Wednesday, 17 February 2021 16:30

Minecraft Update Will Add New Ore and Redesign Existing Ore

Written by Anthony Puleo
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For the longest time, Iron, Gold, and Diamonds have dominated Minecraft as the prominent ore types, but the Caves and Cliffs update will change that.

As one might expect by the name, mining is a very important activity in Minecraft. With that in mind, it's odd that this feature hasn't received much attention in most of the big content updates that have come to the game in the last few years. The Caves and Cliffs update is next on the docket, and it is seeking to address this issue. Alongside making some changes to the existing ore types within the game, players will soon be able to mine an entirely new type of block. Grimstone makes its official debut in the Caves and Cliffs update, but is available now in Snapshot 21w07a.

Minecraft's snapshot updates are a great way for players to test out new features ahead of the major update's release. Since version 1.17 isn't scheduled to arrive until the Summer of 2021, fans may want to experiment with some of the upcoming features by using the snapshots instead. Grimstone isn't the only change here, though.

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Though Minecraft is generally very accessible, one of its biggest flaws in that department was the way it portrayed its various types of ore. Between coal, iron, redstone, gold, and diamonds, every single one of these ores shared the exact same texture. The only way for players to tell them apart was through color. This creates an obvious issue for colorblind gamers, so Minecraft has finally addressed this. Every ore in the game now has a unique texture in addition to being uniquely colored, and the subtle differences between types should help more players easily recognize the ore variants.

For the main attraction, Grimstone has been added to the game, but players will only find it in the deepest depths of the underground. Though there will be sprinklings of the new material above Y=0, it becomes most prominent below that line. It functions similarly to stone or blackstone, though it is a little more difficult to mine than basic stone. This new block can be used to craft stone tools or most anything that requires cobblestone, but should help to create atmosphere when delving deep into the world of Minecraft.

Along with these new height limits for Minecraft, ore will generate at different levels now. Without getting into it too much, players will be able to greatly increase their chance to find diamonds by going below Y=0, while emeralds will spawn in great abundance at the tops of mountains. The Caves and Cliffs update is looking very exciting, and interested players can try out Snapshot 21w07a today.

Minecraft is available now on Mobile, PC, PS4, Switch, and Xbox One.

MORE: Minecraft: 10 Things You Didn't Know About The End

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