Friday, 05 March 2021 16:00

Dragon Age: Which Origins Character Are You Based On Your Zodiac?

Written by Emma Majoros
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There are many characters in Dragon Age Origins and many more personalities to contend with. Which one are you based on your zodiac?

The age-old question of what person, place, or thing an individual is based on their zodiac sign can be applied to basically anything. The positions of the stars the moment someone was born is said to have a certain meaning regarding their personality.

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People who are well-read in the subject can try guessing anyone's astrology sign based on their behavior and everyday lives. Although this has its exceptions, as everything does, the topic of zodiac signs has become a science of sorts. Therefore, the culture of trying to guess what animal, flower, or TV character someone is based on their sign is more and more popular. And soon enough, it has made its way into the world of video games.

12 Anders - Aquarius (January 20 - February 18)

Anders is a charming, witty character who sometimes struggles with the rights and wrongs of the world. He's more on the introverted side and can be very intuitive. He can make decisions hastily and is sometimes insecure. His character is more on the darker side. He's very passionate about what he believes is the right thing, and is capable to see his mission through.

Although the Aquarius sign is more widely known for their creativity, they rarely let that side of them rule their lives. They can be very practical and empirical. They love to examine the rights and wrongs of their everyday lives, and they're very passionate about what they believe in. And if anyone is capable of writing a manifesto to reach their goals, that's Aquarius.

11 Alistair - Pisces (February 19 - March 20)

Alistair is very outgoing, sociable, charming, kind, and a tad insecure. He can be a little judgy at times but is very humble and loyal. When hardened, he has very concrete opinions and can logically stand by them. He has fast and sarcastic humor, maybe as a way to hide his insecurities and vulnerabilities.

A lot of times, Pisces is overlooked as the most emotional, least logical of the signs, but this is just partly true. If anyone is to reach beyond the surface, Pisces can be very practical and logical. They have great humor, leaning towards the sarcastic and self-deprecating. Although they too are led by their creative side and emotions, they can look at the bigger picture, not letting themselves "fly away."

10 Zevran Arainai - Aries (March 21 - April 19)

Aries is the most headstrong of the signs. They're capable of blindly running into a wall just to prove they're right. Zevran's devil-may-care attitude and arrogance from time to time make him the perfect Aires. He's also very flirtatious and chases pleasure in every corner.

Although Aires is headstrong and is never wrong, they're not as judgmental as one might think. They always know what they're talking about and rarely hesitate when making a decision. When facing crossroads, they lean on their intuition as well as their reasoning.

9 Iron Bull - Taurus (April 20 - May 20)

Iron Bull may not be featured in Origins, but he is clearly Taurus, and not just because of the resemblance to a bull; that's just a happy coincidence (or is it?). Tauruses and Iron Bull avoid hypothetical conversations when possible. Their main focus is on the physical world, making them the most empirical of the zodiacs (and characters). Knowledge and credibility are very important to them. They're very down-to-earth and relatable, and possibly the calmest.

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They prefer the company of others rather than actual conversation, making them more of an observer who tends to let others steer the conversation. They're not intuitive people; they're okay with letting things go unanswered, patiently waiting for the answer to be uncovered.

8 Varric Tethras - Gemini (May 21 - June 20)

Gemini are storytellers and extroverts. Varric, much like a Gemini, is an entertainer and a speaker. He loves the sound of his own voice and so does everyone else. He has genuine relationships with the elite and the commoners alike.

The sign and the character are both very realistic. They have a strong opinion about everything, and they hate to be proven wrong. In fact, they don't even acknowledge it. At the same time, they're very warm and easy to approach. They make lasting connections with anyone. They're insecure about sharing their intimate feelings, but because they constantly talk, this is barely noticeable.

7 Leliana - Cancer (June 21 - July 22)

Cancers are sometimes known to be manipulative. But for the more observant zodiac savvy, it becomes clear that the reason they can manipulate better than the rest is that they have no problem seeing the world as a chessboard. This doesn't mean they always use this power for wrongdoing, however.

Leliana is highly intuitive, and her superpower is interconnecting seemingly unrelated information and revealing the big picture. This is exactly what Cancer does with information, people, money, and anything else. They're very calm, friendly, open, and empathetic. They can also be the most practical and pragmatic, making decisions in a fragment of a second.

6 Eamon Guerrin - Leo (July 23 - August 22)

Leo is an icon among zodiacs and an icon among people everywhere. If they don't get a crown by default, they crown themselves - in front of an audience, of course. All joking aside, Leo, and Eamon from DA, is always a force to reckon with.

They feed on power but always deserve it first. They don't tolerate hand-me-downs or pity. They know exactly who they are, and wherever they're at, they're proud of what they achieved. They're very popular, noble, and influential. Their presence in a room is instantly noticeable, and they love attention.

5 Morrigan - Virgo (August 23 - September 22)

The witch of the wild. The sorceress. A highly independent, strong, sometimes judgy shapeshifter. Virgos are definitely known to be manipulative and sometimes even insensitive. This can stem from being independent to a fault and very headstrong.

Morrigan is very intuitive, very smart, and looks down on the weak. Just like a Virgo who values autonomy, she rejects any kind of help or pity.

4 Loghain Mac Tir - Libra (September 23 - October 22)

Loghain, just as the sign Libra, is very logical and a brilliant strategist. He's also a capable leader who makes decisions without regarding his feelings and emotions. His primary values are family and power. Libra is known to be the most practical of the signs.

Libras calculate everything to a tee, never making a decision without looking at all the angles and measuring all outcomes. That makes them fantastic, reliable, and exemplary leaders.

3 Dagna - Scorpio (October 23 - November 21)

Scorpio is the outcast that is feared. They're the popular kids that others only dare to talk about when they're long gone. Dagna is all the positive qualities of Scorpio bundled up.

She is an extrovert, very excitable, perky, and ambitious. She has big plans for herself, hates to be a stereotype, and wants to prove everyone wrong. She's very logical, practical, and proactive. She has all the smarts to make anything happen for her. Her main goal is to travel, learn, and experience, and nothing can stop her once she has a plan in place.

2 Anora - Sagittarius (November 22 - December 21)

Much like the symbol of the sign, Sagittarius is known to take their time aiming and only shoot when they're sure. This makes them very confident, strong, and capable. Anora is disliked by many, and that's because her nature is overlooked. Apart from being a little judgy, a tad elitist, somewhat treacherous, she is also a fantastic leader.

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She is assertive, strong, loyal (when treated right), smart, and ruthless when need be. She is a very capable leader with a strong sense of duty. She knows exactly who she is and no one can make her doubt herself.

1 Duncan - Capricorn (December 22 - January 19)

Duncan is a humble, honorable man. He has a strong sense of duty before anything else. He always wants to make the right choice, but when struggling to decide, he can be harsh. He is very smart and practical.

Capricorn is known to be very logical, a routine lover, down-to-earth person. They love it when something can be viewed black and white and when nothing is left to be decoded. They know what needs to be done, how it needs to be done and they always see it through.

NEXT: The Myers-Briggs Types Of Dragon Age: Inquisition Characters

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