It looks like the new title Outriders by developer People Can Fly is already a top seller on Steam. Though Outriders is not even officially released yet, players are already purchasing the sci-fi action game like crazy.
The game is another addition to the looter-shooter genre, similar to the Destiny or Borderlands series. Much like those games, players can play solo or join up with friends to explore the science fiction world. An Outriders demo came out recently to help improve the game and tide fans over. Apparently, it has had a positive effect on interest in the title.
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According to a weekly report on Steam Database, the game by People Can Fly is in Steam's top ten best-sellers for the week ending on February 28. Even with the delay to April, pre-orders for Outriders are flying off the digital shelves. This is likely due to the demo on PC and consoles getting players invested in the experience. With details about the endgame expeditions revealed last year, there is little mystery surrounding what will be available in the game.

From the list, it seems like Outrider's is capturing a lot of the hype without having a huge competitor. It is in seventh place on the list just behind Stardew Valley, which just celebrated its five-year anniversary. Chances are, once some time passes the title will move up. Some other games in the list include Persona 5 Strikers and Baldur's Gate 3. The multiplayer survival experience Valheim is taking the number one Steam spot again, which could pose a challenge for Outriders.
While the looter-shooter genre does have a lot of popular entries, many of these are years old. With EA's Anthem shutting down, Outriders may stand a better chance in the industry. Allowing those on the fence to check out the game through a free demo is clearly paying off for People Can Fly. With so many games out there, giving player a chance to try it out will likely do wonders for game sales in the long run.
However, this could be a case of just pre-release hype. With the title coming out in another month or so, those who are going to buy the game will do so. Plus, a large amount of early sales is not necessarily an indication of positive launch day reception. Other AAA games have had a lot of hype and sales leading up to release, only to crash and burn when launching. In any case, players can check out the demo now and decide for themselves if the pre-order is worth it.
Outriders will release April 1 for PC, PS4, PS5, Stadia, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.
MORE: The Best Legendary Loot Farm in the Outriders Demo
Source: Steam Database