Friday, 05 February 2021 23:57

Pokemon GO: How to Heal Pokemon | Game Rant

Written by Sam Woodrick
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Battles against Team GO Rocket, Raid Bosses, and Gyms can take a lot out of players' Pokemon teams in Pokemon GO, so here is how to heal them.

Players in Pokemon GO will likely spend half of their time catching Pokemon, with the other half being spent battling. There are a lot of situations that call for Pokemon battles, but this can really take its toll on the participating Pokemon.

When a Pokemon has fainted in Pokemon GO it cannot be used in battle or placed in a gym. Injured Pokemon also cannot be placed in gyms, meaning that players are recommended to keep all of their Pokemon in top shape.

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The only way to wake up a Pokemon from fainting and healing injured Pokemon is through using items. Luckily for players, these items are easy to acquire from gyms, PokeStops, and various other means.

Potions, Super Potions, Hyper Potions, and Max Potions are all items that restore the HP of players' Pokemon. Each of them restore different amounts of a Pokemon's HP and can only be used once before depleting. They cannot be used on a fainted Pokemon however, instead players need to use a Revive or Max Revive.

All of these items can be received through spinning PokeStops and Gyms. This makes it easy for players that pass by multiple PokeStops and Gyms to build up an item supply that can help keep their teams topped off. Other methods that allow for players to get a lot of healing items include:

If players aren't interested in these methods, they can also directly purchase Max Potions from Pokemon GO's in-game store. The bundle costs 200 Pokecoins for 10 Max Potions. Players can also have the chance of getting a Potion or two from the store's daily free box.

While healing items are important and especially helpful after marathons of raids or battles with Team GO Rocket, they aren't helpful for everything. Unlike in the mainline Pokemon games, players are completely unable to use Potions and other healing items while they are in a battle. There are no methods to heal Pokemon in battle as of this writing, meaning that players will need to wait until after the battle is completed before healing up their team.

Luckily for PvP players in Pokemon GO's GO Battle League, battling against other players will not require healing items afterward. This allows for players to marathon through the GO Battle League if they wish without worrying about topping off their team's HP in between every battle.

Pokemon GO is available on Android and iOS devices.

MORE: Pokemon GO: How to Get Ditto (2021)

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