Monday, 08 February 2021 12:45

Call of Duty: Warzone Removed An Entire Game Mode Due To A Controversial Glitch

Written by Joshua Goodpastor
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A Call of Duty: Warzone patch removes Armored Royale from the player's menu resulting in one less game mode and a possible hot fix.

Call of Duty: Warzone has removed a fan-loved game mode from the game in an effort to stim the growth of a rather annoying bug. The game mode was taken down for further investigation, but the community is not sure if that specific mode was a problem. Call of Duty: Warzone has been filled with bugs and glitches since launch, and there is no telling what will cause the next code breakdown of the season.

While removing a game mode is a rather drastic measure, it is at least a decisive action for the community. Often, fans wonder if Raven Software is indeed fixing noticeable bugs. With new Call of Duty: Warzone bundles and content being packaged into every patch, it is sometimes easy to forget that system updates and glitch repairs are also in the data packs.

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Call of Duty: Warzone developer Raven Software confirmed on Twitter that Armored Royale had been removed from the game. Their reason is to investigate an issue that has been turning players invisible. While Armored Royale is a popular game mode, the glitch seems to have a heightened presence within the game. Call of Duty: Warzone player Yoda0103 reported encountering up to nine players using the exploit and plaguing the map as an invisible threat.

Since the game mode was removed, the developers have not disclosed a future return date. Fans hoping to enjoy Armored Royale are going to have to wait until Raven Software figures out the cause of the invisibility glitch.

For those unfamiliar, Armored Royale is a game mode where players spawn around an armored truck. The truck acts as a beacon for respawns, supplies, and other objects, and the goal is to take down all the enemy trucks. Due to the game mode having a larger increase in large object spawns, many fans predict that this is the secret behind the invisibility glitch.

One of the last occurrences of the invisibility glitch revolved around loadout drops. Players could call in a Call of Duty: Warzone loadout and then stand beneath the beacon. When the box falls, the player would be stuck inside for a limited amount of time. Once the player was freed, they turned invisible, resulting in one of the first occurrences of this bug. While this system was patched previously, even during its height, the results were unpredictable. Now, anything could be causing the invisibility glitch to trigger and run rampant across the game.

Call of Duty: Warzone is available on PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.

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Source: Yoda0103 (via Youtube)

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