Friday, 19 February 2021 14:41

The Sims Fans Need To Remember That Game Changers Don't Work For EA

Written by Marina DelGreco
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The EA Game Changer program helps the dev get feedback on its games, but people seem to forget what it means to be a GC in The Sims 4 community.

The EA Game Changers program is still pretty early in development, according to the website, but there are still quite a few content creators and social media influencers who have already made it into the program. The Sims community is well-in-tune with members of the GC program, and have no problem asking some of its members to speak about issues in The Sims community where they see fit. While Game Changers speaking about certain issues can sometimes lead to awareness about the issue at hand, other times Game Changers hands are literally tied no matter how much they speak about something.

While it’s true Game Changers have a unique connection to the Sim Gurus and can speak about things to help raise awareness for something, like adding more inclusive skin tones to The Sims 4, there are other things that lie beyond their power. It’s become increasingly clear that what Game Changers actually can and cannot do is unclear to many Sims community members, leading to vitriolic interactions with GCs on Twitter that are largely unwarranted and undeserved. Additionally, it’s important to remember that just because a GC speaks about something doesn’t mean it’ll ever be changed or acknowledged by the Sim Gurus or EA.

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The Sims 4 has improved a lot since the state it was in at its initial release time. While not all of these improvements can be attributed to Game Changers, there are some things that have changed thanks to the comments Game Changers have made. For example, one of the most well-known GCs, lilsimsie, talked about being able to name Cowplants in the game, which came in a patch just before the release of Nifty Knitting stuff. Now, one of the randomly generated names for Cowplants in-game is “Little Simzee.”

Other times, Game Changers will speak about more pressing in-game issues, like the skin tone controversy that plagued The Sims 4 since its release. A rallying effort from both Game Changers and The Sims community saw that EA and Maxis heard that the skin tones needed to be updated. When it came time to create the new skin tones, the developer reached out to prominent figures in The Sims community to help create them - one of whom was Xmiramira, who had already created the Melanin Pack for PC players to download and use in their game.

In a few months time, players were able to enjoy over 100 new skin tones and color sliders for even more customization options. Unfortunately, some console players still have issues playing with the update, but the developer has made a statement that says fixes for consoles are coming in the near future.

The Sims 4: Snowy Escape saw a turn in the tide as well, where the developer recruited Game Changers lilsimsie, Deligracy, James Turner (formerly known as The Sims Supply), and Simlicy to create the buildings and homes for the expansion pack. It was a surprise collaboration that delighted many players, especially because many complain about the builds included in the base game and subsequent DLCs released for The Sims 4.

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It’s clear that things are changing for the developer, who has consistently reached out to Game Changers to help create change in The Sims 4, one update or DLC at a time. Obviously, though, the game and the influence of Game Changers only goes so far. Just because they have an easier time talking to Sim Gurus about changes for The Sims 4, it doesn’t mean every item brought up is implemented.

For many on Twitter, it seems the newest thing that Game Changers should be concerned with is making statements and videos on the fact that The Sims 2 isn’t coming back to Origin any time soon. Many Game Changers have not spoken out about this for a few reasons. First, this isn’t really a “big ticket” issue like the skin tone update. Skin tones needed revamping and correction because not all players could create themselves in The Sims 4 - it was an issue of representation. While The Sims 2 is incredibly fun to play, asking for it back on Origin is not the same caliber as wanting changes in The Sims 4 base game.

The second, and perhaps most important reason, is making statements like this opens up Game Changers to a lot of hate online. Whether they do or don’t make a statement, it seems GCs just can’t seem to win - because if they do make a statement, they’re “ignoring” more pressing issues, but if they don’t they’re “ignoring” the so-called issue at hand. The EA Game Changers website clearly states that the purpose of the Game Changer position is to help creators make content as well as provide feedback and critiques of the game at hand. Asking for The Sims 2 back on Origin doesn’t exactly help the development of The Sims 4.

Additionally, putting more stock into Game Changers’ positions than they actually have creates a space where random strangers online feel entitled to attack GCs because they have more “status” or “power” than those who aren’t in the program. While they have a more streamlined way of talking to Sim Gurus and sometimes get early access to packs, they don’t have any more information than The Sims community itself. Game Changers don’t know why The Sims 2 isn’t on Origin, and if that’s not something they feel strongly about or don’t want to open themselves up to vitriol online, they shouldn’t be pressured into making statements about it.

From an outside perspective, it seems like some people in The Sims Twitter community pick a new issue each week to complain about, which isn’t inherently a problem, but sometimes it gets blown out of proportion. Game Changers are supposed to enact change within The Sims 4 and help make it the best game it can be, but also have to consider their own mental health and safety that comes with making a living online. Critiquing a DLC pack is one thing, but getting aggressive online, especially towards Game Changers, doesn’t help anyone. Honey catches more flies than vinegar.

The Sims 4 is available now for PC, PS4, and Xbox One.

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