Friday, 05 March 2021 03:54

Bravely Default 2 Secret Ending Discovered | Game Rant

Written by Brittni Finley
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Some Bravely Default 2 players find a secret ending after defeating a seemingly 'unwinnable' boss, and the cutscene is classic to the JRPG genre.

Some Bravely Default 2 players discovered a secret ending after defeating a so-called "unwinnable" boss fight towards the beginning of the game, but it's not as rewarding as players might expect of a secret ending. This article contains some mild spoilers for the Prologue of Bravely Default 2 and the secret ending.

Adam is a character in Bravely Default 2 that shows up during the Prologue to steal the wind crystal from Gloria, but when the player's team stands up to him, a fight breaks out. He deals a hefty amount of damage but seems to withstand the hits thrown at him. And while many players have deemed that the game isn't as easy as one might expect, Adam's fight is nearly impossible. However, it's supposed to be that way. In order to progress past the Prologue, players should lose to Adam, but upon starting New Game+, some players are discovering what happens if they're strong enough to beat him.

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While it's quite unlikely that players would be able to beat the boss during their first run of Bravely Default 2, New Game+ allows players to roll over their skills into a new playthrough, meaning that they might actually be able to stand up to the ridiculously tough Adam in the Prologue. Some players discovered that upon beating him, a secret ending of the game unlocks.

However, the secret ending that Bravely Default 2 delivers is actually quite anti-climactic. After defeating him, a mysterious hooded figure will appear, and a cutscene will play. It seems like she wasn't expecting Adam to be defeated either, and says that a "change of plan" is necessary. The game is over and credits will roll before Bravely Default 2 informs the player they must be defeated by Adam in order to progress.

All there's left to do is reload the save file and allow Adam to beat the quartet, which makes putting in any effort into the battle pointless. To players' dismay, they aren't awarded anything by beating the "unwinnable" boss fight in Bravely Default 2, such as a unique weapon or accessory.

However, according to players, the cutscene does contain voiced dialogue, which some appreciate. And while it might not be that exciting, anti-climactic secret endings aren't uncommon in the JRPG genre. For example, during the first Leon fight in Tales of Destiny, unexpectedly defeating him will prompt a short write-off of how the cast of characters go off on great adventures and becoming renowned hunters before taking the player back to the main menu.

Bravely Default 2 is available now on Nintendo Switch.

MORE: Bravely Default 2: How to Beat Bernard

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