A couple of months after the release of early access, Baldur's Gate 3 is already on its 4th patch that brings major changes to the game. Baldur's Gate 3 Patch 4 has now introduced the Druid class with over 30 new spells and abilities to go with it.
The Druid class in Baldur's Gate 3 is a spellcasting class that can not only attack and heal party members but also takes different creatures' shapes. The "Wild Shape Class" feature allows Druids to turn into a Dire Wolf, Raven, Badger, Polar Bear, Cat, Deep Rothe, or an Aberrant Intellect Devourer. More animal options are said to be available upon full release.
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Each animal has its own different abilities and stats, so it can be overwhelming at first for some people. For players looking to understand more about the Druid class and develop good Baldur's Gate 3 combat tactics, here are some tips on getting started with developing a character.

Essentially, any background is fine as long as it provides a good amount of wisdom skills. Abilities such as Animal Handling, Insight, Medicine, Perception, and Survival are perfect for this class. Gamers should aim to get all five with their custom character in Baldur's Gate 3, but if they can't, three out of five will be fine as well.
For races in Baldur's Gate 3, the Gold Dwarf would work well as a Druid. Gold Dwarves have +1 Wisdom and +2 Constitution, which will help with greater wisdom and HP stat. A higher constitution will also help when Druid's need to roll constitution check when casting spells. Wood Elves will also be a good secondary option with its +2 Dexterity and +1 Wisdom.
For Druids, the most important ability stat is Wisdom, which will make spells more useful during fights. Fans should aim to have at least 16 ability points during character creation, with the goal to get up to 18 later on.
Constitution and Dexterity are the only other abilities in Baldur's Gate 3 that will be useful to Druids, but these are less important since they have no effect when the Druid is in animal form. So unless the player wants to fight a lot in the standard form, these will be fine. Intelligence, Charisma, and Strength can all be completely forgotten.
The equipment in Baldur's Gate 3 also doesn't affect when Druids are shifted into animal form but will be useful while using spells. Druids have pretty great dexterity, so ranged weapons like a Club or Quartstaff will complement the Druid the best. However, clubs will be preferred since Druids can hold a shield on the other hand and increase their defense.
For Armor, Medium Armor will be the best choice. Unfortunately, Druid's can't use most armor made of metal, so the best option is to use the Chain Shirt +1 found in the Shattered Sanctum. With the chain mail and a shield, Druid's should reach a combat class of 18.
Baldur's Gate 3 is available now in Early Access on PC and Stadia.
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Source: Fextralife