Thursday, 04 March 2021 13:30

Batman: 10 Hilarious Alfred Pennyworth Memes | Game Rant

Written by Kath Leroy
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Alfred has always been a fan favorite thanks to his witty humor and remarks. These memes perfectly capture his brand of humor.

Batman is one of the most popular DC superheroes and superheroes in general. There are many reasons why people like him. One possible explanation is because he has no special powers which make him more relatable. But it's impossible to deny that Batman wouldn't be where he is today without the rich number of intriguing characters who form a part of his life.

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One of the most important people in Batman's life is his butler and father figure Alfred Pennyworth. He's been working for the Wayne family for decades and is Bruce's close confidante. Alfred's calm mind and ability to make intelligent jokes made him the star of many memes.

10 Alfred Knows Sarcasm

Sometimes it looks like British people excel at sarcasm. Alfred definitely does. Bruce Wayne might fight crime on his own, without Alfred's assistance. But when it comes to the more mundane areas of his life, he leaves it all on Alfred. Even though Bruce would be perfectly able to draw a bath for himself, he still expects Alfred to do it. And then he watches in surprise as he realizes something important. Even Batman can't expect Alfred to do everything for him.

9 Nobody Believes Alfred

It's doubtful whether Alfred would like to be Batman. Most likely not since he's too sensible for that. That doesn't change the fact he would at least once like someone to believe he could be Batman. It's not about being an actual superhero but about knowing Alfred could do it. Unfortunately, he doesn't succeed in pretending to be Batman in the meme. Maybe Alfred will be luckier some other time.

8 A Father Figure

Alfred might officially work as Bruce's butler. But in reality, he's more like a father figure to him. After Bruce's parents died, Alfred was the one to raise him. Bruce is quick to forget about it sometimes especially when he and Alfred disagree. All adult children argue with their parents from time to time. And it doesn't even matter how old they are. Alfred manages to have the last word in the argument which is no easy task with Batman.

7 Don't Mess With Alfred

Depending on the source material, Alfred sometimes has considerable fighting skills. After all, even though he might work as a butler, he's led an adventurous life in the past, even worked for the MI-6. People tend to underestimate Alfred because he's older and acts like an English gentleman.

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But when Alfred decides enough is enough, he gives a proper serving to everyone who crosses him. And what's more, he does it in style. Many people could learn this from Alfred in superhero stories.

6 The Ultimate Burn

One of the many things that make Alfred amazing is that he's not afraid to call people out. And he can sometimes be almost savage when he points out their nonsense. Even the most patient butler sometimes snaps when he's dealing with too much nonsense. Some other person might choose a more impolite approach but that's not Alfred's style. Instead, he gives Bruce a serious burn when Bruce has the audacity to complain about his sandwich.

5 The Definition Of Patience

Speaking of Alfred dealing with Bruce's nonsense - he does that often. The fact is he's had enough time to learn how to deal with Bruce. But depending on the source material - be it the Christopher Nolan movies, the DCEU movies, the animated films and series, or the older Batman films with Michael Keaton - Alfred has gotten accustomed to Bruce's special brand of craziness. That might be the only reason why Alfred hasn't gone crazy as well during all this time.

4 The Smartest Person Around

The Christopher Nolan third Batman movie, The Dark Knight Rises (2012), did well with the audience. Some people might have wondered which character in the film was the smartest one. But those who would believe Batman because he defeated his enemies or Catwoman because she managed to steal from people, are wrong.

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The smartest person in the film was Alfred, and by far. Unlike all other major characters, he was the only realize one should use an umbrella when it's raining outside.

3 Alfred Was Right

Bruce might not like it - in fact, he most certainly doesn't like - but Alfred is rarely wrong. And his judgment once again proves correct in this meme. Bruce works on his new suit and points out it's supposed to a bat. Unfortunately for Bruce, Alfred doesn't see it. And as it turns out, he's not the only one. Even a criminal doesn't get what he looks at and mistakes a bat for a stingray. In the end, Bruce should have listened to Alfred.

2 The Ultimate Burn 2.0

Truth be told, it isn't like Alfred to make fun of the death of Bruce's parents. But that's what memes are for - they show other potential sides of well-known characters. Just like in the sandwich meme, Alfred takes it personally when Bruce criticizes something he serves him. Only this time, it's not a sandwich but a cold cup of coffee. The best thing about the situation is Alfred's reaction, the hilarious way he pretends that he didn't say anything.

1 A Retired 007 Agent

Finally, one of the most recent versions of Alfred Pennyworth was the one on Gotham. This Alfred was different from the traditional portrayal. He still took care of young Bruce Wayne but as a younger man himself, he showed his fighting skills more often. And he was impressive at defeating his enemies. So much so that some fans believe Alfred is actually a retired 007 operative. Maybe he used to introduce himself in the following fashion: Pennyworth. Alfred Pennyworth.

NEXT: 5 Most Overrated Batman Games Of All Time (& 5 That Deserve More Love)

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