Thursday, 25 February 2021 23:53

Outriders Demo: How to Crossplay | Game Rant

Written by Mina Smith
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The new Square Enix demo for Outriders focuses on three-person teams playing co-op, so many players are looking to crossplay with friends.

With the recent release of the Outriders demo, gamers are looking to team up with friends to take on its challenges. But since the Outriders demo is available across several platforms, some players are looking for the option to make crossplay available.

With a heavy focus on the different classes in Outriders, players will want to build a diverse team. Outriders is designed around three-person fireteams, which means connecting with friends is necessary to get the most out of both the demo and the soon-to-be released game. Since the demo is available for just about every modern platform, this might mean reaching out to players using different hardware. Crossplay is available, but unfortunately, turning it on is not intuitive.

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While crossplay is available in the Outriders demo, it is not turned on by default. Therefore, anyone looking to play with friends on a different platform will have to alter their settings before it will work. First, players need to access the Gameplay settings menu by pressing the left d-pad button while in the character menu. This menu will allow players to change things like privacy settings, language, and some in-game behaviors. Players looking to turn on subtitles or turn off their helmets will also be able to find the settings in this menu.

At the bottom of the screen, there will be an "Enable Crossplay" button that can be toggled on an off, and it must be on for each friend that will be joining the party. Once that is turned on, a "Play With Friends" button will be available in the Lobby. One friend will need to generate a game code with the "Generate Your Game Code," and all the others must use that code to join the group. The friend code can be entered in the "Join A Game Using Code" field. While the process is a little clunky, it's great that crossplay is available for this long-awaited demo. Now players just need to decide which Outriders class to choose.

Square Enix wants to assure players that though the crossplay is available for the demo, it is still currently in beta. It intends to continue to tweak the system and streamline the process before launch, making it quicker and easier. Hopefully this means that players will be able to connect to others playing on all platforms much more easily when the game launches in April 2021.

Outriders releases April 1 for PC, PS4, PS5, Stadia, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X.

MORE: Outriders Demo: How to Turn Motion Blur Off

Source: Square Enix

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