Even though some The Witcher fans might wish otherwise, Yennefer of Vengerberg is Geralt's greatest love. The couple has a long and complicated history. Despite all problems they face, they always return back to each other, sooner or later. Possibly because of the magic bond between them or simply because they love each other for real. That depends on interpretation.
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Yennefer played a bigger part in the books than she did in the CD Projekt Red games. She was the one who taught Ciri magic and helped her survive. Yennefer isn't perfect and the games tried to correct her flaws, but the fans love her regardless of her errors.
10 Flaw: She's Not The Most Powerful Sorceress

Yennefer has an edge on younger and less experienced sorceresses in the books. At approximately 100 years old, she's more powerful than Triss, for example. But she's still nowhere on the same level as other mages. For example, Vilgefortz and Philippa Eilhart are both more powerful. Yennefer ends up imprisoned in the books at one point and she doesn't manage to free herself.
9 Correction: She's Extremely Strong In The Games

The third game changed Yennefer's powers. One could argue it made her over-powered. But the story required it and it looks good when Yennefer uses her considerable powers. Suddenly, she's able to magically shield Kaer Morhen from the Wild Hunt for quite a long time. She revives a corpse long enough to interrogate her. She heals Avallac'h who's on the verge of dying. Yennefer in the games simply is a force to be reckoned with.
8 Flaw: She's Manipulative

The first meeting between Geralt and Yennefer isn't peaceful. Yennefer agrees to help Geralt and save Dandelion. However, once she gets the opportunity, she manipulates Geralt. She uses her magic against him and compels him to attack a man who has previously wronged Yennefer. As a result of Yennefer's manipulative nature, Geralt ends up in prison.
7 Correction: She's More Sincere In The Games

Yennefer is still a bit manipulative in the games. For example, she lies to the priestesses and uses their sacred garden to briefly revive a corpse. However, for the most part, Yennefer is sincere when she talks to the people she cares about.
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She shares her plan to subject Uma to the Trial of Grasses with the witchers even though she knows they'll judge her for it. Yennefer is a more honest person in The Witcher 3, even when she sometimes reverts back to her old ways.
6 Flaw: She's Beautiful, But Not Perfect

Yennefer was a hunchback when she was a child before she underwent the process that changed her appearance. She's beautiful in the books but not perfect. She's much more self-conscious about her looks and what people think of her. When Geralt first meets Yennefer, he notices a few small imperfections. For example, Yennefer is quite short and one of her shoulders is higher than the other.
5 Correction: She's Perfect In The Games

Many fans eagerly awaited Yennefer's presence in the games. And when they finally got their wish, it was easy to notice Yennefer didn't look like she did in the books. For one, she was quite tall and had full lips, not narrow ones like she did in the books. Yennefer's beauty is striking in The Witcher 3, so much so she looks like a model - at least in comparison to other sorceresses. What's more important, Yennefer seems more at ease with her looks than her book counterpart.
4 Flaw: She's Jealous Of Ciri

Geralt and Ciri have a strong relationship in the books. They're like father and daughter. Geralt knows Ciri long before she meets Yennefer. What the players might not know is that Ciri doesn't like Yennefer when they first meet.
RELATED: The Witcher 3: 10 Yennefer Memes That Prove The Game Makes No Sense
The feeling is somewhat mutual. Yennefer is quick to point out Ciri isn't as beautiful as other people. And she's even jealous of the bond between Geralt and Ciri once Ciri grows up a little.
3 Correction: She Accepts The Relationship

Luckily, Yennefer doesn't take forever to realize she's acting silly. When she reunites with Geralt and Ciri in The Witcher 3, she isn't jealous or bitter. Instead, she's just happy to see Ciri again. And unlike in the past, when she called Ciri ugly, she tells Ciri she's beautiful. Yennefer sees Geralt and Ciri as the two people most important to her in the games. And instead of being jealous of their bond, she accepts it for what it is.
2 Flaw: She Cheats On Geralt

Yennefer's relationship with Geralt had multiple low points. One of them happened in a short story in which Yennefer cheated on Geralt. She and Geralt were together at the time. Yet Yennefer saw nothing wrong in being intimate with the sorcerer Istredd at the same time. And when she realized Istredd and Geralt wanted to fight it out, Yennefer left both of them behind.
1 Correction: She's Loyal To Geralt

In The Witcher 3, Yennefer is much more loyal to Geralt. She's bitter about the fact Geralt and Triss were a couple while Geralt had amnesia. She even throws out the bed Geralt and Triss shared together. But she doesn't take other lovers while she and Geralt are together - even though she could have. Crach an Craite was interested in Yennefer but she only had eyes for Geralt. So if Geralt tells Yennefer he loves her during The Last Wish quest, it feels like a good ending for their love story.
NEXT: 10 Video Game Mages More Powerful Than The Witcher's Yennefer Of Vengerberg