Wednesday, 10 February 2021 16:04

Street Fighter 5 Leaks New Character Eleven | Game Rant

Written by Michael Beckwith
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Twitch appears to have lifted the lid early on Street Fighter 5's mysterious final character, who has strong ties to a Street Fighter 3 character.

Street Fighter 5 still has one last season of content coming up for fans to enjoy and will include five more characters to complete its roster. When this was first announced, Capcom only shared the identities of four of them; three of them being fan favorites from previous games and one being a guest star from Rival Schools. But one of them was a complete mystery. Unfortunately for Capcom, their identity has been leaked ahead of schedule.

Thankfully, this information wasn't stolen from Capcom, but was instead given away via an email sent out by Twitch. The email covers upcoming events, one of them being the Street Fighter 5 Winter Update taking place later today, and it blatantly states the name of a new character that will be featured during the event: Eleven.

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While technically a new playable character for the series, Eleven has already appeared once before, albeit as an NPC in Urien's character story in Street Fighter 5. Eleven was revealed to be a prototype of Twelve, a playable fighter in Street Fighter 3: Third Strike (the third instalment of Street Fighter 3), and was apparently repurposed and used to help resurrect Nash prior to the game's main story. Eleven didn't exhibit any personality and only demonstrated the power to shapeshift into other people, which will likely play a major part in his combat style.

Even though fans will get to see Eleven in action soon (barring any last minute changes), he isn't expected to release until the fall, according to the original roadmap. It's possible the date may change, though, as Dan Hibiki, the first character of Season 5, was meant to release in the winter, but Capcom delayed him by a couple of months to February due to the coronavirus.

The second character, Rose, is also expected to be shown during the Winter event and is scheduled to release in the spring, followed by Oro and Akira Kazama in the summer. Then, with Eleven releasing in the fall, Street Fighter 5 should finally be complete, meaning fans can start to properly look forward to Street Fighter 6.

Street Fighter 6, despite not officially being announced, is expected to be in development already. However, there have been heavy rumors that development will take longer than expected due to a change in directors. It's suspected that this delay is why Capcom extended support for Street Fighter 5 and made the fifth season in the first place.

Street Fighter 5 is available for PC and PlayStation 4.

MORE: Longtime Street Fighter Executive Producer Leaves Capcom

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