Friday, 12 February 2021 08:01

Little Nightmares 2: Pink Door Puzzle Solution | Game Rant

Written by Olexander Korda
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Little Nightmares 2 players struggling to navigate through the pink doorways in Chapter 5 will find the puzzle solution in this guide.

One of Little Nightmares 2's most confusing puzzles occurs at the start of Chapter 5 when players must navigate a confusing labyrinth of pink corridors to reach the final boss. Unlike the majority of Little Nightmares 2's puzzles, which are mostly platforming related, the pink door puzzle tasks players with walking through doorways in the correct order.

Similar to the mechanics of the portals in the Portal series, when Mono walks through one of the doorways, he is immediately teleported through another door in either the same room or to a different location.

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As many players may have already guessed, the solution to the puzzle lies in following the sound of Six's music box that players may recognize from Little Nightmares 2's Chapter 1. Unfortunately, if players don't have a good gaming headset, this sound can be very difficult to follow.

Compounding this problem even further is the fact that there also seems to be no visual indicator for when Mono is in front of the correct doorway. This solution will guide players through the correct door order to reach Little Nightmares 2's final boss.

Completionists should also note that there are no missable hats or glitching remains during this Chapter.

At the start of the level, players will run down a long corridor towards a pink doorway. When the player reaches the doorway, it will close and a doorway to the right will open.

After proceeding through the doorway on the right, the player will be teleported to a large staircase. At the top of the staircase, players must proceed through the pink doorway which will teleport them to a room with two pink doorways.

To complete this room, players must go through the doorway on the bottom two times, and then go through the doorway on the top twice. After players go through the door on the top for a second time, they will be teleported to a large horizontal hallway with multiple doors.

Players must proceed down the hallway to the left until they reach a doorway where the door appears to be rolled up on itself. After walking through the rolled-up doorway players will be teleported to a room with only one open doorway that they must walk through.

Immediately after, players will be teleported to another staircase. Players must walk through the door at the top of the staircase to be teleported to the next room of the puzzle.

After walking through the staircase door, players will be teleported to a room with four doors. Players must first walk through the door on the top left. Next, players must push open the door on the bottom left without going through the doorway. As the player pushes the doorway, they will see the door open on the top right. The player must then walk through the opened doorway on the top right, before walking through the doorway on the bottom right.

Players will then be teleported to an additional staircase which will then lead to a large vertical room filled with doorways. After arriving in the vertical hallway, the player's first step should be to push the wooden beam down that will allow Mono to walk across the large gap.

After players have pushed the beam, they must then proceed through the furthest doorway south on the righthand side. Players will be teleported to the north of the hallway and must walk back across the beam before entering the first doorway on the left. They will then be teleported back to the north of the hallway where they must enter the first doorway on the lefthand side of the gap.

The players must then climb one final staircase before reaching a hallway with a single doorway that will lead to the game's final boss.

Little Nightmares 2 is available now on PC, PS4, Switch, and Xbox One, with PS5 and Xbox Series X/S versions also in development.

MORE: Little Nightmares 2: All Collectibles & Missable Achievements/Trophies-Chapter 4

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