The Nintendo Switch is home to some truly amazing JRPGs, and one need only look at the latest addition to its lineup to understand why this is the case. By all accounts, Project Triangle Strategy looks absolutely brilliant and worth any person's time who loves the 2.5D art style that has come up recently and wants to see more games in the same vein. Of course, the fact that this is a strategy JRPG is bound to entice some people as well.
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However, there's still quite some time before Project Triangle Strategy releases. The fact that it doesn't even have a final name as of yet should make it clear that the waiting period is going to go on for quite some time. So, for fans who might find this wait to be somewhat unbearable, here are ten games on the Nintendo Switch that players can try out before Project Triangle Strategy releases.
10 The World Ends With You

Given the fact that NEO: The World Ends With You was just announced recently, it's only a given that more and more people would have the incentive to play what is easily one of the most unique and memorable titles on the Switch.
It's a testament to the longevity of The World Ends With You that it's still somehow managed to be a highly playable title since its inception on the DS, serving as a great — and rather lengthy — romp that players can definitely enjoy from start to end.
9 Dragon Quest XI S: Echoes Of An Elusive Age — Definitive Edition

While the Dragon Quest series had long since established itself as a great JRPG series in its own right, one has to admit that the series hadn't really taken off in the west. Dragon Quest VIII was perhaps the last game in the series that had witnessed some level of success in the West, with the fanfare of later entries being rather muted in comparison.
However, all of this changed with the release of Dragon Quest XI, which is considered by many to be one of the greatest entries in the genre by a country mile. The release of the Definitive Edition on the Switch was met with even greater fanfare, featuring a bunch of additional content that is bound to satiate even the most stubborn JRPG fan around.
8 Xenoblade Chronicles: Definitive Edition

It would be impossible to talk about great RPGs on the Switch without mentioning the masterpiece that is Xenoblade Chronicles. The series has certainly witnessed a resurgence of sorts after the botched development of Xenogears and the muted success of Xenosaga, with players quickly getting into what is easily one of the greatest JRPGs of all time.
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While Xenoblade Chronicles 2 could've also been included on this list, nothing beats the quality of the original Xenogears — a convenient situation, since most people should ideally start off with this title itself.
7 Ni No Kuni: Wrath of the White Witch

Ni No Kuni is considered by many to be a highly underrated series, and its appearance on the Switch has proven to be a boon when it came to attracting more people towards this brilliant title.
Wrath of the White Witch is a charming and entertaining title that any JRPG fan should definitely try out. The story of Oliver as he strives to rescue his mother is surprisingly engrossing and serves as one of the highlights of the title.
Of course, the animated sequences of the title certainly help things quite a ton as well.
6 Disgaea 5: Alliance of Vengeance

The Disgaea series has been a stalwart strategy JRPG series for quite some time, and Disgaea 5 pushes the franchise to new heights with massive quality-0f-life changes, along with the tightening of gameplay mechanics to allow for some truly nail-biting combat scenarios indeed.
Of course, pretty much everyone at this point knows why Disgaea 5 is beloved by so many people — the post-game of all Disgaea titles is notorious for being packed to the brim with incredibly hard challenges, and Disgaea 5 is no exception to this. Gamers should be prepared to be absorbed in this game for hundreds of hours if they decide to try this title out.
5 The Banner Saga

Easily one of the most beautiful titles on the Switch, The Banner Saga is a gorgeous strategy-RPG featuring simulation mechanics that don't feel tacked on in the slightest either.
While the hand-drawn art style might be the first thing that players will notice in this Viking-themed SRPG, the story definitely plays a major role in keeping fans hooked all the way to the end as well.
4 Mario + Rabbids Kingdom Battle

When the collaboration between Mario and Rabbids was announced for the first time, most fans dismissed this title as an absolute joke.
However, upon release, Mario + Rabbids Kingdom Battle ended up making most fans eat their words. The gameplay present in this title is engrossing in every sense of the word, and the inclusion of familiar faces from the Mario Universe is surprisingly seamless and quite refreshing as well.
3 Fire Emblem: Three Houses

Fire Emblem is considered by many to be one of the greatest strategy JRPGs of all time, and Three Houses ends up taking the reputation and quality of this franchise to an entirely different level.
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Featuring groundbreaking dynasty mechanics coupled with some of the best gameplay that Fire Emblem has been privy to for quite some time, it must be said that Fire Emblem: Three Houses is easily one of the best games in the genre, and a must-play for any fan of SRPGs.
2 Persona 5 Strikers

Fans have been clamoring for Persona 5 to come on the Switch for the longest time. While Persona 5 Strikers might not be the exact game they were hoping for, it's still a brilliant title that combines the mechanics of Dynasty Warriors with Persona 5's combat for some truly brilliant fun.
It certainly helps that the story wasn't an afterthought, making for an experience that genuinely feels like a proper continuation to the events of Persona 5.
1 Octopath Traveler

Of course, it would be impossible to talk about Nintendo Switch games in the same vein as Project Triangle Strategy without mentioning the masterpiece that is Octopath Traveler. The 2.5D art style is one of the major draws of the game, making for a unique experience that is bound to satiate any fan of old-school JRPGs.
However, the combat of Octopath Traveler is the real standout, featuring simple-yet-deep mechanics that allow for some truly engaging battles. The boss fights of this game are major standouts, featuring some nail-biting battles that are bound to be quite entertaining for any JRPG fan.
NEXT: 15 Switch Games To Play If You Loved Breath Of The Wild