With over 2 million downloads of the Outriders demo, People Can Fly has been having success with their in-development looter-shooter. Outriders players have been spending hours grinding for gear and mods. Gear and mods that players get now will transfer over to the full game on its official release on April 1, 2021. Outriders has already released changes to some of it’s loot mechanics surrounding Legendary gear in the game.
Square Enix recently discussed patch details, including changes to popular farming runs in Outriders. One of these changes was to eliminate the chance that Legendary gear could drop from chests; the Gauss boss chest is excluded from this change. Square Enix informed players that they do not want to remove farming runs for Legendary gear, but rather migrate the drops to more enjoyable content in the game.
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Gear in Outriders can be dismantled to retrieve the mods from the gear. The mods from dismantled gear will be useful in the full game. Legendary gear features powerful mods so repeat drops can be dismantled to obtain these powerful mods for use in the full game. Cheats used to give players these powerful Legendries and their mods would give the players an advantage in the game.
With the changes to Legendary drops, some players feared that cheaters who were gaining Legendary gear from cheats, would cause more Legendary gear drop changes. Reddit user DrRobertFordMD made a post showcasing how cheating could be used to give players almost anything they wanted in the game. This raised concern about how cheating could influence future loot changes, however, Outriders fans may not have to worry about their Legendary loot drops being affected without a good reason.
A Square Enix community manager responded to the Reddit post stating that they could see who has Legendary gear in Outriders and how many of those players used cheats to get their gear. As such, the company does not need to base decisions on Reddit posts and went on to let people know that they are taking their time with these important decisions in to ensure they get it right. Previously, the company indicated that cheaters actions should not affect a players regular playing or co-op experience.
Outriders is still in-development and is subject to change before it launches on April 1, 2021. With the recent patch note information and response on Reddit, Square Enix seems to be embracing transparency so players can expect more patch details in the weeks leading up the launch of the full game.
Outriders will release April 1 for PC, PS4, PS5, Stadia, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.
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Source: Square Enix/Reddit