Thursday, 18 February 2021 14:20

Valheim: All Tool Types & What They're Used For | Game Rant

Written by Linnea Capps
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Being a survival RPG, Valheim features an extensive list of helpful tools players need to make a life for themselves in Viking purgatory.

There is a reason that Valheim is maintaining its spot as a best-seller on Steam for multiple weeks in a row. Its unique survival-based gameplay and Viking aesthetic are incredibly attractive to tons of players. Plus, it's the perfect co-op game to play with friends while a lot of people are currently stuck inside.

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There are multiple tools in the game for players to make use of while out adventuring through its worlds. From Torches to Spears, there are many types of tools in the game for players to use. While some players categorize certain items like Workbenches as technically being tools, this list focuses on items that players carry in their inventories.

8 The Pickaxe

It's going to be hard to survive Viking purgatory without being able to properly mine materials. There are three kinds of pickaxes players can create, and each upgrade allows them to mine for new materials. These pickaxes include:

  • Antler Pickaxe -  Stone, Copper, Tin, and Iron
  • Bronze Pickaxe -  Muddy Scrap Piles and Iron Ore
  • Iron Pickaxe - Silver ore and Obsidian

Getting the Bronze Pickaxe can be a bit of a process but is worth managing the upgrade as soon as possible. Players also should be aware they can't make the Iron Pickaxe without the use of Core Wood so be sure to stock up.

7 Tools For Farming

There are two tools that are helpful in farming, the first one being the Hoe. While an Antler Pickaxe can also lower the ground slightly, the Hoe is incredibly useful for raising and lowering the land and make paths for players to walk on. It can be made on the Workbench.

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Players will need the Forge to be able to create the other farming-related tool, the Cultivator. It is not only required for preparing the land to grow seeds for food, it's also a way for players to regrow grass in the game if the aesthetics of bases are important to them.

6 Tools For Building

The Hammer is the first tool players can make in the game. Everyone starts with a recipe to create a Hammer, and it doesn't require a Workbench to make. This is likely very important as it's required to even build a Workbench at all. It's also used to create things like fires, furniture, and buildings, making it worthwhile to upgrade as soon as possible.

5 Tools For Roleplay

There are currently two items in the game that do not have any known utility. These include the Tankard and the Mead Horn of Odin. The latter can only be obtained by players that participated in the beta for the game, but since both really aren't currently necessary unless players want to roleplay, it's not too big to miss out on.

4 The Axe

The best way to get wood is to have a sturdy axe. Sure, players can punch trees to get wood in the most macho Viking way possible, but axes are far more efficient (especially to get things like Core Wood). They come in five varieties which include:

  • Stone Axe
  • Flint Axe
  • Bronze Axe
  • Iron Axe
  • Blackmetal Axe

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Having stronger axes can allow players to get important resources. Players need a Bronze Axe to collect Fine Wood from birch and oak trees. Certain axes are specifically good for cutting down certain kinds of trees, like the Stone Axe, which is good for beech, fir, and pine.

3 Tools For Fishing

Fishing is an excellent way to get food in the game and is one of those things that are worth doing as soon as possible. Players cannot simply craft this tool like other tools, it has to be purchased from the Trader. Finding the Trader isn't too difficult and is another task that players should take on early so they have a use for their gold coins.

2 Torches For Survival

Torches are the best way for players to bring light with them, especially in the early game. It's also very useful for scaring away Greylings and can even be used as a clublike weapon in general. It provides players with warmth, which can allow them to avoid freezing to death while exploring different biomes.

1 Weapons For Combat

There are many types of weapons in the game that players can craft, and each has distinct advantages when used in battle. Different weapons offer different advantages to players as well, so they will want to make sure they bring the best weapon with them into each battle. These weapons include:

  • Arrows - Used with Bows. There are basic arrows and elemental arrows like Fire Arrows, Poison Arrows, Silver Arrows, and Frost Arrows.
  • Axes - Used For Cutting Wood. There is also the Battleaxe which is more suited for use in battle.
  • Swords - Deals slash damage.
  • Polearms - Deals piercing damage.
  • Bows - Used to fire arrows.
  • Spears - Deals piercing damage. Used as a throwing weapon.
  • Knives - Deals slashing and piercing damage. Attacks faster than other weapon choices.
  • Clubs - Deals blunt damage.
  • Shields - Defense items in the game. Circular shields allow players to parry while tower shields do not.

Things like swords can also be used to cut down wood if players don't have an axe in their inventory at the time. There is also a special sword called Dyrnwyn which can only be accessed with console commands. No one is getting through Valheim without a strong weapon to defend themselves, so be sure to choose wisely.

NEXT: 10 Pro Tips For Valheim You Need To Know

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