Monday, 15 February 2021 00:21

Pokemon Sword and Shield Update Adds New Sleeping Animations

Written by Claudia Tanús Pimentel
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Game Freak issues an update for Pokemon Sword and Shield that some fans notice adds a new animation for some sleeping Pokemon.

Game Freak, the developer in charge of the Pokemon franchise, recently updated the animations in Pokemon Sword and Shield, and fans were pleasantly surprised to discover them. Trainers realized that the animations for sleeping Pokemon were recently changed to actually make them look like they are asleep.

Previously, Pokemon Sword and Shield did not have an animation for asleep Pokemon, so they were depicted standing with their eyes open. Now it seems like Pokemon have an animation in which bubbles and Z's would come out of them to represent they are asleep. However, Game Freak has yet to release notes on the update, and even though the new sleeping animation was discovered yesterday there is still no confirmed date of when the update took place.

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The Pokemon Sword and Shield update was brought to public attention by user Feelinara1992 on the game's subreddit. The trainer published a picture of a sleeping Shiny Sylveon which was well received among redditors. Unfortunately, according to Feelinara1992, the sleeping animation only shows up while camping, which means that whenever a Pokemon is affected by the Sleep in battle the bubbles and Z's will not show up.

Even though Game Freak's update for Pokemon Sword and Shield is small, it is seemingly well-received by the Pokemon community. Members of the subreddit where the update was posted agreed that the new sleeping animation was cute, and some of them even mentioned wanting to catch an Eevee and evolve it into a Sylveon just like the one user Feelinara1992 posted.

Given how the sleeping animation update got favorable attention, it would not be a surprise if players got to see more of these updates for Pokemon Sword and Shield in the near future. Particularly, trainers have expressed they would like to see an adaptation of the sleeping animation for flying Pokemon. Fans seem interested in watching their flying-type Pokemon resting on the ground with their eyes closed, as they consider it is weird for them to keep floating when they are asleep.

Probably the most natural upcoming animation update would be to extend the animation so that it is also played whenever a Pokemon falls asleep on a battle. As cute as the idea might be, Pokemon trainers might not see an update for the in-battle animations as soon as they would like.

Pokemon Sword and Shield are available now on Nintendo Switch.

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