Over the years, games have evolved a lot in terms of graphics and storytelling. While many feel nostalgic, overall the new influx of games on the market is becoming more rich and diverse, with even more fascinating premises and options to entertain players with. One major development in particular has been inclusive romance in major games.
While there are tons and tons of visual novels and indie games that truly celebrate gender-inclusive romance, even some major gaming titles have paved the way for complete freedom of choice and expression for players. In the name of love being love, here are 10 of the most romantically inclusive major gaming titles.
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Updated on March 3rd, 2021 by Anastasia Maillot: While there are still big steps to be taken for truly romantically inclusive games, there's still some decent options on the market that deserve to be highlighted and exemplified. From having a wide variety of options, what's also being considered is the freedom of choice in these games.
Moreover, with some games having been released since the original list was made, some predictions regarding Cyberpunk 2077 turned out to be true but didn't deliver quite as much as fans would have hoped. Here are five additional games with inclusive romance options worth checking out.
15 Saints Row 4

Saints Row 4 might not be the most serious game out there, but it does get a few things right that most triple-A games can only hope to get right these days. Volition's action-packed franchise's fourth installment gives the player to big freedom to romance any of the nine characters introduced.
This is also regardless of gender, and while the game doesn't take itself too seriously, it's a nice breath of fresh air and makes for some pretty hilarious and iconic dialogue between the characters involved.
14 Fable II

While many would consider the original Fable to be outdated, Fable II still holds decently to today's graphical and gameplay standards. Fable II is one of those medieval fantasy games that goes surprisingly deep into romance and marriage.
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The good thing is, a large number of characters from almost anyone can be romanced and married depending on their gender preferences. The downside is, some romance options can't be executed "safely," which seems incredibly counterproductive to such an otherwise inclusive and freedom-embracing game. However, for the sake of the amount of choices alone, it's a good game to check out.
13 Fire Emblem: Three Houses

Japanese RPG games are generally well-known for their abundance of romance options, and Fire Emblem: Three Houses is no different in that regard. There's a whole myriad of characters who can all be romanced, regardless of which gender the player chooses for their character Byleth at the beginning of the game.
The romance options are based on the house the player joins, and while there are more opposite gender options, there are still far more inclusive same-gender options in the game compared to a myriad of other adventure RPG games on the market.
12 Star Wars: The Old Republic

Even significantly older games like Star Wars: The Old Republic showed signs of modest progress. While the base game itself only had opposite-gender romances, DLCs added options for same-gender and all-gender romances, which significantly improved the romance experience overall.
Depending on who the player picks as their companion, they can unlock more of their storyline and eventually romance and marry them. Some characters can be picked by both genders, and the faction of the player plays a part in the choice as well.
11 Baldur's Gate III

Baldur's Gate III has been splitting opinions between Divinity and Baldur's Gate fans, but overall, the response has been positive. Currently in Early Access, the game has showcased a lot of freedom in both character creation and romance options. Anyone can be romanced out of the six major characters.
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While six isn't much to choose from, it's still nice to know these options aren't limited to gender. A system of approval and disapproval will instead determine whether companions will fall in love with the player's character. The romance scenes might be cheesy, but anyone who's a sucker for it will appreciate it.
10 Dreamfall Chapters

Anyone looking for the story of the decade will have to check out Dreamfall: Chapters and its predecessors. This game is a beautiful tale of alternate timelines, magic, and technology, as well as unconditional love. The player controls a variety of different characters depending on the chapter, while advancing in the story.
The game became quite famous for one of its major characters openly stating their romantic preference for the same gender during one of the cutscenes, which undoubtedly broke one of the major taboos in the gaming industry. While romance isn't a huge focus of this game, it's still a major advance in breaking stereotypes.
9 Fallout 4

The tale of Fallout 4 might start quite traditionally, with the main character witnessing the death of their significant other and the kidnapping of their baby. From there onward, though, they'll be introduced to a colorful cast of characters, which can all be romanced for the most part.
While synthetics, robots, and super mutants such as Nick Valentine, Codsworth and Strong are not tagged as romance options, the player can engage in a romantic relationship with just about any other companion available in the game, and define their character however they'd like. There's also a ton of mods for Fallout 4 which introduce new companions and open up unavailable characters as potential partners.
8 The Sims 4

When it comes to a game that's been known for being groundbreaking in terms of inclusive romance and diversity, it's definitely The Sims franchise. Back in the late '90s when inclusive romance was nearly nonexistent in games, The Sims broke barriers by showcasing two women sharing a kiss.
Since then, The Sims franchise has always stood for gender inclusiveness. The Sims 4, the latest installment, allows the player to separately choose a character's clothing preference, which allows for the creation of trans Sims as well. Anyone can be romanced; it's completely up to the player what kind of story they want to tell.
7 Mass Effect

Mass Effect 2 and Mass Effect 3 are especially great games when it comes to inclusive romance. The player is free to choose the gender of Commander Shepherd, and from there on they have a few different romantic options. While some are exclusive to a certain gender, there are a few more that are open to both genders.
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The cool part about Mass Effect's romance is that unlike most sci-fi game titles, it actually allows for romance between humans and other humanoid species. The human cast itself is also diverse, which is what makes this futuristic game feel so real and immersive. Although Andromeda was generally not well received, it continues in the line of highly inclusive romance.
6 The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

Medieval fantasy games were once known for severely lacking inclusive romance options. However, in the last decade, there have been some immense strides in that regard, partly thanks to the way Skyrim absolutely revolutionized romance mechanics in-game.
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In the world of Skyrim, marriage is a pretty simple thing. Since it's dangerous and war could break out at any moment, simply wearing an amulet and being somewhat liked by an NPC is enough to marry them. Not to mention, there are over sixty different marriage options to choose from for a husband or wife, from various age categories (elder to young adult), races (excluding Khajiit), and genders.
5 Divinity: Original Sin 2

Another great medieval fantasy tale, Divinity takes the player into the world of Rivellon, where Sourcerers are hunted down for their powers. The game can either be played by picking up one of the pre-made characters, all of which can romance one another, or by creating an original character.
Rivellon is full of very diverse characters, some of which can be actively flirted with. Only those in the party, however, can be engaged in a long-term relationship. There are also a few NPCs who can be eloped with later on in the game, regardless of gender, so there's definitely an option for everyone.
4 Life Is Strange

In Life Is Strange, the player takes control of Max, a teenager who has the ability to travel back in time and change the events of the past to influence the future. When a storm is about to hit her hometown, she needs to figure out a way to protect it.
Max has the option of growing romantically close to two characters in the game. She can either go for her best friend, Chloe, or she can choose her other friend ,Warren. Again, it's completely up to the player and the choices they make during the adventure.
3 Cyberpunk 2077

There were high hopes for Cyberpunk 2077, and after the initial storm of the release was over, the game continues to be just a bit lackluster. That being said, it delivered by giving players romance options that would cater to both same-gender and different-gender romances.
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Male Vs can either romance Kerry Eurodyne or Panam Palmer, while female Vs have the choice between Judy Alvarez or River Ward. On top of that, there are joytoys who can be romanced, and Meredith Stout, a bisexual side romance. While there could definitely be more romances, the depth of these stories is what makes them good and high quality. Hopefully, DLCs will bring in more inclusive romance options.
2 Dragon Age

The Dragon Age franchise has been particularly well known for its inclusive romance for some time now. Dragon Age II is especially good in this regard, as all the romance options are available for both genders of the main character, with five to choose from if The Exiled Prince DLC is installed.
Moreover, a few other companions can be flirted with, even though they're not romance options. Dragon Age: Inquisition is a bit less flexible with the romance options, with some characters locked for male or female inquisitor only, but there are still characters that are open for both genders.
1 Stardew Valley

Stardew Valley is a beautiful, super addicting game that focuses on building a new life on a farm after running away from dreary corporate life. The player can fully customize their character and identify as either male of female. Once they move in, they have six bachelors and six bachelorettes they can seduce.
The bachelors and bachelorettes of Stardew Valley respond to gifts. Knowing what they like the most is vital in gaining their trust and eventually marrying them, as well as unlocking their heart events, which are small cutscenes. Same-gender romance and marriage are fully available, and same-gender couples can also adopt children.
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