Saturday, 06 February 2021 21:44

The Sims: 10 Easter Eggs & References You May Have Missed In The PC Classic

Written by Mark Hospodar
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The Sims, the PC classic that started it all, was loaded with tons of easter eggs and references that were easy to miss.

Released over twenty years ago The Sims managed to set a pretty high standard for video games. Simplistic in its approach, yet highly addictive, players were hooked right from the start. Over time, expansion packs would broaden the scope of the original title. There seemed to be no end to the mischief Sims could get themselves into on a daily basis.

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Embedded within this classic title is a myriad collection of easter eggs, secrets, and references. With a title this old players may be inclined to think that there is nothing else left to find. These are some of the more interesting examples that players may have missed over the last two decades.

10 Antagonizing Santa Claus

The Sims: Livin' Large added a substantial amount of new content to the base game in the form of new household objects and careers. One such addition was a Christmas tree. If a Sim is in bed before midnight and possesses a Christmas tree, a fireplace, and a plate of cookies, then there's a chance Santa may come to visit. He will leave a few presents that increase the Fun Need as well as a valuable household object, like a TV set.

However, the Sim also needs to hold up his end of the bargain too. If, for example, the plate of cookies are spoiled, then Santa will be rather vexed. Instead of a cool TV or stereo set he will leave behind a garbage can. The player Sim will smash the presents when they are opened, presumably because they're filled with coal. At least Santa was courteous enough to leave behind something useful where the Sim can put that coal. Right?

9 The Campfire Ghost

The ability to purchase a campfire was added in The Sims: House Party. Sims can gather around it and take part in various activities, one of which is storytelling. Ghost stories tend to be popular when gathered around a campfire. One story, however, has the chance of becoming a little too real.

If the Sim telling the ghost story has a high Charisma skill there is a small chance a unique apparition will appear. A ghost named Green Beard may randomly jump out of the flames and scare the assembled Sims. Some even wet themselves in the process. Now that's one heck of a story!

8 The Loch Ness Monster

The title screen of the original Sims is undoubtedly a familiar sight for longtime fans. It offers a view of the neighborhood while serving as a main menu for the game. Every time The Sims is booted up there's a chance a special easter egg will trigger.

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In the lower left-hand corner of the screen, next to the wooden sign, is the legendary Loch Ness Monster. He's minding his own business, hiding in plain sight, and cannot be interacted with in any way. It's just a neat reference that's easy to miss considering how many times players blow through the neighborhood screen without even stopping to look.

7 The Grim Reaper Doorbell Prank

All manner of spooky objects can be purchased when The Sims: Makin' Magic is installed. Although no holidays actually exist in the game, Sims may still purchase Jack-O-Lanterns to simulate the season of Halloween. If five or more pumpkins are placed on the lot the player may receive an unexpected, not to mention unwanted, visit.

During the night there is a random chance the Grim Reaper will spawn on the lot. He will nonchalantly walk up to the front door and ring the doorbell. Afterwards, he'll book it off of the premises as fast as his bony legs can carry him. It's one of the oldest pranks in the book. Evidently, Death himself doesn't feel the joke is beneath him.

6 Claire The Bear & The Rug

The Sims franchise has its fair share of strange NPCs. Claire the Bear, added in The Sims: Hot Date, can count herself among that odd list. Claire often comes at night and, just like bears in real life, will sift through the garbage to look for food. It's annoying, not to mention strange, considering how she likes to walk upright on two legs.

Claire also performs other, less well-known interactions, depending on what is present on the lot. One of the more humorous instances occurs when there is a bearskin rug nearby. Claire will go over to it, look at it for a moment, and then starts to cry as if she knew the poor fellow.

5 Giant Will Wright

References to Will Wright, the creator of The Sims, are scattered all throughout the original title. One of the cooler ones is accessible in The Sims: Makin' Magic. The player Sim needs to purchase a beanstalk and hope that it grows to its full capacity.

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Once fully grown, Sims have the option to climb it. This, in itself, is a reference to the popular fairy tale Jack and the Beanstalk. Sims who reach the top will access a hidden area and meet a giant! Except, it's a giant Will Wright, fast asleep next to a huge can of beans.

4 Alfred The Butler

The Sims: Superstar allowed players to live in the lap of luxury. Sims could now become famous movie stars, recording artists, or fashion models. If Bridget the Maid no longer seemed high class enough players were given the option of hiring a fancy butler.

The butler is an elderly gentleman who dresses in a tuxedo and possesses impeccable manners. He goes by the name of Alfred, which is a little nod to another famous butler from DC Comics. Every Batman fan knows that Bruce Wayne also employs a loyal servant whose name is Alfred Pennyworth. Both butlers share similar mannerisms and fashion sense.

3 The Clown Catchers

Every fan of The Sims franchise is probably aware of the Tragic Clown. If, for some inexplicable reason, a player decides to purchase the Tragic Clown painting, they are just asking for trouble. When a Sim's Needs drop too low the Tragic Clown appears to spread some cheer in the household. The problem is that he tends to make things worse. Much worse.

There are a few ways to get rid of him, but perhaps the simplest method involves calling the Clown Catchers. For a small fee a man or a woman in a dark black suit and sunglasses will arrive to take care of the problem. Using a sort of ray gun the Clown Catcher will teleport the miserable lout off the lot and will also confiscate the painting. The Clown Catchers are a reference to the Men in Black series of movies whereby the titular agents dress and use similar tools to get rid of unwanted beings.

2 Drunken Sims

The Sims franchise is, on the whole, a pretty family-friendly experience (at least without mods). A Sim's more questionable behavior is never graphically depicted. The original title, however, did include a rather humorous easter egg that's easy to miss.

Any time a Sim drinks too much, either from a bar or a punch bowl, there is a chance he will vomit. A unique animation will trigger where the Sim will bend over for a few seconds and throw up. It's a small detail that many players may never have realized was in the game.

1 Bonehilda Asks For An Autograph

Bonehilda is an undead, skeletal maid that is included in The Sims: Makin' Magic. Once her closet is purchased, players need never again pay for flesh-and-blood cleaning services. If fact, Bridget the Maid will never work for the player again anyway if she catches sight of Bonehilda. Apparently, she's a bit put off by the fact that a skeleton is able to do her job.

In addition to her duties as a maid, there is actually a rare interaction that can take place under certain conditions. If Bonehilda is out of her closet and the Grim Reaper is on the lot, she will ask Death for his autograph. It's a pretty funny exchange that the developers decided to include for one of the few undead characters in the game.

NEXT: The Sims 5: 5 Mistakes From TS4 They Will Need To Avoid (& 5 Things They Should Bring Back From Earlier Games)

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