It's still going to be a while until the PlayStation 5 gets its own virtual reality headset. At the very least, it's not coming out this year, meaning VR enthusiasts have to make do with the current system. It's not ideal, but it can be used with the PS5 and, today, Sony has announced some brand-new VR games to look forward to, including a new iteration of Doom 3.
Doom 3 originally released in 2004 and was actually the first reboot of the Doom series before the 2016 Doom game (which funnily enough ignores the events of Doom 3). While it was still a first-person shooter, it had a much slower pace and was closer to a survival horror game than its successors, which makes it perfect for VR. Set in a research facility on Mars, players take control of an unnamed space marine (not the Doom Slayer from the newer games) and must slaughter the army of demons that have invaded the facility and stop them from eventually reaching Earth.
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Aside from some graphical updates, like new textures and shaders, it will also include both the Resurrection of Evil expansion (which comes with additional levels, enemies, and weapons) and The Lost Mission single-player expansion that was bundled with the BFG Edition remaster. The former takes place two years after the main game and tasks players with recovering and destroying an ancient artifact, while the latter is all about descending into Hell itself and destroying a teleportation relay before it sends demons straight to Earth.
But the main draw is, of course, the VR enhancements. Players will be able to peer around corners, angle their weapons' shots, and perform a quick 180-degree turn in case any demons try to sneak up on them from behind. There will also be a wrist-mounted display that keeps track of health, ammo, and armor, which could certainly make the experience more immersive, requiring players to regularly check it and make sure they're not running on empty.
The comments under the announcement trailer on YouTube show fans are surprised but excited to see what some consider an underrated entry in the Doom series get the VR treatment, though some lament the fact that they don't have the VR headset. One person hopes that the newer games like Doom Eternal will receive the VR treatment, which would also be a good fit, although the newer games' more frantic and high-paced action might be too overwhelming for some. Besides, id Software is likely more focused on releasing the second installment of its The Ancient Gods DLC at the moment, which is currently lacking a release date.
Doom 3 VR will release on May 29th for PlayStation VR.
MORE: Doom Eternal: Who are the Night Sentinels
Source: PlayStation Blog