There's more to Persona 5 Strikers than infiltrating Jails and stealing back desires. There's plenty of extra content on the side to keep any Phantom Thief busy. For instance, the Velvet Room has quite a few quests for Joker in the form of Prison Mail Requests. While they are optional, the rewards will help players build better Personas.
Throughout the game, Lavenza will ask for specific fusions with certain abilities. Players will recall these types of quests from Persona 5. They're pretty much the same, but easier. Fulfilling a Request in Persona 5 Strikers rewards Skill Cards that can be applied to Personas or Bond Skill cap increases that allow certain skills to be leveled up.
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There are nine Prison Mail Requests in total and they get slightly more difficult as players progress since some Personas can only be obtained through fusion. A good first step would be to level up one of the best Bond skills in Persona 5 Strikers, Joker's Wild, which increases the drop rate of masks. Aside from the rewards, finishing the quests will aid in building solid teams for tougher fights later in the game. Here's how to complete them all.
To produce an Archangel with Amrita Drop, players will want to fuse Hua Po (level 14+) with High Pixie (level 14+). Upon doing the fusion, simply make sure Archangel inherits Amrita Drop and that will complete the request. High Pixie can be found in the Sendai Jail. Hua Po can be obtained by fusing Succubus and Andras, both of which are found in Shibuya Jail. The boss of this location can be a pain, so players will need to be strategic if they want to defeat Alice in the Shibuya Jail.
For their effort, players will be rewarded with the Diarama Skill Card. This skill restores a medium amount of HP to one ally.

For the second request, Lavenza will need an Eligor with Divine Grace. This is done by fusing Ame-no-Uzume (level 29+) with Lilim (level 25+). To get Ame-no-Uzume, fuse Lamia and Orthrus. Both can be found in the Sendai Jail along with Lilim.
The reward for this request is the Rebel Soul Skill Card, which is a passive skill that increases the Showtime gauge more quickly.
Next, Lavenza will ask for a Kaiwan with Makouga, which can be done by fusing Setanta (level 26+) with Principality (level 27+). Principality and Setanta can be found in the Sapporo Jail. The game gets progressively more difficult with each new area, so players will want to make sure they have the best team setup for every Jail as they venture forth.
The reward this time is a Soul Thief Skill Card, which is a passive that drains SP when inflicting an ailment on one foe.

This time around, players will need to show Lavenza a Mitra with Regenerate 1. Simply fuse Sentanta (level 31+) with Principality (level 27+) once again, this time making sure Regenerate 1 is carried over. Just make sure to level up Setanta to level 31 so it learns Regenerate 1.
Completing this Request rewards players with a Charge Skill Card. The Charge skill makes the next physical attack inflict 2.5x damage.
For the fifth Prison Mail Request, players will need a Unicorn with Zionga. They'll want to fuse Shiissa (level 35+) with Black Ooze (level 33+). Players will find both of these Personas in the Okinawa Jail.
The reward this time is a boost to the skill cap for Joker's Wild.
For this request, Lavenza will ask for Queen Mab with Technical Adept Skill. This quest will become available on August 24th. Players will want to fuse Kikuri-Hime (Level 40+) with Kaiwan (Level 37+). Kaiwan can be found in Sapporo Jail and Kikuri-Hime is roaming Kyoto Jail. Don't forget to knock out the Forgotten Desires Requests while cruising through the various Jails.
The reward for this Request is another skill cap increase for the perks that boost Persona abilities.

The seventh Prison Mail Request will be available on August 28th, alongside a few others. To obtain a Trumpeter with Diarahan, players will want to fuse Sarasvati (level 48+) with Norn (level 54+). Sarasvati and Norn can both be found in the Osaka Jail.
The Regenerate 3 Skill Card is the reward for this Request, which is a passive skill that restores 6% of max HP each turn in battle.
This Prison Mail Request should be available by August 30th and can be completed by fusing Nebiros (level 55+) with Mot (level 59+). Nebiros and Mot can be picked up in the Jail of the Abyss.
Players will receive a Mediarahan Skill Card for their troubles, which is a skill that fully restores the party's HP.
The final Prison Mail Request will only be available after completing the game, which isn't too bad since Persona 5 Strikers isn't a very long game. To get Dominion with Nuke Amp, fuse together Mot (level 62+) and Forneus (level 60+). Mot can be found in Jail of the Abyss while Forneus is obtained at the Tree of Knowledge.
The reward for finishing the final Prison Mail Request is a Fortify Spirit Skill Card, which is a passive skill that lowers susceptibility to all ailments.
With all of the Prison Mail Requests out of the way and the game completed, players may want to start working on the steps for obtaining Lucifer, the most powerful Persona in the game. It's a process, but it's worth it. Players will definitely need its strength if they attempt to take on Merciless difficulty. They'll also want to make sure they have the best Personas in Persona 5 Strikers on their side.
Persona 5 Strikers is available now on PC, PS4, and Switch.
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