The most anticipated, thrilling point of any RPG is typically the final boss battle. The menacing, threatening antagonist of the game will go full force against the main character, putting up a fight that only highly prepared players can beat. After hours and hours of progressing through the game, leveling up, and gathering materials needed to be strong, players are ready to go head to head with their enemy.
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However, there are some games where the big, bad bosses go out like total chumps. Sometimes having an ominous appearance and cool, threatening one-liners isn't enough to actually be a powerful villain. Here are ten times an RPG's boss looked intimidating, but was actually super easy to beat.
10 The Witch of Hemwick - Bloodborne

By the time Bloodborne players get to this big, bad boss, they're typically always leveled up enough for the fight to be an easy one. The nasty looking witch sends out mobs of enemies to attack the player while she avoids getting damage, but you can avoid having to take them all down by simply tracking her down a couple of times, landing a few good hits, and sending her soul to oblivion. Her appearance may be daunting, but her battle is a nice breath of fresh air in this hardcore game.
9 Ganon - The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild

Though he's literally the most evil being to ever exist and took out the entirety of the kingdom 100 years prior to Link's awakening, Ganon's final boss fight is pretty underwhelming for many fans of the game. The boss himself is incredibly ominous in appearance and his attacks are powerful, but after playing the game for 100+ hours, gathering the best loot in the game, leveling up countless times, and renewing all four Guardians, Ganon goes out like a total chump. It's okay though, most players of BotW enjoy the game for the endless fun of roaming around the massive map.
8 Orphan - Final Fantasy XIII

Orphan is definitely one of the least liked bosses throughout the Final Fantasy franchise. His motives are unclear and his story is not that inspiring, plus his boss battle lacks the challenge that the other games' villain fights have.
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Though he comes with a large health bar and a few tough attacks, this antagonist is not that difficult to take down. With a decent amount of preparation and leveling up, any player can take him out on their first try.
7 Big Bob-Omb - Super Mario 64

There were some pretty challenging parts in the ultimate classic Super Mario 64, and the boss fight with Big Bob-Omb is not one of them. Despite being a literal bomb that could explode Mario off the face of the Earth, this big dude tries to use his weight to squash the little Italian protagonist. All the player has to do is throw the giant bomb a few times until he is defeated.
6 GLaDOS - Portal

Honestly, GLaDOS is probably one of the best video game antagonists of all time. She is a cunning, hilarious, and sarcastic genius who still comes off as an all-powerful, creepy villain who just wants the player to die. She sets Chell on a dangerous adventure through various, highly dangerous testing chambers that are much harder than the final boss fight itself. The final battle requires much less tactical skill and problem-solving than the rest of the chambers did.
5 Dr. Octopus - Spider-Man

The final battle in this spectacular Marvel game is against the notorious Dr. Octopus, the mad scientist and Peter Parker's former mentor. The boss fight is much less epic than the previous battles with the Sinister Six. It's basically just dodging as much as possible and throwing some long distance attacks in between.
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The lack of a super hands-on, challenging fight is made up for with the beautiful cinematic animations and cutscenes that surround the battle.
4 Colonel Autumn - Fallout 3

After facing some of the worst terrors walking the Earth, including killer mutants and the series' typical crazy people, players were expecting to be facing the toughest guy out there in the boss fight. After scouring the land and obtaining the best weapons in the game, the player should have absolutely no problem gunning down Colonel Autumn, who is equipped with a pistol. It takes little to no effort to finish off this underwhelming final boss.
3 Honda Tadakatsu - Nioh

This boss seems super intimidating, being a legendary samurai with incredible fighting skills, and all. However, players can entirely skip the fight with this antagonist by avoiding his attacks and heading towards the three crystals in the battle area. Once the three crystals are destroyed, so is Honda Tadakatsu. The battle can actually be tricky and require some skill if you choose to fight him normally, but with such an easy "insta-kill" option available... it makes this boss fight seem pretty lame.
2 Pinwheel - Dark Souls

The boss which fans have dubbed the weakest in the entire series, Pinwheel is nothing to worry about. Though he's quite grotesque and disturbingly spooky, this boss is very easy to take down, especially when compared to some of the other near-impossible Dark Souls antagonists.
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Toss some fireballs at this creepy villain and his health can be knocked down fast. Target the real Pinwheel amid his clones and knock him to low health so he can't summon any more. Once he's defeated, he'll award one of his three masks to the players.
1 The Electrocutioner - Batman: Arkham Origins

Batman has faced many powerful, evil villains in his time being a vigilante hero. From the Joker to Bane, Batman has fighting skills to overcome any nasty antagonist running ruin in the city. So why would any weak, lowly bad guy attempt to cause a ruckus in a town they knew Batman was lurking? No clue. The Electrocutioner from Batman: Arkham Origins seemed to think he was one of the big time villains, but Batman can beat him down in a matter of moments. He comes across as so menacing and full of confidence, making players think he'll be a hard guy to beat. That, however, isn't the case.