Fans of Blizzard's Warcraft can finally become a part of Azeroth's history in World of Warcraft. Thanks to Blizzard's legendary MMO, players can become legends themselves whenever they participate in one of WoW's many endgame content options. Moreover, teams of players can duke it out against Azeroth's "Most Wanted" in the form of high-octane Raids across the MMO's many expansions.
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Sadly, WoW's ever-evolving Raid System can make the idea of raiding a bit overwhelming for newcomers. Even WoW vets can feel a bit uneasy trying new builds and new setups for each new challenge the game throws at them. However, players should also take note of some of the biggest mistakes they can do to any Raid. After all, even the tiniest miscalculation can lead the party to death. How exactly can players avoid this?
10 Don't Waste Time By Going Blind

One of the worst mistakes players make in Raids is perhaps one of its most enjoyable aspects for roleplayers: going in blind. Making an unplanned approach to a Raid can both cause a team wipe and waste valuable time. Remember, unlike PVP modes, such as Battlegrounds and Arena, Raids form the more methodical aspect of the Warcraft MMO's endgame scene. In fact, the most experienced raiding groups methodically approach their raids, even shifting some players in and out, depending on the encounter.
Essentially, parties should take the time to study their target Raid and all its aspects. Aside from studying boss fights, players also take note of information about the map alongside mob abilities and rotations, and even special "mechanics" in these Raids. Thankfully, resources online such as guides and playthroughs exist to help raid teams plan more calculated strategies.
9 Don't Forget The Role

Unlike other aspects of the game, Raid parties pay particular attention to party composition to ensure efficiency. As with most MMOs, parties need three major components: a Tank, a Healer, and a DPS. Interestingly, some Raids do sometimes require a special approach towards these roles, and they require different kinds of synergies in terms of Classes and Specializations. Encounters such as Valithria in Icecrown Citadel, for example, require a more healer-heavy approach in some circumstances, as it is considered a healer-centric fight.
Before participating in a Raid, players should take note as to what kind of role they specialize in, and if they can do specific actions expected of the role as per special mechanics or rules. For instance, some Raids may need more defensive focus, which enables Tanks to step in. Meanwhile, Supports can help against debuff-heavy bosses.
8 Don't Settle For One Specialization

This time around, the Warcraft MMO doesn't necessarily force players to stick to a custom build that balances multiple Specializations. Rather, Shadowlands enables players to select and reselect Specializations that unlock related abilities. In turn, players always have a means of choosing a damage-heavy spec or, in some cases, tanking and healing specs.
This versatility matters in Raids, as not one Specialization works in a Raid all the time. If possible, players should train to use more than one spec to diversify their role options in the Raid.
7 Don't Forget To Diversify Rotations

As with Specializations, it's very likely for players to have a preferred skill rotation. For instance, it's very likely for most players to procc buffs first to maximize their initial attacks and repeat the buffs just as their CDs end. However, in Raids, rotations don't always work, especially when facing off against multiple opponents at once. When an unexpected enemy move or slip-up "breaks" rotation, players should always have an alternative rotation to compensate.
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This advice holds extreme importance in timing-sensitive raids, as a split-second of inaction could've been used to trigger a buff, cast a spell, or even procc a decent AOE attack.
6 Don't Underestimate Aggro

Despite the Warcraft MMO's multiple expansions and gameplay adjustments, aggro remains a crucial part of the Raid ecosystem. Be it an ordinary raid or an endgame raid, knowing how to work with aggro can easily score a Raid clear with the team. It's important to remember that certain teammates are the only ones who should pull aggro from mobs and bosses. For instance, Tanks and Alt-Tanks regularly exchange aggro to keep the enemy occupied. That way, DPS characters can continue dealing punishment to enemies while Support keeps Tanks alive.
Likewise, the team should avoid pulling unnecessary aggro. Certain strong heals actually pull aggro away from Tanks and establish Healers as immediate threats. Likewise, DPS should be careful how they build their damage as they can steal aggro from Tanks if they punish enemies too hard too quickly.
5 Don't Focus Too Much On Damage

It's a common misconception in Raids that parties only work great because they all focus on dealing damage with powerful gear. This isn't necessarily the case. In fact, it's just as important to ensure that characters always have decent sustain to avoid unnecessary deaths in battle. Remember, it's the Healer's responsibility to heal priority targets like Tanks. However, everyone else should tap into their innate healing abilities to keep themselves from dying. That way, Healers can maximize their healing spells.
Likewise, party members should learn how to retreat from combat when necessary. In times of pulling unnecessary aggro, DPS or Healers should always be within close range of Tanks so they can steal aggro back and avoid team wipes.
4 Don't Forget Hotkeys

Players might wonder why WoW offers nine hotkey bars when their Class abilities should fit around one or two of them. Essentially, this feature encourages players to optimize their hotkey layout. As players might realize, they can actually drag multiple hotkey bars to different locations of the screen. That way, players can have hotkeys, not on the bottom of the screen, but also to the left and right in various rows.
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Theoretically, this setup allows players to access their rotations and valuable items as soon as they need them. Ideally, hotkeys should always stay close to parts of the screen that players always look at. Doing so ensures they won't miss indicators of things such as hotkey cooldowns. In Raids, this setup allows players to adjust to situations much faster.
3 Don't Neglect Keybinds

Gamers with a keen interest in RTS titles would know the value of keybinds in speeding up their build order. After all, the faster they execute their builds, the faster they can secure combat advantage. In the Warcraft MMO, keybinds work in a similar manner. A split-second difference in casting one spell after the other can determine who lives or dies in a Raid. Players should practice making efficient keybinds ASAP.
Thankfully, players don't need a special keyboard or mouse for effective keybinding. The best keybinds work best when they're closest to the WASD keys. These include starting keybinds with Shift, CTRL, and Alt alongside the R and F keys to the right or the 1, 2, and 3 keys on top.
2 Don't Forget Consumables

Some might wonder the question of why even carry consumables in Raids when Healers exist. The thing is, Healers should ideally keep their attention towards Tanks and overall party management. As much as possible, most other party members should have the means to sustain themselves on a basic level: from their abilities and consumables. This factor also explains why endgame potions with massive healing and buffs exist despite the existence of Class abilities.
Essentially, recommend recovery potions include Spiritual Healing and Mana Potions, and the Spiritual Rejuvenation Potion. Classes who need specific boosts may appreciate Potions of Spectral Strength, Stamina, Intellect, or Agility.
1 Don't Ignore Lucky Charms

High-intensity situations such as boss fights won't always let players remember strict rotations and formations discussed an hour prior to the Raid. Moreover, parties are at a disadvantage as both voice and chat can get crowded and obscure proper commands easily. In these situations, parties should always keep lucky charms in mind. Formally known as target markers, these serve as special icons that players can assign to relevant locations and NPCs in the map.
Theoretically, Raid parties on the same page can attach quick commands to icons. That way, players always know what certain icons mean and what they should do about it. For instance, the "Skull" icon usually pertains to a target that needs the most DPS. Likewise, the "Moon" icon may indicate a safe spot for spellcasters.
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