Friday, 26 February 2021 16:32

Marvel’s Avengers: Missions and Rewards Updates (Week 26)

Written by Denny Connolly
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Marvel's Avengers week 26 is now live and players can take part in these missions and challenges to earn some valuable item rewards this week.

Marvel's Avengers fans got a lot of answers last week about the short-term future of the game. There wasn't any actual new content released during the Deep Dive for Clint's Hawkeye, but players did learn about the new hero's abilities and release date. The Clint Hawkeye mission is still weeks away, which means players are continuing the usual grind throughout the early days of March.

Players who are sticking with the game and staying engaged while they wait for the new Hawkeye to arrive on March 18 can entertain themself this week by grinding through the usual rotation with the arrival of Week #26 in Marvel's Avengers. As expected at this point, the weekly rotation of missions and rewards doesn't switch things up too much. Week #26 sticks to the usual pattern and delivers a handful of missions with rewards that will appeal more to lower level characters than the endgame players. That said, there is still some motivation for the hardcore players to work through this week's offerings.

RELATED: Marvel's Avengers - The Most Worrying Parts of the Hawkeye Deep Dive For Fans

This week #26 rotation in Marvel's Avengers sticks to the usual pattern and attempts to deliver some fresh motivation to revisit existing missions thanks to guaranteed rewards. All of the challenges offer some unique challenges and require a bit of strategy thanks to special modifiers that players will have to adjust to. At this point, most players are likely very familiar with all of the different modifiers that the game rotates through and have hopefully figured out how to adjust their strategy to successfully power through the weekly grind without too much trouble.

Minimum Power Level 25, +3 Power Level Offset


Blizzard: Ice hazards are added to the environment. Cryo damage from enemies and the environment are increased.

Famine: Enemies do not drop Regen Packs when defeated.

Capacitor: Shock damage from players is increased.

Guaranteed Reward: Epic Gear

Minimum Power Level 120, +5 Power Level Offset


Famine: Enemies do not drop Regen Packs when defeated.

Resurgence: Enemy health regenerates after a short delay.

Maelstrom: All heroics charge at a significantly increased rate. Entering critical health drains all Heroic energy.

Helix: Gamma damage from players is increased.

Guaranteed Reward: Polychoron & Hero-Specific Gear

Priority HARM Room Challenges have additional modifiers and reward comics that increase your collection and boost your stats.

Weekly First Completion Reward: Avengers Assemble (2012) #2

Minimum Power Level 15 Challenge


Pressure: No automatic recovery of Willpower when critically injured.

Heavyweight: Enemy stun meters build at an increased rate.

Minimum Power Level 100 Challenge, +5 Power Level Offset


Famine: Enemies do not drop Regen Packs when defeated.

Maelstrom: All heroics charge at a significantly increased rate. Entering critical health drains all Heroic energy.

Fireball: Plasma damage from players is increased.

"The Mega Hive is a single-player chain of eight missions that tests your team’s might. Each week you’ll have a shot at completing the Mega Hive mission chain. When you defeat all eight missions, the Mega Hive mission chain is removed from the War Table until the next weekly refresh, when you can run it again with new modifiers."

This week’s modifiers include:

Famine: Enemies do not drop Regen Packs when defeated.

Clash: Melee damage from any source is greatly increased.

Heavyweight: Enemy stun meters build at an increased rate.

Bane: Significantly increased presence of Adaptoids.

Weekly Rewards: As you progress through the Mega Hive, rewards start as basic gear, resources, and small amounts of cosmetic currency. The more missions you survive, the more resource drops increase. As you near the final mission, you’ll see better gear and artifacts awarded more often, as well as increased chances for patterns/nameplates. When you complete all eight Mega Hive missions you’ll be rewarded with exclusive goodies reserved for this gauntlet, including a significant amount of high-quality resources.

That's everything that is on the table for week 26's Priority Missions, HARM challenges, and Mega Hive. Many endgame players are likely more focused on Tachyon Rifts at this point as they wait for Clint and other new content to arrive, but the HARM challenges are a nice warm-up for any player to work through once per week as long as new or rare comics are up for grabs as a reward.

More details about the Hawkeye content should continue to arrive in the coming weeks as the March 18 release date approaches for his operation and the PS5 and Xbox Series X versions of the game. Until then, be sure to check back frequently for more Marvel's Avengers news, guides, and updates.

Marvel's Avengers is out now for PC, PS4, Stadia, and Xbox One, with PS5 and Xbox Series X versions coming March 18.

MORE: Marvel's Avengers: Why The Skins Were The Best Part of the Hawkeye Reveal

Source: Square Enix

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