Thursday, 18 February 2021 18:10

10 PS4 And Xbox One First-Person Shooters That Need An Enhanced Edition Like Metro Exodus

Written by Jason Wojnar
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These FPS games on the Xbox One and PS4 could really benefit from an Enhanced Edition along the same lines as Metro Exodus.

The Metro franchise has always stood out among its contemporaries in the first-person shooter genre with its bleak, post-apocalyptic setting, science fiction plot, and overall Eastern European vibe. The series has never reached the same commercial heights as Call of Duty or Halo, but its fanbase adores the three games.

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Those who have not delved into the series have a great chance to do so with Metro Exodus Enhanced Edition. The version brings much-needed upgrades to performance for consoles as well as ray tracing. This release has gotten us thinking about other first-person shooters deserving of a similar treatment, either to improve frame rate or add other features.

10 Wolfenstein: The New Order

While it saw release on PS4 and Xbox One, it is easy to forget that Wolfenstein: The New Order also came out on PS3 and Xbox 360. To its credit, the engine still looks great on the older hardware, but it would be great if the game received a facelift to look as good as its sequels. The tech has come a long way through the generation, so the first game in the revived Wolfenstein deserves to have these upgrades as well. Given the recent acquisition of Bethesda by Microsoft, the next Wolfenstein might be an Xbox and PC exclusive.

9 Fallout 4

Bethesda games have some notorious performance issues, and Fallout 4 did not escape this fate. With the new consoles now upon gamers, it would be a great time for the developer to either patch or re-release Fallout 4, letting the open-world RPG run at a smooth frame rate. Given the length of time fans will have to wait for a new Fallout game, this will help tide players over before Bethesda's closer projects like Starfield and Elder Scrolls VI come out.

8 Resident Evil 7

Resident Evil 7 is still gorgeous to behold more than three years after release. The RE Engine, which powers all subsequent Resident Evil games and Devil May Cry 5, is one of the best-looking engines of the generation.

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If PS5 ever gets proper VR supportResident Evil 7 deserves an update to improve the visuals, because graphical fidelity definitely suffers for anyone playing in the format. Until this day comes, it is still worth taking the graphical hit for the VR experience.

7 Dishonored 2

Arkane Studios has created some of the most unique first-person games of the past twenty years. When one thinks about a first-person game, one rarely considers the possibility of a complete pacifist run, yet that is exactly what one can do in Dishonored and its sequel. While the first entry in the franchise was re-released on the PS4, seeing Dishonored 2 run at 60 frames per second would be a treat to behold. Bring the first game too, since it still is only 30 frames per second on consoles.

6 Far Cry 5

The Ubisoft open-world game is almost a separate sub-genre. Microsoft recently unveiled a program to update older games to have higher frame rates, and Far Cry 4 is one of the first ones to receive the boost. Higher frame rates in first-person shooters are especially noticeable and help improve the gameplay experience. Here's hoping Far Cry 5 and its spin-off, New Dawn, receive a frame rate boost at the bare minimum.

5 Call Of Duty: Warzone

With the increasing popularity of the battle royale, it was only a matter of time before the legendary Call of Duty franchise jumped on the bandwagon. While it could have been a cheap cash grab, going free-to-play and adding a few unique spins helped Warzone quickly rise to the top of the pack. Seeing as how it shows no signs of slowing down, it is easy to imagine a next-generation patch coming out soon. In addition to decreased loading times, the game should also run at 120 frames per second.

4 Alien: Isolation

Alien fans have not always had the best luck in the video game space. Before Alien: Isolation, the Gearbox game Colonial Marines left a bad taste in fans' mouths. Fortunately, Creative Assembly's take on the property was just what people wanted. The survival horror aspect really gave off the vibe of the first film. With its great reputation, a re-release would go a long way towards further building the game's audience, generating hype for a sequel.

3 Call Of Duty: Black Ops III

While Call of Duty games generally run well upon release, Black Ops III deserves a re-release for a couple of reasons. Mainly, the ability to play through the game cooperatively with up to three other friends makes room for improvement on new consoles.

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On the PS4 and Xbox One local co-op only allows for two players simultaneously. This should be made to have four-player local co-op. A good example of a vastly improved cooperative experience thanks to new hardware is Borderlands 3.

2 Prey

While not connected to the prior Prey game in any way but the name, Arkane's science fiction immersive sim is a great game in its own right. The varied gameplay begs for multiple playthroughs, which makes a re-release a no-brainer. An enhanced edition coming packed in with the DLC would let people go through the game in a different way while also playing with a better frame rate and in 4K.

1 Dying Light

Techland's sequel to Dying Light seems to be having some development troubles. To tide over fans patiently waiting, why not update the original game to run optimally on the PS5 and Xbox Series X? In addition to running the game at 60 frames per second, it should also allow for split-screen cooperative play. While most people play online these days for multiplayer, enough people would be happy with a split-screen option for it to be worth the effort.

Next: 10 Most Annoying Mechanics In First-Person Shooters

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