Sunday, 21 February 2021 22:19

Watch Dogs Legion Multiplayer Releases March 9 as Free Update

Written by Nicholas Pace
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Fans of Watch Dogs Legion will be able to team up with friends in the new multiplayer coming as a free update in a couple of weeks.

Ubisoft has revealed the release date for multiplayer in Watch Dogs Legion. It looks like the new feature for Watch Dogs Legion will be out in early March as a free update for players.

Released in 2020, this title is the third entry in the Watch Dogs series. Players seek to clear the name of the hacker group DedSec in a futuristic, dystopian London. While the series has a focus on single player, an online mode has been in the works for Watch Dogs Legion. Even with a recent patch teasing multiplayer files, Ubisoft has kept details under wraps until now.

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Regardless of whether someone is playing on console or PC, the multiplayer update is coming on March 9. There will be four main modes available for fans to experience after logging on. The first is a free-roaming open world where players can team up with friends to explore London in Watch Dogs Legion. To go along with that, there are new co-op missions for two-to-four players that have unique mechanics tailored toward multiple people. Leader of the Pack is its core endgame content, and requires four players to work together efficiently to succeed. For those looking to test their skills, there is also a PvP mode known as Spiderbot Arena where four players can compete against each other.

By playing through all these features, fans can upgrade a variety of aspects. Experience earned can be put toward increasing rank, which will lead to extra cosmetics, more operatives, and upgrading gadgets. As is expected from the game, the Watch Dogs Legion Season Pass has additional content. Pass holders will gain access to two more single player missions on March 9: Guardian Protocol and Not in Our Name. As the game is a live service experience, Ubisoft also commits to more content throughout 2021 like PvP modes, co-op missions, and new characters.

It is great to see that online for Watch Dogs Legion is finally on its way. Not only is the launch date soon, but there looks to be a wide range of activities to choose from. Just exploring an open world and co-op as showcased in the October trailer would be substantial, but Ubisoft is going the extra mile by throwing in missions, endgame content, and PvP modes. Plus, those who enjoy the multiplayer can anticipate updates throughout the year.

That said, the initial details could sound better than it actually plays. There is no telling whether or not the online world will be a smooth experience, with potential glitches and bugs ruining the mode. Some fans may be skeptical of having to grab a Season Pass to access future content, too. In any case, those who want more Watch Dogs Legions can look forward to multiplayer in a couple of weeks.

Watch Dogs Legion is available now on PC, PS4, PS5, Stadia, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.

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Source: Ubisoft

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