Friday, 19 February 2021 19:28

Trophy List Leaks Mortal Shell for PS5 | Game Rant

Written by Richard Warren
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Mortal Shell fans could soon have the chance to play the game on next-gen consoles, as a new PS5 trophy list leak hints at its arrival.

Mortal Shell is a short-but-sweet Soulslike experience, boasting some unique gameplay mechanics thanks to its Shell and Seal systems. With Mortal Shell launching at the tail end of the PS4 and Xbox One generation, though, many players may have missed out on it — but thankfully, it seems like next-gen owners could have a great reason to try it out.

A trophy list for a PlayStation 5 version of Mortal Shell has appeared online, seemingly leaking the port’s arrival. While players should take this news with a grain of salt until something official is said by developer Cold Symmetry or publisher Playstack, trophy list leaks are usually accurate. Shown most recently with the next-gen versions of Marvel’s Avengers, trophy list arrivals also imply that games are coming sooner rather than later.

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As such, players can expect an announcement of this next-gen Mortal Shell port sometime in the near future, with a release date likely to be set in the next month or so. Still, with trophy lists sometimes appearing only days before a game appears on the PlayStation Store, Mortal Shell’s next-gen release could be happening very soon. With the game launching on Xbox One as well, it can be expected that an Xbox Series X version will also be released.

As for the trophy list itself, Mortal Shell players will be completing the same objectives that were seen in the original list. Trophies for killing Hadern in the tutorial and defeating each boss will be awarded to players, as will a trophy for unlocking all the Shells — the game’s complex system for character classes. Beating the game in Obsidian Dark Form will award a Gold trophy, a fitting reward for the challenging mode that sees players dying after they take a single hit. Miscellaneous trophies like parrying 100 times, picking 50 mushrooms, and seeing the hidden Baghead ending are also included.

With Mortal Shell being widely regarded as one of the best Soulslike games, now seems like a great time for fans of FromSoftware’s work to give it a chance. With only a trophy list to go by, it is unclear if Mortal Shell will be getting any next-gen enhancements or will simply be a re-release of the original game. Either way, though, trophy hunters will have the perfect incentive to replay the game or try it for the first time, as Mortal Shell’s brief length makes it a solid game for fans that are looking to boost their trophy level on PlayStation.

With Mortal Shell receiving a special Rotten Autumn update back in October, it will be interesting if similar content drops come during 2021. With PS5 and Xbox Series X versions likely coming, Cold Symmetry has a great reason to keep supporting its solid attempt at the SoulsBorne formula.

Mortal Shell is available now on PC, PS4, and Xbox One.

MORE: Mortal Shell Player Completes No Damage, No Shell Game

Source: PSNprofiles

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