain anyone wants to face on the battlefield.

9 Count Dooku

The count is a fantastic choice for highly aggressive players. Dooku has a specific ability that allows him, and his allies, to dish out incredible damage. Moreover, if he eliminates the affected enemy, his expose weakness ability will instantly recharge.

Moreover, Count Dooku also has a duelist ability. Not only is he able to use powerful attacks, but the speed at which he uses the lightsaber is increased. As such, Dooku is quite the threat when encountered in battle. To top it off, the Sith lord has a lightning stun ability that throws all those affected to the floor.

Given his offensive maneuvers, and passive ability to regain health per enemy slain, Dooku is a formidable foe.

8 Captain Phasma

Phasma can be a devastating villain on the battlefield. The Stormtrooper captain not only has a powerful gun, but she also has a staff to handle enemies up close. Through a combination of long and short-range offense, she can be a driving force in completing objectives.

She can also place a turret on the battlefield, which she can detonate at the click of a button should the enemy get too close. Phasma is a well-rounded villain that is sure to cause problems for even the most seasoned of heroes.

Captain Phasma is a fierce opponent that will not give up. Her final ability allows her to increase her health pool temporarily.

7 Lando Calrissian

Lando and his smoke grenades can prove handy when faced with such fearsome opponents. However, it can be quite terrifying to see a red lightsaber in the fog suddenly. That is why the general should keep his distance and pick people off from a distance with his thermal scope.

Furthermore, Lando can also throw a disabler, which not only shows where nearby enemies are, but it also disables their trackers. On his more offensive front, the general has a sharpshooter ability, where he lines up five enemies before unleashing a devastating attack on each one.

6  Rey

This young Jedi should be considered a serious threat on the battlefield. Rey has quite a large health pool, while also having a high damage output courtesy of her lightsaber. She is the ideal hero for someone that wants to go on the attack.

As for her abilities, Rey can use a mind trick that confuses all nearby enemies, making them vulnerable to the young Jedi. As if that wasn't bad enough, she can also remove herself from enemy radars whilst also learning the exact location of all those around her. Finally, she puts that lightsaber to good use with her dash strike ability, as Rey tears down all who gets in her way.

5 Darth Maul

Darth Maul was bound to appear on this list. However, there was the question of just how high he would rank. The middle of the pack is a good spot for this villain.

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Unsurprisingly, Darth Maul can dish out damage like there is no tomorrow. A double-bladed lightsaber also means he is well equipped to deal with the crowds. What's more is that the Sith can throw his weapon, tearing through the opposition at a distance. However, Maul can use a spin attack at high velocity, tearing down all enemies in his path.

4 Yoda

In Star Wars Battlefront 2, Yoda is one of the best heroes that the light side offers. The Jedi master can hand out some serious pain with his lightsaber, as can all saber wielders. However, Master Yoda has healing capabilities to go with his offense. The ability aids other squad members too.

Yoda can not be blocked when using his dash attack, making him quite the threat against any Sith. As ever, the force is strong with this one. Therefore, when Yoda uses his unleash ability, he doesn't just push the enemy back, he damages them too.

This Jedi master is a crucial ally in defeating the dark side.

3 Leia

Leia's healing capabilities and the damage she can cause at range mean she is one of the best around in Star Wars Battlefront 2. Should the princess be used correctly, she can lead a squad to victory.

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When it comes to her abilities, Leia not only has a powerful group shield, but she also has three grenades and a burst rifle. The latter of which can be used to clear out hordes of enemies. However, it is also useful against the Sith, as she fires so many bullets that it quickly drains stamina. Meaning foes such as Kylo Ren and Darth Vader can no longer block incoming attacks.

2 Emperor Palpatine

The emperor is a devastating foe. Palpatine causes pain and chaos whenever he appears. Should he enter the battlefield, lives will be lost, and a lot of them at that. His powers cause severe damage to all who get in the emperor's way.

As ever, Emperor Palpatine utilizes lightning. One of his attacks allows him to chain lightning strikes, causing those hit to affect those around them too. Moreover, he can electrocute enemies in front of him, forcing them to be immobilized for a period of time. Finally, the dark Aura surrounding this Sith can cause damage to any opponent around him.

However, it is worth noting that Emperor Palpatine has a smaller health bar than his fellow dark side villains. But, his damage output more than compensates for the little offense he can withstand.

1 Darth Vader

There was never any doubt that Darth Vader would top this list. The Sith lord is incredibly powerful.

Not only does he have a high damage output, but Vader also boasts one of the biggest health pools among the heroes and villains. Moreover, he has a healing ability, so just when it appears he could be down, he has a new burst of life. His focused rage ability not only increases his health, but his stamina usage is halved whilst damage output is increased.

On top of that, his force choke ability is lethal should one be caught in it. He can also move those caught in his chokehold, dropping them into even more danger. If that's not bad enough, Vader can also throw his lightsaber, hitting those that are smart enough to keep their distance.

Next: Star Wars Battlefront 2: Light Side Heroes, Ranked

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