Monday, 15 February 2021 12:30

Little Nightmares 2: All Of The Enemies In The Game, Ranked By Their Creep Factor

Written by Virginia Marion Bullard
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A horror masterclass, Little Nightmares 2 is filled with creepy monsters, bosses, and humans. Which grotesque enemy is the scariest in the game?

Little Nightmares 2 is a haunting work of art. It perfectly balances a dark landscape and heavy subject matter with brain-teasing puzzles and enjoyable mechanics. This game is equal parts an experience that the player lives through as well as art that they get to witness. The characters, from the enemies to the protagonists themselves, all meld into one horror that is something only this franchise is able to pull off so delicately, unsettlingly, and perfectly.

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Little Nightmares 2 is just as brilliant as the first game and can be recommended to almost any type of player. There are plenty of enemies in the game, but which one is the creepiest?

Be warned, there will be spoilers from this point on.

10 The Flesh Walls

The Flesh Walls are only witnessed at the very end of the game in The Transmission (chapter five). This grotesque mob of meat, flesh, and eyes bursts from every seam in the tower once it all starts to fall apart.

While Mono can land on the mass and it doesn't seem to outright hurt him, The Flesh Walls will consume him as it pursues the protagonist and Six while they try to escape the tower, collapsing in on itself behind them. The Flesh Walls may be a minor enemy but they can be tricky to navigate (and avoid) in the heat of the chase.

9 The Hunter

The Hunter is the first enemy Mono crosses paths with in Little Nightmares 2. He appears to be incredibly aggressive and has an obsession with taxidermy. The Hunter has many traps set out in hopes to catch all the animals of the wood, including the likes of Six. The latter has been trapped in a cage for the better part of a month as The Hunter waits for Six to waste away so that he can test out his hobby on her.

Cotton spills subtly from The Hunter's body while his lantern gazes around the darkness for the player like a third eye. He is possibly the most relentless of all the enemies in the game, never giving up the pursuit until he is shot by Mono and Six.

8 The Bullies

Only fearing The Teacher, these living porcelain dolls rival The Hunter for the most relentless enemies of the game. The Bullies may also be the most vicious of all the enemies. They can be seen pinning other Bullies down, beating one another, setting traps throughout the school, and generally trying to kill anything in their path.

Their empty eye sockets, savage demeanor, and occasionally broken porcelain heads make them the little things of nightmares. They are restless and rowdy until they are in the presence of The Teacher, then they are completely still, silent, and afraid. Sadly, the Bullies teach the player that someone will get you unless you get them first.

7 The Doctor

Theories suggest that The Doctor may not be all that bad, as he may be trying to help his patients reclaim the humanity that was taken from them by The Tower. However, in the process, he only ends up creating the monsters that players must run from throughout the level. Regardless of his possible intentions, almost nothing in the Little Nightmares world indicates altruism from any characters.

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The Doctor's appearance is that of a bloated cadaver, crawling around on the ceiling above hospital beds, with the ability to lift anything the player may be hiding under. By The Doctor's end, players get a glimpse that perhaps this enemy wasn't the most sadistic character in the room.

6 The Living Hands

The Living Hands are likely the hands of dead patients as they do not take the appearance of prosthetics seen elsewhere in the hospital. The first hand the player encounters is seen forcefully removing itself from its restraints and the dead body it was attached to.

Not only do the hands have the ability to dodge attacks but they can also scurry away into the darkness to attack from another unpredictable angle in between the three hits it takes to kill them. Prior to attacking, the hand will back up and raise its front fingers like a spider preparing to lunge before attempting to grab Mono's face like a Facehugger.

5 The Viewers

These once-normal citizens became deeply addicted to the broadcast from their televisions and will do whatever is necessary to get closer to the broadcast. It overrides their natural instincts to keep themselves from harm, directly ignoring threats to their livelihood, leading to their deaths. Perhaps the most frightening moment comes when a man crashes through the ceiling of a room in an apartment building, gathers himself back up, and goes full-speed to the nearest TV and runs his head directly into it, killing him on impact.

If this isn't horrifying enough, a trip to the rooftop shows where that man more than likely came from. Viewers can be seen on almost every rooftop, staring up at the signal, and simply stepping off to their deaths as their only thought is getting closer to the signal.

4 Six

There is a lot of speculation on the internet as to Six's motivations and personal code, but it seems likely that the series is named after her. Toward the end of Little Nightmares 2, Six turns into a twisted and stretched monster, but this isn't truly her most horrific form; her most horrific form is her normal, little nine-year-old self.

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At one point, The Doctor is burned alive and Six uses the heat from the fire to warm herself quite indifferently. By the end of the first game, Six's hunger leads her to become the very monster she has tried to escape. In perhaps the most shocking turn of events, in Little Nightmares 2, Six chooses to let Mono fall to his likely death after he saves her, and she coldly walks away from the scene.

3 The Teacher

From the very first encounter, the impossible stretch of The Teachers neck along with the oppressive atmosphere of the schoolhouse leads the player to a feeling of dread blanketed and suffocating over them. She has a permanent smug look on her face and a relentless grip over her classroom, driving the typically rowdy children into absolute submission.

Upon being detected, The Teacher will scream and stretch her neck to endless lengths in pursuit of Mono, including bending and breaking it through the sharp turns of the air ducts as she forces her head through, determined to never let him escape.

2 The Patients

It's hard to tell just how much of these monstrosities are human or something more sinister. The Patients are quite literally what nightmares are made of and make for particularly challenging enemies due to their incredible speed and unpredictable movements. Their one weakness, however, is light. Surrounded in a world of crushing darkness, Mono is armed with only a flashlight and must make it through mobs of these horrors while trying to maintain a freezing beam of light on each one in pursuit from all angles.

These enemies have a similar style of horror to the infamous Weeping Angels from Doctor Who that move in the darkness after someone turns their back to them. The Patients come with the added fright of demonstrating their mechanical movements as they come back to life and reinitiate their chase of the player.

1 The Thin Man/Mono

The Thin Man is easily the creepiest enemy in the game, slowly and confidently walking after Mono, sometimes glitching ahead ten paces at a time just when the player thinks they had some safe distance between them. Unfortunately, the negative feelings surrounding The Thin Man only get worse as the player discovers by the end of the game that he is an aged Mono.

A paradox is created when The Thin Man tries to stop Six from abandoning Mono (and thus, saving his younger self). This leads to Six trying to stop The Thin Man from ever being created (by dropping Mono to his likely death); however, this is ultimately what causes The Thin Man to come to fruition. The story of The Thin Man is just as eternally tragic as it is unsettling.

NEXT: Little Nightmares 2 Ending Explained

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