Tuesday, 16 February 2021 20:22

Mass Effect: Legendary Edition Improving Boss Fights | Game Rant

Written by Richard Warren
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Mass Effect: Legendary Edition’s game and environment directors detail how the series’ boss fights will be improved upon with the remaster.

Mass Effect: Legendary Edition appears to be an effective remaster of the beloved trilogy, with BioWare detailing several fan-requested improvements thus far. The latest change to be spotlighted is boss fights, with Mass Effect: Legendary Edition changing these battles in important ways.

Thus far, BioWare has covered several Mass Effect: Legendary Edition improvements, ranging from better AI and camera systems to improved controls for the Mako vehicle. Shorter elevator rides, improved visuals, and smoother aiming will all be seen in the upgraded game as well. A better cover system and more frequent auto saving also appear on the list of improvements, and both changes show clearly in one key area: boss battles.

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In an interview with Game Informer, Mass Effect: Legendary Edition game director Mac Walters joined environment and character director Kevin Meek to discuss the improvements being made to boss battles. While the duo’s previous explanation for a lack of multiplayer in Mass Effect: Legendary Edition disappointed some players, the pair’s comments on the remaster’s boss fight changes should be music to the ears of fans. In the interview, the developers used Mass Effect 1 boss Benezia as an example of how fights are being approved upon.

An ally of Saren, the first game’s antagonist, Benezia is also the mother of Shepherd’s companion Liara. Despite this, players end up fighting the cruel Asari in the first game, and the boss fight itself was always a bit of a mess. Featuring an arena with no cover whatsoever, players were often obliterated by Benezia before they even had the chance to plan out what they wanted to do. Worse, each death set players back, as the original Mass Effect’s sparse auto saving meant fans had to trudge through smaller fights just to have the chance to fight Benezia again.

Thankfully, both the issues with cover and auto saving are being fixed for Benezia’s fight and others like it. BioWare paid extra attention to auto saves around bosses, allowing players to get into the fight quicker. Beyond this, more cover has been added to Benezia’s fight, giving players the chance to effectively strategize. Though the arena is the same in terms of its visuals and layout, it has been doubled in size, giving fans much more room to maneuver around Liara’s corrupt mother. Benezia’s attacks will also ragdoll the player less, allowing them to recover after taking hits more quickly.

Walters and Meek stressed that they wanted to keep the fights challenging but fair, with BioWare removing any of the elements from boss battles that got in the way of this philosophy. With the result being fun fights that players can retry sooner if they fail, Mass Effect fans should be much more optimistic when engaging with the Legendary Edition’s boss battles.

Mass Effect: Legendary Edition releases May 14 for PC, PS4, and Xbox One.

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Source: Game Informer

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