Sunday, 14 February 2021 00:30

ESO: Best Racials For Pure Archers, Ranked | Game Rant

Written by Mark Hospodar
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Playing as a pure archer isn't necessarily easy in ESO, but these races possess the best racial skills for the task if that's your flavor.

Fighting up close and personal with sword and shield isn't everybody's style. A well-placed arrow to the heart can be just as effective as a warhammer blow to the head. Playing as a pure archer isn't always easy, but it can certainly be rewarding in The Elder Scrolls Online.

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Picking a race in The Elder Scrolls is an important decision when intending to play anything as a pure build. Certain races perform better as archers than others due to their inherent racial abilities. Knowing which one to choose can definitely make a new player's first playthrough less of a headache.

6 Imperial

Imperials can be found in almost every corner of Tamriel. An Imperial is by no means a pushover when it comes to experimenting with different combat roles. The pure archer is no exception as their racial abilities make them highly adaptable to any situation.

Pure archers tend to be fragile. The Tough Skill helps offset that weakness by increasing maximum Health. It's also important to stay mobile on the battlefield, which is where Imperial Mettle comes into play by fortifying maximum Stamina. With the right preparations in place, Imperials make fine archers alongside their Elven colleagues.

5 Orc

The Orc may seem like an odd choice for an archer at first, but they're actually pretty well-suited to the job. A heavily armored Orc wielding a bow can be an intimidating opponent. Orcs possess the Health and Stamina reserves to stay alive as well as mobile when confronting hordes of enemies or a tough boss.

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Orcs are already suited to heavy armor due to the Craftsman Skill, which grants an experience boost and offers more protection. Brawny, of course, helps boost the Stamina bar so that quick repositioning is less of a chore. Unflinching Rage increases maximum Health whenever weapon abilities are used. Finally, Swift Warrior helps reduce the cost of sprinting while also increasing the movement speed of said sprint.

4 Dark Elf

Dark Elves, similar to Imperials, possess a sort of jack-of-all-trades type of role. They possess no single, glaring weakness that makes them unsuitable for any build. A Dark Elf can fulfill the role of archer quite admirably. If things get too up close and personal they can always fall back on their magical and melee abilities.

A Dark Elf benefits from some extra protection when it comes to fire-wielding enemies due to their Resist Flame Skill. Dynamic increases both maximum Magicka and Stamina, which opens up the possibility for some emergency Restoration magic if required. Lastly, Ruination amplifies weapon and spell damage, which makes it easier for enemies to be dispatched in a timely manner.

3 Redguard

Redguards are natural warriors, whether it's with a blade or a bow. They have the potential to be highly nimble archers on the battlefield. Redguards can pick off their enemies one-by-one by being everywhere at once. Their proficiency with one-handed weapons makes for a good backup in case they get cornered.

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Martial Training reduces the cost of weapon abilities, allowing for greater use of bow-based attacks. The Conditioning Skill increases maximum Stamina, which is great for rolling and dodging out of harm's way. Adrenaline Rush can come in handy if a melee weapon is needed in an emergency. It restores a portion of the Stamina bar whenever direct damage is dealt.

2 Khajiit

Khajiit possess all the necessary tools to make outstanding archers. Combined with a more stealth-based approach a Khajiit's Racial Passives can make him quite deadly indeed. Sniping unaware enemies while remaining hidden is a useful strategy for thinning the herd.

Robustness helps with the recovery rate of Health, Stamina, and Magicka. Lunar Blessings also affects those same three attributes, except it increases the maximum value of each one. However, the most useful skill hands-down is Feline Ambush. It serves to amplify the critical hit damage done by weapons, which makes using a bow a perfect choice. Although it's not quite as overpowered as it is in The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim, stealth-based attacks with a bow can still inflict respectable damage.

1 Wood Elf

Wood Elves were made for the pure archer build. Players who enjoy feeling immersed while playing the game should be happy to know that The Elder Scrolls lore reinforces that fact as well. The Wood Elf's Racial Passives make them predisposed to the bow right from the start.

First, the Acrobat Skill increases the experience gain when using a bow. Y'ffre's Endurance buffs the recovery speed of the Stamina bar, allowing the Wood Elf to quickly bounce back into a fight. Resist Affliction not only fortifies maximum Stamina, but also grants some immunity to poison and disease. For players with more stealthy inclinations, Hunter's Eye increases the Bosmer's detection radius, making far-off enemies easier to spot. Without a doubt, the Wood Elf is Tamriel's apex archer.

NEXT: 10 Story-Heavy Games To Play While Waiting For The Elder Scrolls 6

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