Friday, 05 March 2021 00:49

Call of Duty: Warzone Season 2 Update Sets Internet Usage Record

Written by Joshua Goodpastor
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A Call of Duty: Warzone update causes a massive surge in internet usage and triggers a historic record for one internet provider.

Gamers from around the world downloaded the new Call of Duty: Warzone Season 2 update, causing an unexpected record to occur. With Call of Duty: Warzone being an online experience, many players caused a surge in varying internet companies' usage charts. While most companies saw a surge, Virgin Media hit a historic high with Call of Duty: Warzone fans downloading new content.

Virgin Media is used by millions of people across the globe. While it is one of many internet providers, it is the only company reporting a massive surge after Call of Duty: Warzone Season 2 launched. While it is unknown what threshold fans had to exceed to hit a historic high, fans do know that Season 2 was not a light update to acquire.

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Once Call of Duty: Warzone Season 2 launched, the average internet user's download rate spiked to 20GB of data for the day. This is only 3GB bigger than the 17 GB Call of Duty: Warzone Season 2 update, causing a new record in Virgin Media's internet provider history. From a consumer perspective, it is extraordinary that a single game could be the sole reason for an internet company's data usage upstream. Many fans are commenting that this is a sign of Call of Duty: Warzone's popularity across the world as a free-to-play game experience.

The Call of Duty: Warzone Season 2 update added a wide arrangement of content for fans to enjoy. The massive update added new multiplayer maps, operators, a Season Pass, reactive camos, and even ported Zombies into the Warzone experience. This update was not light by any means, and this added to the final result of Virgin Media's records.

With Call of Duty: Warzone's community continuing to grow and online gaming becoming more and more normalized, fans are expecting more internet records to break across the varying providers. While Call of Duty: Warzone may be a powerhouse in size and population, other titles have the potential of spiking internet usage for a variety of reasons.

This marks an interesting shift in internet perspectives as Call of Duty: Warzone looks forward to more updates of similar sizes. It is unknown if Warzone will cause another spike in the future, but for it to happen this early in the game's life is astonishing. Virgin Media will, no doubt, remember this day where the Call of Duty community caused an unprecedented surge in its internet usage.

Call of Duty: Warzone is available on PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.

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