Wednesday, 10 February 2021 17:17

Assassin's Creed Valhalla: Treasure Hoard Map Locations

Written by Jason Nichols
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Assassin's Creed Valhalla gives players many reasons to comb the map and the treasure hoard map locations are a major reason to keep exploring.

Assassin's Creed Valhalla is teeming with secrets and things to find. Like any other Viking adventure, there are hoards of treasure to plunder. During the campaign in Assassin's Creed Valhalla, Eivor comes across all kinds of clues that will lead to the special treasures that are hidden throughout Norway. Sometimes, these clues can be an enigma and they can throw players off if they're not paying attention.

The treasure hoards in Assassin's Creed Valhalla come with a slew of loot including special gear and collectibles. The clues that Eivor will find come in many forms. Everything from scribes scratched on a cloth to crudely drawn pictures. When tending to quests throughout the map, it can be easy to overlook a treasure hoards location by accident. Therefore, keeping a keen eye on what to look for at all times is recommended.

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There is no doubt that some of the treasure hoards are easier to find than others. The following will explain where to go to find the clues and how to solve them.

  • Rygjafylke Treasure Hoard Location - The clue for this treasure is found at Kjotve's Fortress. It's easier just to complete the quest "A Cruel Destiny." This will lead the player into the fortress during this mission. The clue can be found sitting on a table on the West end in a hut near the shore. The clue will lead players to a village called Alrekstad that's located in Hordafylke. Go to Torghattan Rock at the West of the village that's close to a synchronization point. Players will find a tunnel that leads to a pile of treasure inside.
  • Grantbridgescire Treasure Hoard Location - There's a tower erected out of a pond in the village of Besuncen Tor. Inside it is a statue at the very top that's holding the clue. This clue will lead players to a hut that's near the gates of Grantebridge next to the travel point at the river. Look for a well that's sealed with breakable at the back of the house. Break the wood and climb down the well to gain access to the special loot therein.
  • Ledecestrescire Treasure Hoard Location - The clue can be found at Venonis, which is West of Eivor's home at Ravensthorpe. There are underground tunnels honeycombed in this area and it's best to use Synin's vision to find them all. The one need is toward the South near a river. Inside this tunnel will be some crates on the right. Destroy them and grab a scroll that's laying on a fancy grave. The clue will show that the treasure is on the island of Ledecestrecire. Somewhere between Venonis and Tamworth Fortress will be a grouping of rocks that look just like the drawing. Look for a red ribbon on the east side of it, that's a good entrance to approach and the treasure will be on the ground.
  • East Anglia Treasure Hoard Location - Go to the Edmund's Hope at the synchronization point that's East of Beodoricsworth. This will be a tall church that's scorched inside. Up on the ceiling will be a ladder that will be shot down with an arrow. Climb up the ladder and there will be a note up there. This clue will lead players to an island on the East side of Anglia that has a circular lake. At the center of this lake, will be the treasure sitting between statues that are guarded with boars.
  • Oxenefordscire Treasure Hoard Location - South of Eaton Barn will be a cliff that will have an explodable wall at the footing of it. Breakthrough the entrance and walk into a chamber that's deep inside. On the left side of the chamber, push some shelves to the side. Go inside the hidden room behind the shelves to find the clue. This clue will take players to a large tree that's in the pastures of Oxenefordscire on the Southwest end. Around the ruins that are scattered around the tree will be a breakable layer of ground that's located on eroded soil. The treasure will be inside the hole.
  • Sciropescire Treasure Hoard Location - There's a synchronization point called Hill Gate Remnants located in Scriopescire. Inside this tower, on the West end of it, look for wood netted up on the ceiling. Shoot it with an arrow and let it break through the floor. Inside the hole will be the clue sitting on a table. This will lead players to twin lakes that are near Caustow Castle. The bigger lake of the two will have a treasure at the bottom of it that can be accessed off the pier.
  • Cent Treasure Hoard Location - At the West end of Dover Cliffs and Fortress, there will be Dover Pharos. The clue can be found on top of a ruined tower sitting on a table. This will take players to the West of Cent that shows a large snake that can easily be seen on the in-game map. Just go to it and make toward the head of the snake. It's going to be an area that has white, rocky portions in grass that is laid out to look like a "snake." Go to the rock that's supposed to symbolize its "eye" and the treasure will be there.
  • Suthsexe Crawlie Treasure Hoard Location - At the South end of Suthsexe is a small town called Crawleah. There will be a well-guarded warehouse in the South portion of this town. Either sneak or fight the way into the entrance and the clue will be sitting on a table on the right side of the doorway. This clue will show players that they will need to go to a lake that's located way South of Crawleah. At this lake, look for a waterfall area that will have a small island nearby. The treasure will be there.
  • Essexe Treasure Hoard Location - Colcester will have a church on the Northwest side of it. The Eastside of this church will have moveable shelves in front of a stain-glassed window. Simply move the shelves and shoot the window to obtain a key. Then, go around and enter the main entrance of the church and unlock the door. Inside this church, move back some shelves to reach a ladder overhead. Next, shoot down another ladder that's hanging on top. Climb up that ladder to reach the clue that's next to a window. This clue will show that the treasure is at the Thames river that's between Wulfasic and Epinga Forest. Look for a circle of purple flowers in that area and the treasure will be in the center.
  • Lincolnscire Treasure Hoard Location - In the center of Lincolnshire is a small town called Whisby. There will be a boat adjacent to the lake that will have a key. Take this key and use it to open the main hut in the village. On the left upon entrance will be a table that will have the clue and this will take players to Skegi's Beard which is the center portion of the Eastern shore. Look for a tall tower that's near the Northeastern shore of the lake and the treasure will be on top.
  • Jorvik Treasure Hoard Location - The North synchronization point in the city of Jorvik will have a Minister nearby. To enter it, there will be an opened window on the Southern side of it up on the tower. Once up there, move shelves around that are on the opposite side of the altar to find the clue. This clue will take players to a statue that's erected before the forked segments of a river. This area is known as Forseti's Rest. Find the statue and climb up on top to reach the bowel, this is where the treasure is.
  • Eurvicscire Treasure Hoard Location - Go to the Petuaria ruins that's Southwest of Jorvik. There will be an obvious large square tower that can be climbed. Just go to the top and the clue will be sitting on a small table. This will lead players to a large building to the East of Petuaria ruins. In the middle of this building will be a large pool and in it will be the treasure.
  • Suthsexe Monk's Lair Treasure Hoard Location - The clue can be found on the Northeastern side of Suthsexe that's within a hut in the woods known as the "Monk's Lair." Just walk into the hut and look to the table on the right that'll have the clue on it. This clue will take players to the Northwest side of Suthsexe to "the abbey." This is actually a ruined building that has a large graveyard to the West side of it. Just go to the graveyard and head for the large tree near a broken headstone. This is where the treasure can be found.
  • Suthsexe Witch's House Treasure Hoard Location - In the Western area of Suthsexe there will be a place called Guildford. The Westside of this area is where the witch's house can be found. At the backend of the house is a crawlspace that needs to be broken open. Crawl inside to obtain the clue and hurry because the house is riddled with poison. Once the clue is found, it will show players that there's a chalk figure etched at the Eastern side of Suthsexe. The treasure will actually be located within the "armpit" region of the figure, as opposed to where the "X" on the drawing states.
  • Glowecestrescire Treasure Hoard Location - There will a statue over at Sabrina's Spring area that will be holding a map. It's located within a small flower field which is Northeast of central Glowecestrescire. Simply pluck the map from the statue and it'll lead players to a location called Maen Ceti. Look for a large tree that'll have a slidable obstacle in the lower end of it. Inside the tree will be the treasure.
  • Wincestre Treasure Hoard Location - At the South of the Wincestre Seminary will be a church. Look for a stained-glass window that's facing East and shoot it with an arrow. Climb through the window and drop down inside to receive the clue. This clue will take players to Hamtunscire, to where a horse figure will be laid out on the map. Follow down to the end of the horse's tail where the small circle is. This will actually be a stone circle will cracked soil in the center. This is where the treasure is.
  • Wincestre Bishopric Treasure Hoard Location - At the East side of the city of Wincestre Bishopric, will be a large house crawling with guards. Make way up to the second floor and look for a breakable wall. This where the clue will be found. This clue will take players to the Isle of Wiht that's South of Humtunscire. Look for two half circles from the air and the treasure can easily be found.
  • Lunden Treasure Hoard Location - This clue can be found in the village of Hammeham. Players will need to find a well that's on the North end of it and break in to enter it. The bottom of the well will have the clue that's a sketch that will take players to North of Oxenfordscire. Look for an arched wall that is in ruins and head North to find smaller ruins. Within that heap of rubble will be the treasure.
  • Snotinghamscire Treasure Hoard Location - There will be an Abandoned Library that's Northeast of Hemthorpe. Look for a breakable floor and smash through it and head down the stairs. Players will come across a barred door and next to it will be jars. Break the jars and slide through the small hole that was revealed to get the clue. This will make players head to Minninglow which is a snowy area adjacent to Repton. Head West in this area and look for a well in a pile of snow. The treasure will be right next to it.
  • Hamtunscire Treasure Hoard Location - There will be a village called Fearnhamme that's located at the Eastern border of Humtunscire. Look for a large building that's laced with flowing clothing. There will be large stone brick on the ground that can be either blown up or crushed with a hanging weight that's above it. This will create a hole that will have the clue inside it. It will read that players will need to find a large red and white tree. It can be found East of the Dertemor Bandit Camp that it is laying at the foot of the tree.

Assassin's Creed Valhalla is available on Google Stadia, PC, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.

MORE: Assassin's Creed Valhalla: Where To Get Fabric 

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