Thursday, 11 February 2021 15:00

Skyrim: Everything You Need To Know About Skyblivion | Game Rant

Written by Dmitry Lapunov
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Skyblivion will bring all of the best aspects of Oblivion into Skyrim. Here's all there is to know about it so far.

The Elder Scrolls 5: Skyrim is the most popular and well-known TES title for the modern generation of gamers, but the previous entries are also widely loved by older players. That’s why the excited TES community is waiting in anticipation for a fan project Skyblivion to finally see the light of day. Basically, this massive modification is aimed at transferring all the content from The Elder Scrolls 4: Oblivion to the latest iteration of Skyrim’s engine.

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The task is overwhelming, to say the least. Huge teams consisting of passionate fans and volunteers have already spent a few years trying to bring their vision of Skyblivion to life. The process is complicated and demanding, and there’s a lot to learn about the mod for those interested in experiencing it someday.

10 What Is The Skyblivion Mod?

As mentioned above, Skyblivion is a complete remake of the fourth The Elder Scrolls game, Oblivion, in Skyrim’s engine. More specifically, the latest updates are showcasing the work done in Skyrim: Special Edition’s improved engine, although the mod itself will probably work with both the legacy and the modern versions of the game.

The core goal for the modding team is to create a faithful representation of what Oblivion would’ve looked like if developed in the Skyrim engine.

9 How Long Has Skyblivion Spent In Development?

The development of Skyblivion started back in 2012, shortly after the initial release of Skyrim. A team from the TESRenewal modding group decided to please the modern generation of gamers with a thorough remake of Oblivion built in a more elaborate and functional Skyrim engine.

Things like that take time, and it’s no wonder that the first results of the fans’ initiative only started appearing a few years ago. The development is shaping great, though, as the authors have already shown impressive and promising gameplay footage.

8 What Is Required To Launch Skyblivion?

It is worth mentioning that as a community initiative, Skyblivion will be completely free for everyone to enjoy. To install and launch the mod, however, a few requirements are needed. These include owned copies of either Skyrim or Skyrim: Special Edition with all the DLCs released for the game.

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Additionally, players of Skyblivion will also need to own the original Oblivion game itself - again, with all the DLCs and expansions. Also, no cracked copies are allowed.

7 What Is Included In Skyblivion?

The mod inherits everything from the original Oblivion game. This includes all the existing content from both the basic release and all the DLCs and expansions released for the game. However, all the original creatures, NPCs, items, and much more are being reworked to meet modern requirements for visual quality.

All the quests from Oblivion will be present in the mod. For that matter, a special tool has been created to transfer all the missions between engines. The modders are also considering writing some new quests for the game.

6 Will Skyblivion Feature All The Oblivion Mechanics?

The plan is to restore as many Oblivion mechanics as possible, but not everything can be remade in Skyrim. For the time being, the modding team is confident that the combat system will remain the same in Skyblivion as it was in the original game.

Lockpicking is currently not on the priority list, which means that it may or may not be the same. Spellmaking mechanics will probably be included, although it is hard to implement. Creating a custom class is viewed as part of core Oblivion’s mechanics, so it’ll most certainly be included in the mod.

5 Will There Be Any Custom Content?

The answer is yes, although it is worth mentioning that all the custom content will remain as faithful to The Elder Scrolls universe as it can possibly be. Most notably, Skyblivion will include the content, which was cut from the original game before its release.

Additionally, the modding team will be adding content, which can be found in the vast lore – like the lost city of Sutch located between Kvatch and Anvil. As such, all the custom additions will fit the TES universe.

4 When Is Skyblivion Releasing And On Which Platforms?

Although the mod has already spent many years in development, there’s no solid release date. The potential launch window of Skyblivion is best described by the phrase, “When it’s done.” However, considering the recent frequent updates, it is unlikely that fans will have to wait another decade.

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Skyblivion will be a PC exclusive because the modding team cannot fit the mod on consoles. Also, consoles do not support Skyrim Script Extender, which is required for the mod to work properly.

3 What Are The System Requirements To Run Skyblivion?

The mod is designed to be the best visual representation of Oblivion. As such, it will utilize enhanced Skyrim models of improved quality and custom 4K textures created by the modding team. The plan is to optimize the mod along the way, but no specific announcements can be made at this point.

For now, there’re no solid requirements, but if a player’s PC is capable of running vanilla Skyrim on medium specs at the very least, then Skyblivion should work just fine.

2 Is Skyblivion The Only TES Remake In The Works?

The TESRenewal modding group is actually working on two separate projects that are Skyblivion and Skywind. The latter is a complete remake of arguably the most iconic TES video game, The Elder Scrolls 3: Morrowind. Both projects are successfully coexisting and slowly moving towards completion.

Before Skyrim was even announced, the TESRenewal team was forging the Morroblivion mod, which was exactly what the title implies: a remake of Morrowind in Oblivion’s engine. Understandably, it was later abandoned in favor of Skywind.

1 Are The Devs Hiring Volunteers?

As a community-driven project, Skyblivion is in a constant pursuit for new talents to lend their expertise in different fields of game development. However, due to a recently increased popularity of the mod, the team has received many new job applications, which helped to cover some of the core positions.

At the same time, new modders are always required to join various departments. The best solution would be to examine the official Volunteer page on the mod’s website to learn all the necessary information.

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