Saturday, 06 March 2021 16:00

10 Best Pegasus Knights In Fire Emblem History | Game Rant

Written by Paul DiSalvo
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Pegasus Knights are one of the most useful and versatile classes in the Fire Emblem franchise. These are the best units in the series.

Since the very first entry in the Fire Emblem series, Pegasus knights have been some of the most mobile units that players have access to. With high movement and the ability to fly, the units can traverse maps with ease, able to fly over any type of terrain save for walls. Pegasus knights are often available early into a game, with high resistance but somewhat middling offense and physical defense.

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As a staple of the series, we've seen many pegasus knights of varying quality, with some being some of the most useful units in their respective games and others often getting sent straight to the bench, today we're going to examine which pegasus knights are the best!

10 Ingrid

A student of the Blue Lions house in Fire Emblem: Three Houses, Ingrid is one of the few units in the game that is frequently considered by players to be better if she is recruited into another house. This is because Ingrid's low strength growth rate can let Ingrid end up with exceptionally low damage output. However, if she's recruited into another house, she will join as a pegasus knight with a set strength stat based on her level.

As a unit, Ingrid has solid potential, having access to the crest of Daphnel, access to the relic Lúin, and the Lady Knight skill that improves her damage output when using gambits.

9 Farina

While Farina doesn't have nearly as much availability as the other entries on this list, the Hector Mode exclusive character from The Blazing Blade brings something uncommon to the class to the table: offense.

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With a 50% strength growth rate alongside a 45% growth rate in speed, Farina can deal massive sums of damage that a player would expect from a wyvern rider. Unfortunately, she can only be recruited by paying her 20,000 gold, she's well worth the investment as one of the best flying units in the game.

8 Florina

Florina is the perfect example of a solid early game pegasus knight. Available early into each route of Fire Emblem: The Blazing Blade, Florina is the perfect unit to use for rescue-dropping, and can do so throughout most of the game due to her great availability. The primary drawback of Florina is her survivability, as she is among the most fragile units in the entire game when it comes to physical defense.

7 Vanessa

Vanessa is a stellar unit from Fire Emblem: The Sacred Stones that is exactly what a player would want out of an early-game pegasus knight. With phenomenal availability, Vanessa excels at allowing the player to quickly clear maps by subverting terrain and bringing other key units to the front lines with rescue-drop strategies.

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Due to the split promotion system of The Sacred Stones, Vanessa can even offset her poor defense by promoting into a wyvern knight, a class that raises a unit's durability upon promotion.

6 Hinoka

Appearing in both Fire Emblem Fates: Birthright and Fire Emblem Fates: Revelation, Hinoka is one of the nobles of Hoshido. WIth solid bases and availability, Hinoka joins with both darting blow and rallying cry, Hinoka can hit quickly and allow one's other units to deal more damage. Additionally, Hinoka has some of the best growth rates of any unit on this list with high growths in strength, skill, and speed.

5 Elincia

While Elincia isn't a traditional Pegasus Knight, appearing as her own special class in the Princess Crimea and Queen classes in Path of Radiance and Radiant Dawn respectively. As each of these classes ride a pegasus and Elincia has similar stats to a character of the class, she is being allowed on this list.

The main thing that sets Elincia apart from many of the other entries on this list is the fact that she not only can use staves but has a high staff rank in both games, allowing her to use many o the best staves in the game such as physic without any trouble.

4 Marcia

While units like Florina and Vanessa provide the player with an early flier that can be used for rescue-dropping, Marcia in Path of Radiance outclasses these units by toting the same utility alongside much more offensively oriented growth rates. This means that if given experience (an easy feat thanks to the game's base XP system), Marcia can quickly becoming a force to be reckoned with, rescue dropping when needed, taking side objectives, and making use of the game's improved version of Canto. It should be no surprise that speedruns of Path of Radiance are all built around getting the most out of Marcia.

3 Palla And Catria

Appearing in the first three Fire Emblem games as well as each of their respective remakes, Palla and Catria are quite useful units in each game they appear in. No matter the game, Palla and Catria each always join a player's army with solid base stats that allow them to immediately contribute to combat meaningfully.

2 Tanith

While available in both Path of Radiance and Radiant Dawn, Tanith truly excels in the former, serving as one of the best fliers in the game while toting incredible character exclusive utility. A pre-promoted Falcon Knight with solid base stats and a notable A rank in swords, the main appeal of Tanith is her Reinforce ability. This allows Tanith to summon up to six allied units each chapter, creating four pegasus knights and two falcon knights. While they can't be directly controlled, these units may be directed and sent to certain objectives, providing an insane amount of versatility.

1 Caeda

Caeda is easily one of the strongest units in Fire Emblem's history let alone one of the strongest pegasus knights. Available from the word go in Shadow Dragon, Caeda has access to a stellar personal weapon in her wing spear. This weapon allows Caeda to deal significantly more damage to both mounted units and armored units, allowing her to make easy work of the hordes of enemy cavaliers found in Shadow Dragon, all whilst Caeda already has incredible mobility.

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