Wednesday, 24 February 2021 15:30

Assassin's Creed Valhalla: All Vinland Wealth Locations & How To Reach Them

Written by Linnea Capps
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Vinland doesn't offer up many wealth locations but there are still 5 carbon ingots to snag. Here's a look at how you can grab all of them.

Assassin's Creed Valhalla is a marvelous look into a Viking world full of wonder to explore. While plenty of adventures can take place, players can also scour the world looking to unlock all of the secrets it holds.

RELATED: Assassin’s Creed Valhalla: 10 Things That Can Ruin Your Playthrough

Each area in the game has special wealth for players to collect. These are marked on the map by special golden icons. These collectibles are an absolute must-have for any completionists and can be incredibly helpful to players in the game. In Vinland, there are five Carbon Ingots for players to hunt down.

Getting Carbon Ingots is important for players that want to upgrade their gear from being Fine to Superior. These upgrades are absolutely marvelous and are worth tracking down, especially if players hope to beat some of the harder bosses in the game.

When players have Carbon Ingots, they should be taken to Gunnar. He can use the Carbon Ingots to upgrade the player's equipment and bring it to a whole new level of power.

The first Carbon Ingot in Vinland is particularly easy to find. There is an enemy camp that players need to head to as noted on the map above. Simply clear out the camp of all the enemies and the ingot is there free for the taking. Congratulations — the rest get a bit harder.

Players will need to head to another enemy camp and clear it out to get this Carbon Ingot. Unfortunately, they will find the chest that it is contained within is locked and requires two keys.

The keys aren't too difficult to find thankfully. Players need to head northwest from the Bruhammar Outpost where they can find the two keys and bring them back to the chest. Open it up and get the sweet loot contained inside.

This Carbon Ingot is in another enemy camp, but finding the key to open the chest there can be a bit more tricky. The key is held by a random enemy there. Players can still scout them out to make sure they get the key by using Odin's Sight, just click R3 to do so. Once they get the key (and likely clear out the other enemies for safety) the chest is easily opened so the Carbon Ingot can be retrieved.

This Carbon Ingot wasn't added to the game until after patch 1.04 so players that may have explored Vinland earlier should consider going back to get the precious resource located there! It's randomly held by one of the other enemies at the camp.

For players that have already killed the enemy and can't seem to find the ingot or make it spawn, there are a few tricks they can do to make it appear. Players can blow up the dead body with the Explosive Corpse skill which will until the body completely vanishes. Sometimes this has to be done multiple times for this to work.

Once the body has entirely disappeared, players should fast travel away from the area before returning once more. This can make the enemy fully respawn (necromancy?!?) and players can kill them again to get the Carbon Ingot he holds.

This Carbon Ingot is once again in an enemy camp and it's in a chest that requires two keys. Each key is held by a separate enemy that can be found on opposite sides of the camp. Players can mark the enemies with Odin's Sight to make the task a bit easier. Once they track down both of the keys, they can return and get the Carbon Ingot they seek.

NEXT: Assassin’s Creed Valhalla: Essexe Wealth Locations

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