Tuesday, 23 February 2021 13:00

Star Wars Ahsoka Spin-Off Rumored To Star Mena Massoud As Ezra Bridger

Written by Dan Conlin
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Star Wars is a magnet for rumors and the latest claims Aladdin star Mena Massoud could bring Ezra Bridger to life in the Ahsoka spin-off.

With Star Wars seemingly announcing something new all the time now, it's hard to focus on just one piece of news. Well, maybe this will draw some people's attention. It's only a rumor, but it turns out eager fans might finally get to see a live-action Ezra Bridger in the upcoming Disney Plus Ahsoka series.

The rumor alleges that Canadian-Egyptian actor Mena Massoud, whom fans might remember from his portrayal of the titular protagonist in Disney's live-action Aladdin, will be joining the show's cast as the spunky street kid-turned Jedi, Ezra Bridger. Rather fitting given his previous well-known role, which lends a bit of credence to the currently unconfirmed report. Plus, given the franchise's penchant for fan service, such as including fellow Rebels character Hera Syndulla in Star Wars: Squadrons, fans might be even more willing to believe it.

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As reported by YouTube channel Kessel Run Transmissions, while Massoud is allegedly in talks to take on the role, he hasn't signed anything official as of yet. This is why, even though this particular source has been correct with its predictions and reports in the past, it's best to remember this is still a rumor, and no official outlets have confirmed any of it. But still, it sounds like an inspired bit of casting if it does, indeed, turn out to be true. Well, it makes a bit more sense than casting Jack Black as Claptrap, anyway.

Ezra first appeared in Star Wars: Rebels, an animated series set before the events of the original Star Wars trilogy. It followed the young lad and the crew of resistance fighters who brought him into the fold on their quest to build up a true rebellion against the Galactic Empire. Ezra starts out as an orphaned kid roaming the streets of the planet Lothal before quickly impressing former Jedi and current rebel Kanan Jarrus with his untapped Force potential.

By the end of the series, Ezra had become strong with the Force and disappeared when battling Grand Admiral Thrawn of the Empire. Ahsoka Tano, who had appeared throughout the show, set out on a search for Thrawn and the young Jedi, later encountering Din Djarin during the events of The Mandalorian along her journey. Since Ahsoka will apparently take place at roughly the same time as The Mandalorian (which is quite a time skip between the pre-A New Hope era of Rebels and the post-Return of the Jedi time of the newer series), the timelines seem to be in order for Ezra to at least warrant a mention during the series. Whether or not that means this particular rumor is true has yet to be determined, however.

Again, this rumor should be taken with a grain of salt. As enticing as the idea of Ezra's live-action debut sounds, there have been no indications yet that any of this is true. Still, it can't hurt to be a little hopeful. After all, rebellions are built on hope.

Star Wars Rebels is now available on Disney Plus.

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Source: Kessel Run Transmissions

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