Each new chapter of Dead by Daylight introduces a cruel new killer, alongside a new survivor clinging on to what life they have left. Chapter 19: All-Kill features a homicidal K-Pop star and his old producer that would do anything for her own goals.
This upcoming chapter is possibly the most colorful of any Dead by Daylight update in the past, but the new killer will definitely make sure that plenty of red will still be spread around. With the story of killer and survivor being woven together for the first time outside of third-party chapters, the trials between these two will become far more personal.
While the chapter has not been released as DLC in the main game, both the new killer and survivor are playable in the Dead by Daylight PTB. There, players can read up on their lore, perks, and gameplay.
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The newest Dead by Daylight survivor is Yun-Jin Lee, a Korean music producer before being pulled into the realm of the Entity. She puts her own well-being over that of others' which is reflected in her perks that benefit from the suffering of other survivors.
Yun-Jin's early life was surrounded by loss. Her parents were in heavy debt, resulting in everything they owned being taken away. She would spend her childhood being her younger sister's caretaker while their parents would work day and night to make ends meet.
In an attempt to improve her life, she auditioned as an idol trainee with Mightee One Entertainment. While she was rejected for this role, she was able to get an unpaid internship with the company. There she made multiple hits for the studio with nothing in return. Yun-Jin, however, began to appear more flashy and put her artist name in the songs, which gained recognition from listeners. This resulted in her becoming the producer for NO SPIN, a failing boy band.
Yun-Jin had a plan to revive NO SPIN and did so by bringing in fresh talent by the name of Ji-Woon Hak. With both of them, NO SPIN began to become a great success. This success led to Yun-Jin being able to partake in high fashion and the world's elite.
NO SPIN however eventually would meet its end after a fire that claimed the lives of all members except Ji-Woon Hak. In order to prevent both of them from falling out of the business, Yun-Jin pushed Ji-Woon to create songs about the loss under a new stage name: The Trickster.
Once again, the two were experiencing fame and wealth, but Yun-Jin began to notice murder cases that seemed connected to both Ji-Woon's song content and his tour dates. At first, she thought that it was due to an unhinged fan inspired by the Trickster's songs, but soon discovered that the screams of the victims were in Ji-Woon's tracks in secret. Everything made sense for him to be the killer. Despite knowing the truth behind Ji-Woon's nature, Yun-Jin did nothing about it. She knew that she would be ruined if he were to be discovered, so she instead chose to believe everything was a coincidence.
Yun-Jin's choice came at the price of more victims and the last show of Ji-Woon. During this private performance, Ji-Woon gassed every person in the audience, including Yun-Jin. When she woke up, she saw Ji-Woon butchering everyone with her left as his sole audience.
With revenge in her heart, Yun-Jin was taken into the realm of the Entity where she would have to face Ji-Woon and other killers in the various trials ahead.
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The newest killer to enter the fog is Ji-Woon Hak, better known by his stage name and killer name "The Trickster." He relishes the attention that others give him, both on the stage and those he has picked as his victims.
Ji-Woon Hak was always someone who craved attention. As a child he would use his throwing knife skills at his family's restaurant to attract business from tourists. The extra money this earned for his family went toward singing and dancing lessons for Ji-Woon in order to help him reach further fame.
After participating in multiple talent shows, Ji-Woon was recruited by producer Yun-Jin Lee for idol training. He worked hard at this and was eventually picked to join the failing band NO SPIN. While his enthusiasm helped the band reach brand new heights, things began to change for Ji-Woon. As the performer looked at his fans, he began to dislike how attention was split between each member of NO SPIN. He wouldn't vocalize this disdain, but everything came to a head when a fire resulted in his bandmates being trapped in the building's control room behind fallen speakers.
Ji-Woon initially went to help his colleagues, but he realized how much he liked how the desperate cries of NO SPIN for help sounded. He left them all to die, enjoying their last fear-filled screams. The fire would result in Ji-Woon being seen as a tragic survivor by the media, with Yun-Jin helping him along. She would additionally help Ji-Woon change into a solo artist known as The Trickster, who would perform much darker songs. This would however influence Ji-Woon to look for more victims to provide those desperate screams once again.
His victims wouldn't go peacefully, with Ji-Woon doing things such as live dissections, cutting out their eyes, and removing their teeth. Ji-Woon would additionally record their screams for his music and leave little clues to his identity in the crime scenes for the police to find. The more he killed, however, the darker his music would become. This would eventually reflect his sales, resulting in him being forced to give up a large amount of creative control in his work.
As revenge for taking away his control, Ji-Woon planned his final concept for the executives of his company. He drugged them all with nitrous oxide gas before setting up Yun-Jin to be his lone audience member. Ji-Woon then mutilated them all alive on stage, relishing in the sounds of their screams. The sheer amount of bloodlust drew in the Entity and the fog. The fog would envelop both Ji-Woon and Yun-Jin and take them to the Entity's realm.
Dead by Daylight is available now on PC, PS4, PS5, Stadia, Switch, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X.