Tuesday, 02 March 2021 14:30

The 10 Weirdest Things You Can Actually Do In Skyrim | Game Rant

Written by Christine Mendoza
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The Elder Scrolls might be an epic fantasy universe, but that doesn't mean things don't get a little weird sometimes. Here's how to make Skyrim weird.

The incredibly vast world of Skyrim is full of possibilities. There are endless options and opportunities for the player to embark on new and interesting endeavors and quests, meeting tons of interesting people and beasts along the way. Whether the choices made during those endeavors are good or bad is entirely up to the player.

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Morality aside, there are a few things the game allows the player to do that are neither good nor bad, but questionable instead. The Elder Scrolls might be an epic fantasy universe, but that doesn't mean things don't get a little weird sometimes.

10 Eat (Almost) Anything

Regular food is readily available all over Skyrim; just visit the closest inn or tavern and it's likely the player can fill up on some mead and a nice warm meal. However, with the inclusion of alchemy in the game, it's essential to test out every ingredient the Dragonborn comes across.

Conveniently, one of the fastest and easiest ways of testing out the effects of an ingredient is to consume it. This then leads the Dragonborn to eat quite a few questionable things, such as strange plants, human meat, Daedra hearts, parts of beasts, and even feathers off fallen hawks.

9 Shout People To Death

Being the Dragonborn comes with the unique ability to use the "Thu'um," which are shouts in the language of the dragons. Throughout the game, the player can unlock a variety of different shouts that all have different and unique abilities.

The "Thu'um" can be used in battle and is often a great aid. As bizarre as it sounds, the Dragonborn has the ability to literally shout people (or creatures) to death in Skyrim. Whether it be from shouting them off a cliff to fall to their death, freezing them to death, or launching a powerful cyclone at them, the enemies (or unsuspecting friendly NPCs) have more than a handful of ways to meet their end from just a simple shout from an angry (or bored) Dragonborn.

8 Steal A Person's Soul

Using soul gems is a common practice in Tamriel that most players don't think twice about. It's almost impossible to go throughout an entire playthrough of an Elder Scrolls game without using an enchanted weapon. And of course, with weapon enchantment comes maintaining that weapon's charge.

One of the most convenient ways to ensure the player will always have soul gems to charge their weapon of choice is to use the "Soul Trap" enchantment. This ensures that every time there's an empty soul gem in the player's inventory, it will be filled with the soul of an enemy slain. Most players don't think twice about this dark implication. After being captured in a soul gem, the soul of that person (or creature) is then sent to the Soul Cairn for the rest of eternity. Rather cruel but Skyrim allows the Dragonborn this harrowing ability nonetheless.

7 Be A Cat Or Lizard Person

On the surface, this one sounds a little strange, but within the world of Elder Scrolls, it's actually quite common. The option of being a cat or lizard may sound bizarre, but within the realm of a fantasy-type world such as the world of The Elder Scrolls, this option is quite natural.

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Argonians (reptilian beings) and Khajit (feline beings) may not be native to Skyrim but are known to reside there during their travels. To anyone that wishes to truly experience the game from a foreign perspective and want to stray away from the mundane skin of a human being in a world filled with fantasy, Skyrim is the place where those dreams can come true. Just remember that Nords don't often take too kindly to outsiders in their homeland.

6 (Successfully) Flirt With Anybody

Life in Skyrim is often short; with so many threats, harsh weather conditions, and lack of proper healthcare, citizens of Skyrim need to live their lives to the fullest, and quickly at that. Marriage is a fun addition to the experience, but winning over someone's heart enough to take the player's hand in marriage is a lot easier than one would think. Unlike real life, it often takes completing a few simple favors and then presenting oneself wearing an Amulet Of Mara and things are already set in motion. It's very rare that the marriage option is ever barred out for the player.

The Amulet Of Mara allows any romanceable NPC to see that the player is available and single, and getting the attention of the beautiful maiden or muscular warrior the Dragonborn has their eye on is as simple as buying a piece of jewelry. Simply wear the amulet and the candidates will present themselves all on their own.

5 Stuff Your Pockets With Food

On multiple journies, it's only natural for the Dragonborn to find some good loot they just can't pass up. Among that loot is the occasional homecooked meal. Don't fret about bringing some takeout boxes, the Dragonborn has no problem taking an entire platter of food on the road. Packing a few sweet rolls for a nice treat is maybe reasonable, but the idea of the Dragonborn taking a soup stock or an entire apple pie along for the ride of raiding bandit bases or climbing the tallest of mountains, and keeping them perfectly intact is a hilarious picture to imagine.

4 Read Erotica On Lonely Nights

Every now and then it's a good idea to take a break from the tiring life of the Dragonborn, so put the sword and shield down and pick up a nice read. Among the scholarly notes, instructional guides, and adventurer's journal, is the curious case of the "Lusty Argonian Maid." This particular romance novel is rather famous, and equally infamous, among fans. This seven-act play keeps an incredibly spicy atmosphere and mood throughout every readable portion found in Skyrim.

3 Become A Werewolf Or Vampire

In a world where the player takes the place of the Dragonborn, it's rather strange to think that the option to become a werewolf or turn to vampirism is readily available. It turns out, simply being the Dragonborn doesn't have to be the highlight of the player's life.

What makes the player special to begin with is that they have dragon blood in their veins, allowing them to use unique shouts and granting communication with actual dragons in their native language. It's always great having options, but the idea of a vampire or werewolf Dragonborn is quite a fresh take on an already unique protagonist.

2 Use A Bucket To Become A Master Thief

Apparently in the world of Tamriel, the easiest way to have one's way in a shop with empty pockets is using a bucket. This is one of the most famous tricks among fans. Simply take a bucket, place it on top of any NPCs within the shop or in view, and suddenly, the Dragonborn is free to take anything they wish without anyone putting up a fight. Bizarre, but a fun little trick the game allows the player to do very consistently. Who knew it'd be so simple to get sneak to 100?

1 Befriend A Dragon

With the return of the dragons, everyone across the land is terrified of the flying creatures, in fear that they'll wreak havoc. Regardless of the almost unanimous hatred of dragons, the player does get the opportunity to befriend a few. First is Paarthurnax, a great and wise dragon the Dragonborn has the pleasure of meeting in the main questline. Although it is an option to slay Paarthurnax, many players decide to keep their scaly friend. Later in the game, another dragon, named Odahviing, can even be summoned for aid in battle with a unique shout.

Who knew that in a world threatened by the return of dragons, the player would be able to befriend and even fight alongside one?

NEXT: The 15 Weirdest Skyrim Mods Ever

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