Wednesday, 24 February 2021 15:00

The Sims: 10 Times The Series Was Surprisingly Dark | Game Rant

Written by Brian Winters
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Though players know The Sims series for its lighthearted life simulations, there are parts of the games that are shockingly dark.

When playing The Simsplayers are most likely focused on building houses and playing through their Sim's life. However, there are a few times the series gets darker than expected. Reading the description of certain families will reveal there might be murderers in a neighborhood. Likewise, reading the description of an item will reveal a dark past.

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Some spinoff games, such as Medieval, shows the dark side of Sim life during the medieval ages as well. Playing through the many games of the series will surprise the player at times. While The Sims is a life simulator, players most likely don't expect dark and mysterious events to happen.

10 Sims 1 Prank Calls

Players of The Sims 1 are sure to remember the prank calls they could receive. Picking up a call would have an ominous tone play and a threatening message will appear. A message of 'The drop off has been made. You have been warned' is enough to worry any player.

The calls happen a lot between midnight and 8 am. While nothing actually happens and players most likely forget about it, the Sim being controlled will be scared and worried. Who can really blame them, a call like that at night is scary in real life, too.

9 Sending Sims To Their Death

Normally in the series, Sims cannot kill another Sim without the use of mods. In The Sims Medieval, players are able to finally kill other Sims. This can be done through a duel or poisoning, but a monarch can also send someone to death.

A monarch does not have to have a reason to condemn someone to death, they can choose anyone at random. The condemned Sim will be sent to the put and forced to fight a monster. The Sim can survive, but they can just be sent right back to the pit until they die.

8 Lady Chloris

Who hasn't tried to do something romantic and failed? In The Sims 4: Romantic Garden Stuff, players can find an item called 'The Folly of Lady Chloris'. Lady Chloris' husband, Zephyrus, encircled her with the follies in an attempt to be romantic.

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This proved to be fatal, as Lady Chloris was not able to escape the follies. She ended up starving to death in her garden, with her husband most likely knowing he could do nothing. As if that wasn't bad enough, players can buy the same follies that killed her.

7 Olive Spector The (Potential) Murderer

The Spector family can be found in Strangetown, noticeable for having a cemetery behind their house. Olive Spector is more than likely a murderer, being responsible for the deaths on the lot. Her memories reveal she Woohoo'd with the Grim Reaper and had a son.

It would seem she fell in love with Grim and wanted to keep seeing him. She would marry men and seemingly kill them off. Service Sims, such as delivery drivers, maids, and mailmen, also make up the graveyard.

6 The Cowplant

Throughout the series, players can find the Cowplant. It can become too hungry and attempt to eat Sims. It will stick a piece of cake out and eat anyone who tries to grab it. This will kill the Sim and fill the Cowplant's udders.

Another Sim can come along and drink the essence of the eaten Sim. Depending on the game, this can change their mood or extend their life a little bit. In The Sims 2, Sims with the logic aspiration might even have the want to drink another Sim.

5 Attacked By Sharks

Death in The Sims is expected, with some types of deaths being a surprise. While snorkeling in The Sims 3: Island Paradise, there is a chance for a Sim to get attacked by sharks. Being attacked once is not fatal, but being attacked while having moodlets relating to the first attack is fatal.

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Being thrashed around while in the mouth of a shark looks brutal enough. Being killed by a shark will make the Sim's ghost purple.

4 Villagers Will Feast On Goblins

In The Sims Medieval, there is a quest called 'Goblins!'. Players will have two choices with dealing with the creatures, one being called 'Gobblin' the Goblins'. A Knight or a wizard will go into the goblins' cave and slaughter the creatures.

It does not end there. The village people will celebrate the slaughter by holding a feast. The only thing is, the food at the feast are the goblins.

3 Mrs. Crumplebottom's Late Husband

Mrs. Crumplebottom can be found in The Sims 2: Nightlife when players go downtown. She will slap Sims with her purse who are caught kissing or showing any affection towards their date. She can be a nuisance while a Sim is on a date, but players might forgive her a little when they learn about her past.

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It is more than likely she was married to a famous puppeteer and philanthropist named Robert Crumplebottom. While he was at an event, a chandelier dropped two stories and landed on him. Mrs. Crumplebottom would have been widowed unexpectedly, most likely feeling hateful towards lovers.

2 The Tragic Clown

If players have a painting of the Tragic Clown, it will come to visit to cheer up depressed Sims. Unfortunately, it always backfires and makes a Sim much more sad. There's something very sad about a person trying to cheer someone up and failing badly. Especially when the Tragic Clown himself appears to be depressed.

He appears in The Sims and The Sims 4, coming around to raise spirits. The clown makes a cameo in The Sims 3, appearing as a ghost in Sunset Valley. Despite his attempts at being cheerful, he will always be a sad clown.

1 Bella Goth Being Separated From Family

Bella Goth appears in every game in some form. In The Sims 2, she had been abducted by aliens while visiting Don Lothario. Playing a Sim in Strangetown has the chance for a Bella Goth to appear, making it seem she ended up in the town. However, her grave can be found in the futuristic setting of Lunar Lakes.

After being abducted, Bella never returns to her family and is instead transported to another planet. She misses the events of her family's life, such as her daughter getting married and her son growing up. Her husband, Mortimer, also has to move on with his life, growing old without his love.

NEXT: 10 Things Cut From The Sims 4 (That Were In The Original Game)

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