Last month, Bravely Default II, came out. It is the third entry in the Bravely video game series and follows the original game Bravely Default as well as its direct sequel Bravely Second: End Layer. There is a whole new story, continent, and cast of unique characters.
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The game takes place in the continent of Excillant and follows four main characters: Seth, Gloria, Elvis...and Adelle. She is introduced to the player as a mere mercenary but she winds up as one of the four heroes of light. When it comes to Adelle, there is more than meets the eye.
10 Adelle Is From Mag Mell

Mag Mell is home to the Fairies. It is also the original place where the asterisks lied. A long time ago, the Fairies invited a woman into their sanctuary. She wound up consuming forbidden knowledge that the Fairies were guarding and became the Night's Nexus. Following that, the Fairies hid from the world.
Another thing that Mag Mell is is the home of Adelle, as well as her sister Edna.
9 Adelle Has a Sister

The primary reason Adelle left her home and set out on a quest was to pursue her sister, Edna. She stole the asterisks as part of her dastardly plan to make the crystals completely powerless and resurrect the Night's Nexus. Her motivation stems from her hatred of humanity for the many wars they fought trying to gain control over the crystals.
8 Adelle Wears Old Shoes

At the start of their journey, when Elvis and Adelle met, he bought her a pair of shoes. By the time Elvis, Adelle, Seth, and Gloria reach Savalon though, these shoes are completely falling apart.
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But Adelle does not want a new pair of shoes. She cherishes the ones Elvis bought her too much to replace them. Instead, Adelle has the same old pair of shoes she has worn since the beginning of her journey repaired.
7 Adelle Is Not Human

While it may seem like Adelle is just a human, she is actually a fairy.
When Seth, Adelle, Elvis, and Gloria reach Rimedhal, Adelle is forced to show everyone who she actually or risk losing Martha to execution. Upon changing into her true form, Adelle soars down into the ravine and flies Martha out to safety.
Another time Adelle changes into her fairy form is when confronting Edna, her sister. She flies alongside Seth, Elvis, and Gloria as they take cover and escape after the Wind Crystal starts going berserk.
6 Adelle Looks Fantastic

In her default (Freelancer) outfit, Adelle wears a blue crop top with white capri pants and sandals as well as a sword strapped on her back. She is young-looking and has short white hair up in a ponytail.
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When in fairy form, Adelle's ears are pointed, her hair is loose (out of the ponytail) and she rocks a pair of blue wings sprinkled in stardust. Adelle also wears white fur as a fairy, and her clothes have a tint of light green.
5 Adelle Crushes On Elvis

Although she calls Elvis "old man," Adelle has feelings for him. At first, their relationship is light and they joke around often. She does this with Seth and Gloria too. But things change, and despite Adelle's carefree attitude, her feelings for Elvis evolve throughout the journey.
4 Adelle Is A Monk

In the demo for the game, released back in December 2020, Adelle is featured as a Monk. Also, at the end of the prologue, she is featured in a vignette with the Monk asterisk.
That being said, Adelle best shines throughout the game as a Vanguard/Swordmaster. This is because she has high attack, defense, and HP. Enemies will go after her often and she will be able to take many hits and even counterattack back at them.
Of course, like Seth, Elvis, and Gloria, Adelle can change into any job.
3 Adelle Gets Left Behind

Towards the end of the game, the party reaches Mag Mell and Adelle gets them past the gate and into the portal leading to the village. They meet with Lady Esmeralda and finally seal off the Night's Nexus. Unfortunately for Adelle, this came with a price.
While sealing away the Night's Nexus, Lady Esmeralda throws the Fairies in as well by freezing time. Although Adelle was not included with the rest of her race, she decides not to escape with Elvis like the player is lead to believe. Instead, she remains with the Fairies behind the barrier (despite Elvis begging her to leave with him, Seth, and Gloria).
2 Adelle Gets Freed

If the player manages to achieve the true ending, Adelle is freed.
Through restoring Seth's Bravebearer asterisk, it is revealed that the Night's Nexus may actually be completely destroyed rather than just sealed. This is done by destroying Elvis's book in the Isle of Nothingness. Finally, the party can defeat the Night's Nexus for good and free Adelle.
1 Adelle Is Voiced By Samantha Dakin

Bravely Default 2's cast is filled with amazing voice actors. Some are more well known than others, and Adelle's voice is worth focusing on. The voice actor for Adelle is Samantha Dakin, who is most notably known for Chimerica (2019), Outlander (2014), and Hyde Park on Hudson (2012).
NEXT: Bravely Default 2: The 10 Biggest Fixes The Game Needs