Sunday, 28 February 2021 15:20

The Witcher 3: 10 Things You Need To Know About The Devil By The Well (& Noonwraiths)

Written by Kath Leroy
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The Witcher series introduces interesting and often horrifying monsters for Geralt to slay, such as the Noonwraith from "The Devil by the Well."

One of the best features of The Witcher 3 is the large number of quests it offers. From the main quests to the side quests such as Witcher contracts, Geralt always has his hands full. If he wants to make money, he has to temporarily put his search for Ciri aside and take on a contract.

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The events of one of the first contracts available occur in White Orchard where Geralt arrives to look for Yennefer. An apparition haunts the local well, and it's necessary to get rid of it. Geralt can do the contract right away or come back to the village later. Unlike some other quests, it's necessary to complete the contract "The Devil by the Well" before Geralt starts the quest "On Thin Ice."

10 Two Ways To Start The Quest

Most players will discover the quest via a notice board. It's almost impossible to miss it since Geralt spends a lot of time in the village of White Orchard, where the quest occurs. The alternate option is to talk directly to Odolan, the contract's issuer. Either way, Geralt will learn that Odolan's daughter is ill.

The villagers used to drink water from the river, but the river is now full of corpses, because of the war. The only other solution is to drink from the well, but an evil spirit haunts it.

9 Geralt Has To Do Detective Work

Just like in a lot of The Witcher 3 contracts, Geralt will have to do detective work. The solution to the problem won't just land in front of him. Geralt's next step is to investigate the huts around the well.

Three huts have the mark, but only one of them contains important information. Geralt will find a diary belonging to a woman named Claer. He also discovers a skeleton and finds more traces of blood.

8 Searching Around The Well

The quest has a rather tragic backstory. Geralt's investigation will lead him to the well. He finds a dead body inside, revealed to be that of a woman. Geralt also finds the woman's bracelet in the water upon jumping inside the well. Once he finds it, he swims underwater through a cave. The underwater path will lead Geralt out of the cave.

It appears as though a woman died in the well, and perhaps the so-called devil is merely her tormented soul. In the Witcher universe, such doomed souls are known as Noonwraiths.

7 The Fight Isn't Easy

The fight against the woman's spirit, which manifests as a Noonwraith, can be surprisingly challenging. If Geralt isn't careful enough, she will kill him multiple times. The best course of action is to prepare relevant oils and potions. If possible, Geralt should also level up on Yrden.

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Once Geralt is ready to fight, he should burn the skeleton. The Noonwraith will appear and the fight commences. During the encounter, the Noonwraith will split into three separate forms. The best course of action is to finish them off as fast as possible and keep damage heavy and steady on the real Noonwraith until defeated.

6 Meeting An Old Friend

Geralt loots the dead Noonwraith's body for the trophy. He returns to Odolan, the questgiver, who will pay him 50 crowns. Alternatively, Geralt can refuse the money, and he'll get an amethyst instead.

Odolan will also mention that Tomira knew Claer. That will give Geralt the opportunity to meet with Tomira again. The woman will fill in blanks in the story of the Noonwraith, and she'll reward Geralt as well for killing it.

5 What To Use Against The Noonwraith

Because of their incorporeal form, it's hard to win a battle with a Noonwraith. Many players had trouble completing this quest at first. Some dubbed it the most challenging contract in White Orchard. It can be, especially for those who haven't played The Witcher 3 before.

Luckily, a few things can help. Geralt should make good use of Moon Dust, the Dimeritium Bomb, and Specter Oil. The Yrden sign is a great help in the fight even though it limits the space where Geralt can fight. The best course of action is to level up as much as possible before completing the quest. After all, the player can always return to White Orchard later.

4 Noowraiths Have Limited Locations

Unlike wraiths who pop up at a lot of places, some of them unexpected, Noonwraiths have limited locations. They most often appear near wide open places such as fields and meadows. Unlike Wraiths, Noonwraiths don't hide in the darkness of old chambers and catacombs.

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That makes it easier to anticipate their presence. Whenever Geralt investigates a quest in a field, it's probable that the culprit will be a Noonwraith and not a different type of monster.

3 It's Difficult To Hurt Them

Getting rid of Noonwraiths is almost impossible for ordinary folk. That's when Witchers come into play. Since Noonwraiths don't have a corporeal form, normal weapons won't hurt them. Steel swords are no good against them either. It's impossible to burn them or poison them. They don't bleed and stagger. The only way to fight them is to use a silver sword and a sign or a bomb that will turn them temporarily into corporeal entities.

2 They're Women, And Most Often, Brides

Women, especially brides with tragic fates, have a strong chance of turning into a Noonwraith after they die. They usually have a sad backstory that Geralt has to uncover to find out what makes the individual Noonwraith tick. It helps him discover how to get rid of it as well.

For example, the Noonwraith from the Novigrad contract, "The White Lady," was a beautiful young girl. She killed herself because she didn't want to marry an old and cold husband her parents had picked for her.

1 They Use Their Surroundings Well

Finally, it's important to point out that Noonwraiths use their surroundings well. There's a reason why they appear at daylight, usually around noon, hence their name. Unlike Wraiths, they can temporarily blind people. They take the rays of sunlight and aim them at their enemies. The subsequent flash makes it impossible for the person to see, and the Noonwraith can easily finish them off.

NEXT: The Witcher 3: How To Beat Werewolves

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