Sunday, 28 February 2021 23:54

Gears 5 Operation 6 Patch Notes Revealed | Game Rant

Written by Nicholas Pace
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The Coalition reveals patch notes for Operation 6 of Gears 5, where multiple fixes will be coming to the game, including its maps and modes.

Patch notes for the upcoming Operation 6 of Gears 5 have been released. This update by developer The Coalition looks to be changing up a variety modes, characters, and maps for Gears 5.

As one of Microsoft's major exclusive titles, Gears 5 is the latest in a long-running series. The third-person shooter takes players into a violent and gritty world, where the protagonist Kait Diaz looks to discover the origins of the Locust. Despite its focus on narrative, the title also has multiplayer modes like cooperative PvE as well as a PvP option. Operation 6 brings in the newest season of the game and adds a bunch of extra content.

RELATED: Gears 5 Reveals Operation 6 With Hoffman and Queen Reyna

When looking at the list of changes for modes, players can expect both PvP and PvE content. Players that were spawning incorrectly in Escalation or with no weapon in Gnashers Only should not have those problems anymore. Plus, playlists that were meant to be 4v4 were filling as 5v5 when bot backfilling is enabled, so The Coalition has resolved that problem. In PvE, various modifiers have been edited for Horde/Escape. These include reducing damage modifiers for snipers and shotguns, while also changing up daily rewards.

The patch notes also include a host of fixes for characters, maps, and other bugs. It looks like mostly minor updates, such as improving gun clipping and voice lines. Some of the best maps see the fewest patches, with Foundation and Nexus receiving detail improvements along with removing clipping. The Coalition plans to fix up Gears 5 so there will no longer be crashes across the game, and those with outdated graphics drivers will now get a message encouraging them to upgrade.

Along with the content coming in Operation 6, it seems like The Coalition is aiming to smooth out the experience too. Most of these updates in the patch notes appear to improve problems that were occurring. There are few things more frustrating than incorrect spawns during a PvP match, as it can be detrimental to success. With additional balance changes coming for PvE, players enjoying the next-generation updates for Gears 5 should have a better time all around.

That said, the title has been out for a couple of years, with its original release happening in 2019. Fans of the Gears series may be wondering why The Coalition is still focusing on this installment rather than looking ahead. First-party exclusives on Xbox Series X and S are slim right now, and having to play an old game is going to only support the console so far. However, hardcore fans of Gears 5 will likely be ready to dive into Operation 6 and check out the updates.

The full patch notes for Gears 5 Operation 6 are listed below:

  • FFA Gnashers/Torque Bow Tag: Regular weapon spawns that persisted in certain maps will no longer continue to do so.
  • A rare instance in which a user may start with no weapon on ‘Gnashers Only’ modes has been addressed.
  • The observer numbers when spectating will now correctly line up.
  • Players now spawn in their correct position in Escalation.
  • Players will now spawn after joining a Guardian game in progress while their leader is still alive.
  • Players will no longer see the placeholder leader skin if they have no customization installed.
  • Gridiron: A endzone projection will no longer clip into a boat on Canals.
  • Gnasher: The Gnasher will now show ‘tracers’ when firing, this will allow you to visually see where your bullet trails go.
  • We’ve now improved the consistency when it comes to gibbing a player who’s sliding into cover.
  • Playlists that are set as 4 v 4 will no longer fill to 5 v 5 when bot backfilling is enabled.
  • Upon dying, Jack characters would see an “Ultimate Ready” text line, this is now fixed.
  • Users should no longer encounter multi-second freezes while playing Escape.
  • Horde: Fortifications placed inside walls will now be able to be picked back up.
  • Horde/Escape: Decreased the Frozen Damage Multiplier for Snipers from 5x to 3x.
  • Horde/Escape: Reduced Fabricator spawn blocking distance on River from 30m to 25m.
  • Horde/Escape: Decreased Frozen Damage Multiplier for Shotguns from 7x to 3x.
  • Horde/Escape: Tweaked the following daily rewards
  • Skill Cards (Advanced) 3 -> 4
  • Coins (Beginner) 100 -> 200
  • Coins (Inconceivable) 300 -> 400
  • Coins (Advanced) 150 -> 300
  • Blademaster: The Blademaster now correctly receives 30% damage resistance from melee attacks. (Previously hotfixed)
  • Pilot: When equipped on the Silverback, the Scorcher will no longer point to the ground.
  • Outsider Kait: Kait’s gums will no longer clip through her lip while performing the “Thumbs up” expression.
  • esports Kait: Kait’s shoulders are now weighted correctly during expressions which addresses clipping issues.
  • One of Dizzy’s character lines will no longer have a narrator voice play.
  • Characters will no longer display the wrong full model when full customization is not installed.
  • The character skin faction icon for cards will no longer overlap with the rarity.
  • Sid will no longer say “get out of my way” when shot by a teammate.
  • Abominable Grenadier: A minor weighting issue has been fixed on the cloth.
  • Recon Sid: A minor weighting issue has been fixed on Sid’s wrist while in high cover.
  • Swarm Elite Hunter: When held as a meat shield, the Hunter’s tassel will no longer flail out of control.
  • Lambent characters will now have their glow appropriately applied.
  • Jade skin: A texture seam present on the Jade Boomshot has now been fixed.
  • Myrrah: Myrrah’s Double Time voice expression no longer uses the incorrect voice line.
  • Onyx Guard Keegan: A skin clipping issue on Keegan’s left shoulder has been fixed.
  • Museum skin: The museum material at the back of the Markza will now be wooden instead of metal.
  • Jermad: Jermad will no longer use two fingers to point to his one eye in the ‘Watching you’ expression.
  • Foundation: An issue with a level of detail pop on a specific window has been addressed.
  • Nexus: Jack will no longer clip through certain segments inside in the map.
  • Nexus: During Horde users will no longer be able to attempt to vault through the gates at both spawns.
  • Players can now access the Extras menu even if they do not have the full campaign chunk installed.
  • The Heroic Venom Gnasher will no longer have brown crystals on the weapon when playing as the Swarm.
  • Users who have outdated graphics drivers for Gears 5 will now be advised to upgrade them to ensure they get the best gameplay experience.
  • The Async compute graphical setting being turned on will no longer cause graphical issues.
  • Fixed numerous crashes in-game across the game.
  • An issue related to players not spawning in a match has been fixed.
  • If you retro charge/attempt to chainsaw and get stunned your character will no longer automatically attempt to reload their weapon.

Gears 5 is available now on PC, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X.

More: Gears 6: The Fate of Kait and the Other Protagonists

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