Monday, 08 February 2021 16:30

Red Dead Online: 10 Things You Didn't Know About Armadillo

Written by Brian Winters
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Armadillo may seem like a dusty and run-down town in Red Dead Online but there is a lot to know about the location.

While exploring the world of Red Dead Redemption II, players will come across a familiar town. During the story, players cannot get to the town of Armadillo until the epilogue. The epilogue will reveal that the town has been suffering from different diseases, first Scarlett Fever and then Cholera.

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While it might not seem worth visiting the town, players might find some interesting sights. Going into shops around the town and exploring the desert will reveal Easter eggs and information about the town to the player. Do not worry while exploring the town, as the player can freely go around without becoming infected.

10 Leigh Johnson Doesn't Make An Appearance

Despite becoming the sheriff of Armadillo in 1897, Leigh Johnson does not appear in Red Dead 2The official explanation is that he wanted to leave the town while the illnesses were happening. Leigh is not referred to by any of the townsfolk either.

When players first get to Armadillo, they are met by a sheriff who leaves town. Perhaps being left to the bandits and the illness are why the citizens do not like Leigh in the first game.

9 Nearby Farm Resembles Red Harlow's Home

South of Armadillo, players can find a farm called Two Crows. This farm appears in the first game, but is less decrepit in Red Dead II. Players are able to see what the layout of the area was, including a barn and wagons. Players of Red Dead Revolver might recognize this area.

Two Crows looks very similar to Red Harlow's original home, Broken Creek. In the beginning of the game, the farm is attacked and burned down. There is also an unmarked grave at Two Crows, possibly symbolizing Red's mother and father who died in the attack.

8 Cigarette Card Can Be Found

Players who are on the search for cigarette cards can find one for Armadillo. Going to the pig pens on the west side of Armadillo is where players can find this card. It is on top of a barrel outside of the pig pens.

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The card will show artwork of what Armadillo looked like in happier times. The card can also be sent to a collector, giving players money or sometimes a certain reward.

7 Terrorized By Del Lobo

As if disease was not bad enough, Armadillo is also terrorized by the Del Lobo gang. When first entering Armadillo, a group of Del Lobos on horseback will be shooting in the air. The sheriff will decide he had enough and leave the town. At that point, it will be up to the player to kill the attackers.

This does not stop the attacks, as the Del Lobos will continue to come back at random times. With most citizens lying sickly against a wall, there aren't many people who can help defend the town.

6 Not As Affected In Online

The online part of Red Dead 2 takes place in 1898, one year before the Scarlett Fever outbreak happens. The town is shown to be a little more active than in the story as well. The town crier is not warning about sickness and the post office is still open for use. There are, however, still people sick against the walls.

There are also wagons near the sheriff's office that have coffins in them along with mass graves. It would seem the town is still infected with something, but it is not as bad as it will become.

5 Crashed Flying Machine Nearby

Near Armadillo and north of Odd Fellow's Rest, players can find a crashed flying machine. Unlike the one found in West Elizabeth, this crashed machine does not have a body near it. On the tail of the crash, players will notice a familiar name.

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Charles Kinnear can be found in the first Red Dead game in Mexico. He will ask the player to bring him supplies so he can finish his invention. Charles will attempt to fly and crash to the ground, this time with a body attached.

4 No Wanted Level In Armadillo

With the disease and the only law enforcement leaving, Armadillo quickly became a lawless place. No law enforcement will come to defend the city if the player starts killing in the streets. The only way law enforcement comes to the town is if the player is already being chased.

While law enforcement might not come, players will still lose honor. Even if the killing is done for mercy, the honor will be lost. Although if players need a place to blow off some steam, they know where to go.

3 Donkey Lady Found Nearby

Players traveling southwest of Armadillo might run into the body of the Donkey Lady. This is a throwback to a glitch from the first game. If players tried to call their donkey, a woman with a donkey's head would appear. The player could still ride the donkey as normal, appearing on the woman's back.

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While most likely an Easter egg, the protagonists will wonder what happened to this poor creature. Perhaps it is an escaped invention from the lab near Van Horn, or maybe it is someone playing a weird prank.

2 Unique Hat Can Be Found

Northeast of Armadillo, between the two L's on the map, players can find a camp. There will be a corpse of a Chinese immigrant who is looking for his cousin. Players can loot his corpse to find a letter, while also being able to find the Chinese skull cap near the corpse's feet.

Also located at the camp is a lockbox containing herbivore bait and valerian root. Picking up and wearing the hat will save it, meaning players can find it at a wardrobe.

1 Portrait Of Strange Man Found In Store

In the general store, players can find a portrait of the Strange Man. John Marston will ask the store owner who the painting is of the first time John enters the shop. The store owner will say he doesn't know and that someone just gave it to him. John will then respond that the man seemed familiar.

It is unknown if John ran into the Strange Man between 1899 and 1907 or if the painting looks like Trelawney. John will not mention the painting again any other times he comes into the store.

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