Sunday, 07 March 2021 00:30

10 Mistakes Everyone Makes While Playing Persona 5 Strikers

Written by Tai Hofmann
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Persona 5 Strikers is a pretty straightforward game. But there are some mistakes every player makes when playing through it.

Persona 5 Strikers is the best sequel fans could have hoped for. Serving as an excellent continuation of the Persona 5 Story, Joker, and the Phantom Thieves return for one last surprise. Set six months after Persona 5, Joker and the Phantom Thieves reconvene for a road trip around Japan. Hearts have been changing en masse, and the team must clear their names once more.

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With a new story and combat system for players to enjoy, there's plenty to learn in this sensational sequel. The game's combat is far different from the base game's turn-based tactics. Because of this, players are sure to make a few mistakes when acclimating to the game's unique hack and slash combat.

10 Button Mashing During Battles

Instead of turn-based attacks, players will use button prompts to enact their moves. Spamming buttons without any plan may be tempting, but it's far less fruitful than using the game's combos. Several combos also provide boons in battle, such as casting magic without using SP. It's important to learn each character's combo list while playing, using them interchangeably to deal with foes.

9 Ignoring Requests

After Joker makes it to the game's second Jail, he'll gain access to requests. These side objectives ask Joker to complete small missions in the real world and the Metaverse for rewards. Some of these rewards give items, while others give experience and bolster BOND levels. It's always important to check and see what requests are available. Try not to let them pile up either, as you can only hold several of these tasks at once.

8 Trying To Fight Dire Shadows Early On

Each dungeon has a powerful enemy lurking within known as a Dire Shadow. These enemies are far higher levels than the other adversaries within the Jails. Players may feel obligated to take them down instantly, so they don't miss out on rewards. This is the last thing the Phantom Thieves should do.

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Unlike the palaces, Joker and his team can return to the Jails when they've leveled up. Return to the RV and select which Jail you'd like to visit. Once there, head to the Dire Shadow's predetermined location. They won't swap spawn points, and players can return to beat them whenever they're ready.

7 Not Switching Party Members

In Persona 5 Strikers, players can control each member of the Phantom Thieves individually. While Joker cannot leave the party, Players can control each of his three companions. Ensure each member's moves and unlock each of their Master Arts to boost their effectiveness in battle. Having teammates to help out with enemy weaknesses will make progression through the Jails far easier.

6 Staying In The Metaverse With Low SP

In the original Persona 5, returning to the real world means that a day passes in-game. Players would have to squeeze every ounce of SP from their team before heading back for fear of wasting time. This is not the case in Persona 5 Strikers. There are no repercussions for returning to the real world when Joker and the Phantom Thieves are low on SP. They can instantly return to the Jail on the same day after returning for a quick rest session. Make sure to head back when the team is drained.

5 Forgetting To Use The Environment

One of the most effective ways to attack enemies in groups is by using various items in the area. Joker and his team can spin on light poles, destroy cars, and smash elemental deposits on the field.

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All they have to do is hop to the interactable area, pressing the button prompt to use a unique attack that entraps several surrounding enemies. It's a great way to thin out the herds of shadows when players are overwhelmed.

4 Neglecting Bond Abilities

Each time Joker upgrades his BOND rank, he'll gain several points that the team can use to unlock BOND Skills. These abilities have several levels of upgrades with effects that range from stat increases to improved Baton Passes. It's important to keep updating these buffs consistently to improve combat effectiveness. Try to find the skills that help overcome shortcomings in battle.

3 Missing Out On Sophia's Shop

In Persona 5 Strikers, the shop is far more accessible. While there are several outside sources that people can go to get items and accessories, Sophia's Shop houses the best purchases. She's got weapons, protectors, and items galore. It's the best place to get reliable gear, so head into the shop whenever you enter the RV before entering a Jail.

2 Confronting Enemies Without Ambushing

Players may have far more freedom when traversing the Jails than in the linear palaces, but enemies lie in wait all over. If the Phantom Thieves arent' careful, they'll end up ambushed. This leads to heightened alerts around the palace and a stunned team at the beginning of a fight. Try to make use of cover, only going out in the open when there aren't enemies out in the open. Getting ambushes often stuns enemies and gives the team a chance to perform an All-Out Attack.

1 Forgetting To Use Items In Battle

Battles in Persona 5 Scramble are fast-paced, and the tide can turn in an instant. One bad move can lead to a party member being KO'ed for the duration of the fight. A great way to avoid this is to use items as needed in a fight. Pressing the Start Button allows players to view their item menu, freezing the fight. Joker can choose the items he needs to keep everyone healed and buffed for battle. Be sure to take advantage of the ability to pause to heal and get a handle on the situation. Learning when to pause and use items is integral to surviving in tougher Jail battles. With several of Sophia's items in tow, Joker will have all he needs to succeed.

Next: 10 Nintendo Switch Games To Play If You Loved Persona 5 Strikers

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