Friday, 26 February 2021 22:58

Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War Update Fixes Crashes, Improves Outbreak Mode

Written by Nicholas Pace
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Treyarch puts out a new patch for Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War that seeks to improve a variety of issues appearing in the game.

Treyarch continues to improve on Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War with a new update. The patch fixes a series of issues ranging from bugs to improving game modes in Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War.

The latest title in the Call of Duty series has seen a lot of changes recently. Treyarch brought major changes in Black Ops Cold War Season 2, right on the heels of a competitive League Mode and a new map for Zombies. With all these changes, there are bound to be issues that crop up for players enjoying the content, but the developer is keeping an eye on its game and aims to improve some problems with a patch released today.

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When it comes to the overall experience, or Global problems, Treyarch is resolving visual glitches. UI issues with tooltips and the animation for the Naga Calling Card appearing incorrectly see fixes in this update. There is also an improvement for League Play, which has seen backlash since launch. After getting placed and even progressing into different tiers, players rank could appear as "Rank 0" consistently. After downloading the patch, fans should have their correct rank level reflected.

Half of the patch notes look to be for the Zombies mode in Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War. All of these fixes specifically related to the open-world experience Outbreak. Apparently there were stability problems with Objectives, Krasny Soldat, and the Dragon Relic. In addition to resolving those, a certain exploit where players could potentially exit the Holdout Objective prematurely has been patched out. Finally, the mimic should no longer teleport away, and the HVT Megaton will split correctly if hit by a vehicle.

Despite any complaints the community may have with the Call of Duty series, Treyarch does focus on polishing the experience. Updates adding tons of content have been frequent as of late, but the developer still manages to fix up specific bugs. While most of the updates in the February 27 patch are minor, it should help with smoothing out the gameplay for those in League Play and Zombies mode. It is frustrating when gameplay comes to a halt due to stability problems resulting in a crash, so it is good to see Treyarch working on removing that possibility.

Then again, it is clear that this update is not fixing any major problem in the game. There have been examples of game breaking glitches appearing in Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War, which are worse than the UI displaying incorrectly. In any case, it is likely that Treyarch will aim to make sure the game runs well for all players.

Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War is available now for PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, and the Xbox Series X/S.

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Source: Treyarch

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